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Everything posted by lillecarl

  1. Thanks to you both:) Now i know a bit more about MaNGOS:D
  2. Thank you alot:) but is it possible to add the damage map to the unit class indtead??
  3. **Pressing "Thank You" Button** Really good work, this should make the wiki contributions much much more frequent imo (Might be some baddies aswell but yaya)
  4. I dont think this is a one-man job, i mean just look at mangos, lets say that mangos one and zero aint even close to "done" (blizzlike) and they have been developed for awhile now, with over a million lines of code(with libraries) i dont think its a one-man job... Please contribute to mangos instead )
  5. Hello, i would really like to know what this updatediff is, i have been trying to figure out for like loong time but i never got the answer, so i hope someone may give me a hint atleast
  6. Would there be a possibility to add the healer/damagers points into the struct? and then use it in some kind of loop, the idea is when someone kills someone everyone who have healed the attacker or damaged the victim and is in 50 yds range from the killing blow shall get "currency" in this case gold Anyways thank you alot for helping me out, i will test this later as my girlfriend is joining me later ^^, - LilleCarl
  7. Powered by FluxBB Forum license? Well ill see if i can spare a buck or 2, im kinda oom atm but maby i can help ya a bit EDIT: mangos foundation Reference: mangos-foundation-donation €4.50 EUR HARDCORE DONATING! Everyone with servers doing profit from donations should give a buck or 2 aswell
  8. Hello, well i have picked together a bash script (yes damn its for linux, windows users should go get a linux box ) Basically it does backup all databases the mysql user you run the script under can access (so if you for example just wanna backup char database then only allow the user to access the char database) I think yall can read what it does... so no need for me to explain that rly? Anyways here is the code. #!/bin/bash ### apt-get install mysql-client ncftp ### MySQL Server Login Info ### MUSER="mangos" MPASS="mangos" MHOST="localhost" MYSQL="$(which mysql)" MYSQLDUMP="$(which mysqldump)" BAK="/home/mangos/backup" GZIP="$(which gzip)" ### FTP SERVER Login info ### FTPU="ftpuser" FTPP="ftppass" FTPS="fptsrvr" NOW=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y") [ ! -d $BAK ] && mkdir -p $BAK || /bin/rm -f $BAK/* echo MySQL Database dumping initialized DBS="$($MYSQL -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -p$MPASS -Bse 'show databases')" for db in $DBS do if [ "$db" != "information_schema" ]; then echo Started dumping $db FILE=$BAK/$NOW-$(date +"%T").$db.gz $MYSQLDUMP -u $MUSER -h $MHOST -p$MPASS $db | $GZIP -9 > $FILE echo Finished dumping $db fi done echo Finished dumping, will now begin ftp transfer to $FTPS ncftp -u"$FTPU" -p"$FTPP" $FTPS<<EOF mkdir $NOW cd $NOW lcd $BAK mput * quit EOF echo MySQL database backups finished Packages needed are bash, mysql-client and ncftp PS: I would like to know all people with "big" servers, do you use replications to backup or how do you do it exactly? - LilleCarl
  9. Hello, i would like to write up 2 functions "GetHealers" and "GetDamagers", basically it shall be something like a "unknown ranged array" so it shall basically contain this. Player* player uint32 DamageCount/Healcount Im not sure if its hard to create smth like this but im pretty sure someone can gimme a hint The _array_ shall be cleared on leave combat, and filled each time you are in combat and someone id healing/damaging you This would help me out dang much creating the ultimate pvp system for mah repo (yepsie opensource )
  10. Completley useless is your answer it has nothing to do with my question. I thought this is a learning project and we get some help in this forum. If you have better system post it. For me this system is working the only thing what not working or i dont know how to handel is the reset of streak on logoutrequest. Thing is, the players class gets erased from the memory each time the player logs off, and then you dont have to mess with more then really few variables.... Killstreak is enuf i suppose
  11. This were the most hacky damn system i have seen completley useless imo, rewrite it and add the variables to the player class and your system is solved.
