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Everything posted by lillecarl

  1. Make the generator to discard everything over 90 and flag everything between 60 and 90 with "ability angle" or smth like that. I dont really get how the mmaps/pathfinding really works and if its possible to throw in different data into it like that and how the selection between regular and ability angle should work, but im sure you could figure something out
  2. Sorry for asking instead of testing, but do this work with mangos one? I would love to use/test this if it works smooth with mangos one
  3. The maximum walkable is 60 but i think abilities can do more, thats atleast how my retail playing friend (warrior) explained it to me. He said that he can charge up almost everything, like wsg and such.... Might be a retail bug, but who knows really?
  4. The most simple and correct way to do this for battlegrounds is probably to set the needed players to 5 or 10 maby depending on server population, then spawn up bots in the BG (up to 10 maby so players can join still) and if one faction get more pop then another in the bg they should spawn (or despawn) bots so it keeps the balance. I cannot really code this since im not that experienced, but i got the ideas ^^,
  5. Okay Nice nice However this is the source i got it from PseuWoW, an interactive console & GUI client for MaNGOS & other servers https://github.com/fgenesis/pseuwow#readme I misunderstood that
  6. Eh, my english ain that great so i didnt get the complete message, but some pros would be that the cores are pretty similiar, so many parts affect all of the 3 cores cons should be that there could be less structure in the forum if a topic does not have a "Version Tag" or something like that ( [Zero] [One] [Master] ) Because (at least as i see it) the biggest pro with mangos is the community, ive never seen such interest in a WoW project like this, and making it better would be even more awesome (If this is what you mean with "body parts") - LilleCarl
  7. I don't think I do. Did you mean Pseuwow is a mangos manager? Yes or what is it really? it stated somewhere that it was like a mangos manager or smth?
  8. Yes, and people have linked relevent projects. Who said anything about a mangos manager? https://github.com/fgenesis/pseuwow isnt a opensource wow alternative that should connect with mangos to make it playable with other wow clients? , i think you get the point of what i mean
  9. Doesn't warden run on the clients as a application also? otherwise how would it be possible to do memchecks Edit: Sorry if im asking wierd questions, im not home atm
  10. I wonder why do mangos zero have its own forum, wouldn't it be better if we just made separate sections for zero one and master? so everyone is at the same place and can share ideas and help each other as much as possible? (also i think udw is kinda clunky compared to getmangos.eu)
  11. But i dont get how the technical parts work (and im curious) like do faramir have to write his code for both zero one and master? i mean could i do the exact same thing with the one repository? (sorry for asking so much but as i know it its the best way of learning)
  12. I must ask, since recastnavigation still is in active development (as i see it last commit 38 h ago as i post this) how often will you update the recast library? it might also solve navigation bugs in the pathfinding?
  13. Is it possible to make warden get the mac adresses of the client computers? It would give server administrators that do want to ban multiboxing really simple and correct.
  14. Well, the most easy way to do it would be to make it kinda like trinitycore (with hooks) and then add kick-ass many hooks with as many arguments as it is possible to get from that piece of code (im sure you get what i mean) EDIT: I'm on to port over the "script hooks system" to mangos, it would be good if it were added to master, so people could add their own changes without having to suecide with the merging of new commits affecting their modified files i also like having "my own place" for non blizzlike contents, in my opinion you shall not bloat out your core with mods everywhere, it will be much cleaner customizations with script hooks, so xeross tell me how your idea really is , i think i could port over the hooks system on a day or less when i get home to my loved codeblocks - LilleCarl
  15. How you mean with using them in a more generic way? Please explain what you mean
  16. Well, That shouldnt be to hard, it coule be ported from TC2 kinda straight off (i suppose)
  17. I got this message when i start mangosd (one) Network Thread Starting Network Thread Starting But in config i only have one network thread, is this a bug or what is it really? Might be supposed to be like this?
  18. Thats awesome, i dont really get this with how you get mmaps on zero, one and master? Git is just too advanced for me to understand, if someone could give me a hint on how to use all this it would be really useful
  19. I think this guy wants a new wow client not a mangos manager, im not sure tho
  20. So if i get this correct, you will make something like "script hooks" that existed in both ascent and tc2 had/has? or what do you mean you want to do? - LilleCarl
  21. I think the best in the end would be mangos main repo, since everything is clean, well tested, stable etc..... you know what i mean, stuff like mmaps thats ported here and there should instead be in active development (well i think it is but just put focus on making is working) then it will be ported to the main repository of mangos, so main repo = win
  22. lillecarl


    The best would be actively reporting players and more gamemasters, it would make them stop instantly
  23. I think this is in the wrong section (is there even a request section) anyways, it should be easy to port the patches from other emulators, many of them is pretty same in many aspects, but that would require basic c++ knowledge. I will port a few funny when i have set up my development server on mangos one, i will fix chatspy, autobroadcast, irc bot, maby jailing system account vip system etc...... - LilleCarl
  24. i think there should be main focus on mmaps redux, it's the last missing piece to make any emulator fully "blizzlike"
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