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Everything posted by VladimirMangos

  1. global cooldown start from cast start, yes Maybe with normal cooldown also problem description correct. But this will need rewrite code
  2. maybe you original way still right, ut then spell bonuses must be set to 0 for casted spell and calculated maybe before call directly... not sure...
  3. but this call also meaning that spell power will used from target data instead caster... In normal way related code work in all version in similar way: caster get always related threat as source of heal I think threat has been bliz bug. But if this considered importan fucntionality for < 3.x maybe most clear place check into threat distribution code in Spell.
  4. Good chance that it fixed now in [11497] [s1233] [z1686]
  5. 68066 look like (not listed at wowhead but exist in spell.dbc) [added]Hmm, no, this is cleary warrior only buff
  6. Spell support implemented in [11494]. I don'tknow where you get ranged errors, because in clean mangos sources related spelleffect support missing in general before above commit.
  7. at test in logs, so confirmed
  8. i check in debug, percent applied to final bonus damage (all except flat damage from spell effect itself stored in spell data basepoints).
  9. as i remember correct checks added long time ago
  10. Hmm, if (Unit* pCaster = GetCaster() As i understand main aura applied to caster itself do main aura target == caster In like case better use Aura::GetTarget that always exist. If we search only player (global objects) so better use for speed Cell::VisitWorldObjects Hmm, many bosses have AoE player only targeting spells or effects and maybe good have player list searcher also often need find players around with aura so also good add checker. I will add patch soon with described changes. [added]In [11472] with described changes.
  11. Please, _always_ include in patches file names header.
  12. Something like (maybe wrong in exactly indexes) SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(`data`, ' ', 4 + 1), ' ', -1)
  13. clearUnitState(UNIT_STAT_FLEEING|UNIT_STAT_FLEEING_MOVE); called in FleeingMovementGenerator<T>::Finalize and must be called only in FleeingMovementGenerator. if flags not removed then movegen not removed by some reson then.
  14. not use SD2 with cmake independent. Read sd2 docs and integrate SD2 cmake build in to mangos build. Only way for SD2 cmake-using build
  15. I think more correct way add somewhere to immunity special case. then target wil ignored for all effects. This also better because exist similar spell and checks will be in same place. Alt. patch : https://gist.github.com/961956 Not tested.
  16. I not see reason have array when each case have own if-else code, so i will merge it to code at adding. I not yet check patch work but expect that also missing spell_bonus data for avoid use by item casts caster spell power bonus. [added] in [11452] with added spell_bonus data. Thank you
  17. In [11451]. Thank you 35% health req. implemented early in code.
  18. I check and it work correclty for poisoned (deadly poison)/non-poisoned cases. Also i in debug confirm for self that weeapon damage also used propertly. If you not see %20 bonus the provide spell id of used poison spell for check.
  19. // Shadowflame and Corruption // Shadowflame and Unstable Affliction Tested and work without patch. Other 2 cases added in [11450]. Thank you
  20. Yes, what michalpolko say. Old patch exist at forum from nos4r2zod. But not finish for point when can replace existed way.
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