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Bug Comments posted by Foereaper

  1. Alright, quick run down :)

    - Every single model that uses a sound has a sound entry in CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc (3rd column)
    - This integer points to an entry in CreatureSoundData.dbc
    - If an entry is not present, then a creature did not have sound data tied to the model at the time. Sound data includes jump sound, /space etc.

    1.12.1 using enGB:

    Display ID: [COLOR=#545454][FONT=arial]10426 - Winterspring Frostsaber Mount


    This model does NOT contain any sound data (3rd column). Thus it's safe to assume the sounds for the Winterspring mount was added at a later date.


  2. Anything stored within the client itself (Tooltips, sound information, spell animations) etc. is handled by the client itself. Thus if a tooltip is wrong, it is either an issue within the respective client side DBC file or your cache. That doesn't mean it's just you, but it's an issue with all clients on that version. If a tooltip at 1.12.1 is wrong for you, then it would also have been wrong back in the days on the same client version :) Though, some things like tooltips may vary between the different regions and platforms.

  3. After testing this seems to be something overwriting eConfigInt32Values (World.h) at index 1. This is the index for CONFIG_INT32_QUEST_LOW_LEVEL_HIDE_DIFF. If you manually change the index of CONFIG_INT32_QUEST_LOW_LEVEL_HIDE_DIFF to 2, everything works as it should. Still looking into what, and why, index 1 is overwritten.

    Renamed issue to be more descriptive, as the issue is broader than first expected.

  4. If a quest is considered too low level for your character (if it will have a gray color in your log), it will be much less visible. By default, an exclamation point will not appear above the quest giver's head, nor will one appear on the minimap without an extra step (see below). Since Patch 2.3, the quest title in the quest giver's talk window will also be tagged "(Low Level)".

    Before Patch 3.0.2, a low-level quest could be discovered only by mousing over (or interacting with) its quest giver. Since 3.0.2, selecting "Low Level Quests" on the minimap radar will display exclamation points for every available quest, including those considered "low level". This also causes a dull exclamation point to appear over NPCs offering low-level quests.

    This means, if the quest is still > gray in your quest log, it should show as yellow above the NPC's head. Not necessarily a core issue, it could also be an issue with the "quest level" not being consistent with the actual quest level requirement.

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