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Everything posted by lillecarl

  1. Not even if i add my own hooks to it?
  2. Hello, i would love to get some help with "unresolved externals" and i don't know anything about what it is and how to solve it. Anyways i have this unresolved externals in a script i have written 4>sc_default.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: __thiscall Log::Log(void)" (??0Log@@AAE@XZ) referenced in function "public: static class Log * __cdecl MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class Log>::Create(void)" (?Create@?$OperatorNew@VLog@@@MaNGOS@@SAPAVLog@@XZ) 4>sc_default.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: static bool MaNGOS::Singleton<class Log,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class Log>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class Log>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class Log> >::si_destroyed" (?si_destroyed@?$Singleton@VLog@@V?$SingleThreaded@VLog@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VLog@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VLog@@@3@@MaNGOS@@0_NA) referenced in function "private: static void __cdecl MaNGOS::Singleton<class Log,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class Log>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class Log>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class Log> >::DestroySingleton(void)" (?DestroySingleton@?$Singleton@VLog@@V?$SingleThreaded@VLog@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VLog@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VLog@@@3@@MaNGOS@@CAXXZ) 4>sc_default.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "private: static class Log * MaNGOS::Singleton<class Log,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class Log>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class Log>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class Log> >::si_instance" (?si_instance@?$Singleton@VLog@@V?$SingleThreaded@VLog@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VLog@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VLog@@@3@@MaNGOS@@0PAVLog@@A) referenced in function "private: static void __cdecl MaNGOS::Singleton<class Log,class MaNGOS::SingleThreaded<class Log>,class MaNGOS::OperatorNew<class Log>,class MaNGOS::ObjectLifeTime<class Log> >::DestroySingleton(void)" (?DestroySingleton@?$Singleton@VLog@@V?$SingleThreaded@VLog@@@MaNGOS@@V?$OperatorNew@VLog@@@3@V?$ObjectLifeTime@VLog@@@3@@MaNGOS@@CAXXZ) 4>sc_default.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: int __thiscall ReputationMgr::GetReputation(unsigned int)const " (?GetReputation@ReputationMgr@@QBEHI@Z) referenced in function "bool __cdecl OnItemBuy(class Creature *,class Player *,unsigned int)" (?OnItemBuy@@YA_NPAVCreature@@PAVPlayer@@I@Z) 4>sc_default.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl Log::outErrorDb(char const *,...)" (?outErrorDb@Log@@QAAXPBDZZ) referenced in function "bool __cdecl OnItemBuy(class Creature *,class Player *,unsigned int)" (?OnItemBuy@@YA_NPAVCreature@@PAVPlayer@@I@Z) 4>sc_default.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class DatabaseMysql WorldDatabase" (?WorldDatabase@@3VDatabaseMysql@@A) referenced in function "bool __cdecl OnItemBuy(class Creature *,class Player *,unsigned int)" (?OnItemBuy@@YA_NPAVCreature@@PAVPlayer@@I@Z) 4>C:\\Development\\one\\build\\src\\bindings\\universal\\Release\\mangosscript.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 6 unresolved externals http://lillecarl.ath.cx/paste/index.php/view/3769067 This is the script i have, i have just enabled the mangosscript system (src/bindings/universal) and using the sc_default.cpp http://lillecarl.ath.cx/paste/index.php/view/73747737 If you need any more information to solve this problem (and so i can learn how to deal with unresolved externals) just comment PS: The "onitembuy" code is leaking memory and getting segmentation fault but ill take that another time
  3. But hey, is matchmaking per player or per team made?
  4. I think you misunderstood me, i do not want the script library to be in the core, only the scriptloader. Sorry for not being clear enough about that.
  5. This could really be the "thing" that we need It would add much MUCH more flexibility and maybe, easier way of fixing/adding things. Good that someone indeed, but we need someone with a lil bit more skill to do it So i would love if a mangos developer could make a fork or just add it to the master, the only question is, will it work with multiple scripting libraries? Must be possible to solve in some way( maby its even easier, just add SD2's script to the cmake "project" and maby patch in some hooks and there we got SD2 in the core. Also i prefer to "work near the core" since that extends the possibilities ermh..... ALOT - LilleCarl
  6. Yes, but if the system would have been internal it is easier to code imo, since its a part of the core so you can access all classes and so on..... or am i wrong?
