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Bug Comments posted by Talendrys

  1. [quote=madmax]Oh really? We should really make these things give an error that tells you what to use instead of 0x40 which i have no idea lol.[/quote]

    By the way, 0x40 is 64 (recommended, green).

    While 40 is the combination of 32 + 8 (New players + Unknown flag) but I think that new players flag is a blue recommended.

    And I would not say that the core needs to tell you to put something it doesn't know... however, you could read the documentation : [url]https://getmangos.eu/wiki/Reference%20Information/DB/realm/realmlist.md#realmflags[/url]


  2. I would suggest to implement JaNGOS Database structure for the realmlist table. In JaNGOS, you set 0 or 1 to flags instead of an integer which is then interpreted as an hexadecimal value for the game.

    Several other fields have exactly the same issue in the MaNGOS database: playerBytes, item_data, ...

    According to myself (and maybe others), it is actually a stupid idea to store an integer which has several flag meaning into the database (Especially whenever you can combine them).


    `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'ID of the realm.',
    `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Name of the realm.',
    `address` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' COMMENT 'Address of the realm, may be a name of an ip.',
    `port` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '8085' COMMENT 'Listen port of the realm.',
    `fk_realmtype` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Foreign key to the Realm Type.',
    `fk_timezone` int(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Foreign key to the timezone.',
    `population` float NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Population calculated from (playerCount / maxPlayerCount * 2)',
    `maxPlayers` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1000' COMMENT 'The maximum number of players allowed on this realm.',
    `countPlayers` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'The number of players actually created on this realm.',
    [COLOR="#FF0000"][B] `invalid` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Means that this realm is invalid and must not be shown to the client.',
    `offline` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Means that this realm is offline.',
    `showversion` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Means that the version of this realm must be shown to the client.',
    `newplayers` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Means that only the new players may join this realm.',
    `recommended` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Display the recommended option in the client.',[/B][/COLOR]
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    KEY `fk_realm_type_idx` (`fk_realmtype`),
    KEY `fk_realm_timezone_idx` (`fk_timezone`),
    CONSTRAINT `fk_realm_timezone` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_timezone`) REFERENCES `realmtimezone` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION,
    CONSTRAINT `fk_realm_type` FOREIGN KEY (`fk_realmtype`) REFERENCES `realmtype` (`id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION

    Software code:
    * This method is converting the realm flags into a single integer.
    * @param r The realm for which the flags needs to be converted.
    * @return The integer value corresponding to the flags.
    private int convertFlagsToInt(Realm r) {
    int flags = 0;
    flags+=(r.isInvalid() ? 1 : 0);
    flags+=(r.isOffline() ? 2 : 0);
    flags+=(r.isShowversion() ? 4 : 0);
    // flags+=(0*8); // Unknown flag
    // flags+=(0*16); // Unknown flag
    flags+=(r.isNewplayers() ? 32 : 0);
    flags+=(r.isRecommended() ? 64 : 0);
    // flags+=(0*128); // unknown flag

    return flags;

  3. Although it will certainly fix the issue, I don't think this is a good idea. You will only hack-fix the code by doing this everywhere.

    If you want to fix it properly, you need to figure out the complete DB-connection strategy of Mangos and, if there's none, put one in place.

    I'm convinced that with a simple singleton-pattern, you can achieve it efficiently.

  4. All the world process uses a DB connection. I can also tell you that SQL queries are sometimes queued and flushed when the server has time.

    It's a common practice to keep a pool of connections open, this is because establishing a connection is CPU-consuming. Doing what you suggest is a bad idea as-is. On the other side, identifying the component that doesn't re-use the connection it has open to see whether it doesn't lack a proper pooling mechanism makes more sense.

    By the way, if you run the world, connections will be made but if nobody is playing on it, the problem does not occur nether because you never reach the time-out.

    Another idea is to handle properly a DB-side timeout.

  5. UPDATE creature_template, creature_template_classlevelstats SET PowerMultiplier = MinLevelMana/BaseMana
    WHERE creature_template_classlevelstats.Level = MinLevel and BaseMana != 0;

    UPDATE creature_template, creature_template_classlevelstats SET HealthMultiplier = MinLevelHealth/BaseHealthExp0
    WHERE creature_template_classlevelstats.Level = MinLevel;

    It was something like this for health/mana.

  6. Don't rewrite the wheel... This has been already analyzed and the issue was because everything to make calculation about monster hp/mana is ready within the DB but not populated (so basically they all have the same multiplier).

    Just update your DB with the correct SQL query and that will be solved. (Unfortunately, I don't remind it by heart... maybe someone can find it back since I posted it on Skype channel).

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