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Bug Comments posted by Foereaper

  1. IsTappedBy does not, however the IsXPOrHonor thing does. That being said, it needs another change in that case, it shouldn't check if either type or xp check, it should check all three things. Will update it again later.

    I will have to do some work related stuff today as well, hopefully someone could debug the skinning issue for me at least, so I would know where it stops when in a group :)

  2. After testing even more, I'm not able to reproduce the crash with any other tameable mob, even when I use the same spell data id.. This only seems to happen with special case mobs like Barnabus and other rare mobs. What's even more weird is after I removed the spell and tamed him, he would be longer respawn, even though the record is still in the creature table.

    Will need some assistance looking into this as I'm at my wits end.. Have checked everything up and down several times, and can't for the life of me figure this one out.

  3. Where is this pet found?


    Found it. This is really odd. I spawned a copy of the creature, taming went perfectly fine. Seems Barnabus and several other creatures are spawned on server reload instead of being a static entry in the database? Could possibly have something to do with it, as I see no specific scripts attached to him.

    Edit 2:

    Removed [COLOR=#000000]5961 from the PetSpellDataId column in Creature_template and taming worked perfectly fine. What is this table specifically used for?

    Edit 3:

    Alright so, the PetSpellDataId points to CreatureSpellData.dbc, which contains the specific spells the creature should have upon taming. [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]5961 points to "Bite" - [/COLOR]17259. Why this crashes I still do not know. Will need further testing.

  4. I highly doubt it is related to any recent updates, I'm leaning more towards the pet system as a whole being unstable.. I had the exact same crash with the said pet in Loch Modan. It happened twice, then when I tried a third time it didn't crash anymore. For the hell of it, would you mind disabling the pets scripts (if not in SD2, remove the AI name/spell ID's) from the pet in the database and try again?

  5. Just built and ran ACE 6.3.0 on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and everything seems to be working as intended. Threading starts as it should, core fires up and everything's all dandy. Will be running for a while to test, however as far as I can see, 6.3.0 should be working perfectly fine on this dist at least.

    That being said, if 6.3.0 does not work on a distro, you can always use external ACE just like normal. This way we can start fixing bugs that happen with latter ACE versions, (ie. DB threading issue) and offer backwards compatibility for those not wanting to use bleeding edge, in this case external.

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