  7. If someone just made this on mangos: https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/0cc053ea4d42ce405a915857f75ee00f0f65666b Then i could begin working on my 2.4.3 project again and add more hooks as i feel for it, i could "hook up" the entire cores events i suppose ;P - LilleCarl
  8. Eh, no way to just change the damn name like m_creature->SetNameOrSomethingKewl(owner->GetAwesomeNameString()); Or is that hacky? ;P - LilleCarl
  9. The cool thing about this community is that people really are using those kind of patches and the developers actually fix what they tell them to do IM IN LOVE WITH MANGOS (sorry for going off topic i just wanted to express my feelings)
  10. I think they did not understand that after changing data in the database you must restart the server and then he can log in again and he CAN NOT fly, then he will be standing somewhere, like you said vladmir it is "impossible"
  11. Why do you need to connect trought a proxy, i could upload the sourcecode on filebeam if that would help you, but not a compiled version - LilleCarl
  12. *Raising my hand* DasBlub comes to help LilleCarl asks, where the hell shall i create the file where i want my "event hooks" to be executed (cipherCOM's system) DasBlub is thinking
  13. http://getmangos.eu/wiki/index.php?title=Compile_MaNGOS_On_Linux_Debian_Squeeze#Setting_up_auto_restarter Will work on ubuntu also run sudo apt-get install screen then you just follow the guide
  14. As Lynx3d said: Look in the win/ directory, there are project solutions that is working, no need for CMake on windows YET, there will be at some time when it is finished, but NOT FOR NOW, use the ALREADY EXISTING solution files!
  15. The bin files, probably, the key files is probably another thing, since they have to be sniffed from something using warden already (but this is just what i think and someone might have old packet logs from 2.4.3 so it might be possible), OBS: I'm no expert but that's how i think it is
  16. no, that's when the player deletes the character it can be saved and not deleted instantly (since friends love to delete your characters)
  17. Hello everyone, i were thinking about this one thing when i read the "performance guide" I think there should be a configuration option to delete characters that has not logged in on, lets say 2 months. Also, those guid reordering queries haning around everywhere, there shall be one added to the mangos repo imo, so you know, this one "will" work and lower all char guids - LilleCarl
  18. Still, there is "mpq patches" for the clients around the internet enabling it again but im lazy so ill say, google is your best friend
  19. Hello, eh i dont know who the webmaster is but please add stikked to the website, there is a bug in codeigniter (a part of stikked) but its easily solved like this: http://davidmichaelthompson.com/2009/09/03/fixed-the-uri-you-submitted-has-disallowed-characters-error-codeigniter/ This is stikkeds page: http://code.google.com/p/stikked/ For those who dont know this is a php copy of pastebin, it would be nice to have a mangos stikked and write some kind of application to autopost gdb logs there - LilleCarl
  20. You wrote a guide for Debian and not for Ubuntu, or? and the same misstake at this location: But it´s a very nice wiki article. Can you write a section for autostart and restart? Corrected, will write the autostart/restarter section tomorrow or so so it will be there Thank you anyways for the positive critic EDIT: Wrote the first parts on the restarter setup guide, please test it if you have time. will modify my restarter to be more user friendly sometime EDIT2: The restarter is really user firendly now, its actually the best restarter i have seen Debugging software support comes later - LilleCarl
  21. -.-' you 2 are mean;P no but i meant if its added to the build process so its both compiled and executed automaticly etc...
  22. When mangos is finished with all content, then its time to translate (and that will never happen) Guys really, it should be english output, but maby you could add errorcodes so the russians/germans can read (let them have the annoying part to search after error codes) in my opinion there shall only be one language on earth, and its english ;D (im from sweden lul)
  23. Well the output were no tech info, it were come default message.... anyways, i think git_id shall be added to the build process ;D
  24. Okay, they were there from the begninning, but ill remove them then
  25. Hey everyone, since I'm a debian lover i felt for updating the debian parts on the wiki a bit, but i need some feedback/edits by some other people to make it less personal and perspective, I mean i understand everything I've written but that doesn't mean everyone does Anyways here is the two articles (The first one is just a edit of the debian lenny guide) http://getmangos.eu/wiki/Compile_MaNGOS_On_Linux_Debian_Squeeze http://getmangos.eu/wiki/Updating_For_Debian_Squeeze Thank you in advance -LilleCarl
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