  12. View on tinypic http://i52.tinypic.com/332b383.jpg EDIT: This also disturbs me a bit http://i53.tinypic.com/30mpvn7.jpg
  13. I must say the new look of the forums were really nice, also the "post editor" seems to be improved aswell (Hai mr archlinux layout ) Good work anyways, i think i will discover new features for awhile EDIT: Just found this damn annoying: http://i52.tinypic.com/332b383.jpg[/img] EDIT2: GOSH The wiki had same layout aswell Great job! - LilleCarl
  14. Look, MaNGOS as i see it provide some SQL data, for example this should convert medallions from horde to alliance, and rep, quests etc... and i think MaNGOS should provide that data, else the system is fully broken... So why dont you just submit what you have added in the sql's - LilleCarl
  15. Depens on what your players are doing, if they all are running around in lowleven instances and pulling the entire instance, then jump down somewhere etc... then your server will burn in a second or 2 , but regular use would increase the load pretty much, i would not mmap continents etc... better just mmap the instances/arenas/bg's
  16. So Vladimir you keep your development tools secret?
  17. I would like to know what IDE/Development tools all of you use while doing C++, myself is currently using VC8 (Since I'm using windows on my PC's for now) But on linux i prefer Code::Blocks, it is really nice (i would also want it for windows but im not sure how to get the compiling to work with MinGW etc...) Ill just write a list. Windows: VC8 (2009) Notepad++ Git Winmerge Kdiff3 Linux: Code::Blocks gedit nano Git GCC Kdiff3 (I think, dont rly remember) Now its up to you, please share what you are using to develop MaNGOS
  18. Ye, it would be nice to have that in the core, so there is no need to worry about sql updates anymore... But a bit hard 2 do
  19. C:\\Development\\one\\sql\\updates>updates.py File "C:\\Development\\one\\sql\\updates\\updates.py", line 42 print 'ERROR! Could not finish updates!' ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax C:\\Development\\one\\sql\\updates> Using this: http://lillecarl.ath.cx/paste/index.php/view/44130236 And Python 3
  20. Solved this is how it looks atm: case 'u': { _player->TeleportTo(mapid, x, y, z + value, o); } break; case 'd': { _player->TeleportTo(mapid, x, y, z - value, o); } break; case 'f': { float fx = x + cosf(o)*value; float fy = y + sinf(o)*value; _player->TeleportTo(mapid, fx, fy, z, o); } break; case 'b': { float bx = x - cosf(o)*value; float by = y - sinf(o)*value; _player->TeleportTo(mapid, bx, by, z, o); } break; case 'r': { float lx = x + cos(o-(M_PI/2))*value; float ly = y + sin(o-(M_PI/2))*value; _player->TeleportTo(mapid, lx, ly, z, o); } break; case 'l': { float rx = x - cos(o-(M_PI/2))*value; float ry = y - sin(o-(M_PI/2))*value; _player->TeleportTo(mapid, rx, ry, z, o); } break; Next step is how the actual orientation is working, as i see it the max value of the orientation is somewhere around 6,2 and that makes me clueless when i wanna write a command to turn around exaxtly, lets say 30 degrees (is degrees the correct word?) - LilleCarl
  21. It must be better to do the "hacks" as early as possible so it does not need to run more then once (just like you did)
  22. I need some help with math, i'm thinking about to implent a "warp" command to my mangos one (https://bitbucket.org/celtus/oc-patch/src/401a8dcab846/WarpCommand/warpcommand.patch) But i want to add 2 additions to the patch, at the moment you can go forward, backward, up and down. But i would want to add left and right aswell but i dont really know how to do the math for that, i would really appreciate if someone could help me. Here is the forward/backward code' case 'f': { float fx = x + cosf(o)*value; float fy = y + sinf(o)*value; float fz = std::max(warpmap->GetHeight(fx, fy, MAX_HEIGHT), warpmap->GetWaterLevel(fx, fy)); _player->TeleportTo(mapid, fx, fy, fz, o); } break; case 'b': { float bx = x - cosf(o)*value; float by = y - sinf(o)*value; float bz = std::max(warpmap->GetHeight(bx, by, MAX_HEIGHT), warpmap->GetWaterLevel(bx, by)); _player->TeleportTo(mapid, bx, by, bz, o); } break; Thanks in advance - LilleCarl
  23. Sorry for asking but is there no scripting repository for mangos one? like scriptdev...
  24. Really really nice layout imo, mangos should /steal it ;D
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