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Everything posted by michalpolko

  1. I'm very interested in fixing Spell Reflection and will try to find some time for research on this.
  2. Hey folks, I'm finally back with working patch for this talent! First post was updated for latest mangos revision. Testing and comments are welcome
  3. Updated version but with ugly hack Still dunno how this 20yd part should be done https://github.com/przemratajczak/mangos/commit/bd0c71e650d77ac0bf3846a1df97e2c3017ae022
  4. Mangos rev: 10803 What does it fix? SpellAuras such as Intervene - http://wowhead.com/spell=3411, or Grounding Totem Effect - http://wowhead.com/spell=8178 should drop charges when the target is harmed (data from dbc). Right now Intervene does not do this and it is redirecting attacks for it's whole duration (10 sec.) and not only 1 (2 with glyph) attack. NOTE: This patch doesn't completely fix Grounding Totem aura behaviour. When Polymorph is cast on target with Grounding Totem Effect, then the spell is redirected to the totem which is trated as an invalid target for this spell, thus nothing happens, even aura charge isn't dropped. So if You want to fix this problem then there must be something done with checking final target of Polymorph spell and any other of the kind. Patch: http://pastebin.com/zVT8Uabd
  5. Reduced Healing Taken (Mortal Strike, Aimed Shot, Wound Posion) stack and 2+ can almost completely disable a healer in pvp. Mangle and Trauma also stack, so that bleeds deal a lot of damage. Almost all debuffs do stack right now. Debuff stacking is the biggest disbalance in pvp, while buff stacking - pve.
  6. Well, almost all buffs simply stack on mangos so high dps is the natural consequence. I'm rewriting this patch for my core, also added a few exceptions in the hacky part so that even more buffs won't stack. When I finish I'll post the diff. I'm doing this with: http://www.wowwiki.com/Buff#Buffs.2C_debuffs.2C_and_raid_stacking_in_WotLK OK, I rewritten the patch and added a few small things (Demonic Pact now doesn't stack with totems) Core rev. 10610 (with custom patches) http://pastebin.com/i4DW4PeH Basically, all buffs from the wowwiki link above follow stack rules, only Sanctified Retribution and Ferocious Inspiration still stack (dunno why). Debuffs aren't handled in it. I will try to fix them in the future.
  7. Compared to blizzard's servers. 3xbuff biving +10% Attack Power (which is multiplied, not added) instead of only 1 such buff, 2xhaste buff, ahh, I could list so many buffs. 10k dps with gear only from Naxxramas and Obsidian Sanctum. Would this be normal on 3.3.5 with such gear?
  8. Right now I have huge problems on my server because of stacking buffs and debuffs. Players' dps is way too high because of this. I'm going to check this patch and if it won't work on current mangos rev. then I'll try to make it work ;p Big thanks to the author!
  9. Like many (way too many) proc auras. Blizz must have some kind of 2 types of proc auras, one has proc chance in column known about which we already know and one stored in basepoints which is used by them in some very strange way create entries in spell_proc_event for proc chances
  10. Mangos Version: 10610 but it appeared a long time ago I think Custom Patches: not modifying anything with haste as far as I remember SD2 Version: not important Database Name and Version : not important How it DOES work: &Aura::HandleHaste, //138 SPELL_AURA_MOD_HASTE &Aura::HandleModMeleeRangedSpeedPct, //192 SPELL_AURA_HASTE_MELEE but spells: Improved Icy Talons has in Effect0 AreaAura138, which should be modifying _only_ melee haste, and in Effect1 Aura192 which should mod DK's haste _additionally_ (not multiplied, which is some other bug -.-) and Windfury Totem has AreaAura138 which should mod _only_ melee haste. How it SHOULD work: Imho dbc says, that 138 should be SPELL_AURA_MOD_HASTE_MELEE. Bloodlust and Heroism should increase haste for melee, ranged and spellcasting and they have in Effect0 192 (probably for melee and ranged haste) and in Effect1 65 SPELL_AURA_MOD_CASTING_SPEED_NOT_STACK" which is for casting. Also Rogue's Waylay talent: "Your Ambush and Backstab hits have a chance to unbalance a target, increasing the time between their melee and ranged attacks by $51693s1%, and reducing movement speed by $51693s2% for $51693d." and it has Aura 192. That's why I think that 192 should be handled as SPELL_AURA_MOD_HASTE (melee and ranged) renamed to SPELL_AURA_MOD_HASTE_MELEE_RANGED for easier recognition. fix (with fixed SPELL_AURA_* names, some may be from custom patches, dunno): http://pastebin.com/BmcsSv2P
  11. When dual wielding and using some talent, You get healing from both weapon's strike, so x2 total.
  12. Did You use it while dual wielding?
  13. I think I found the issue. It's InhabitType in creature_template. When set to 7 - creature moves like that. I am currently using InhabitType = 3 + adding splineflag SPLINEFLAG_FLYING in sd2 scripts. For DB fixing adding creature_addon also helps.
  14. This happens when looting is changed while someone has already opened loot window. You must close it and open again in order to loot it properly. Confirmed, don't know what's the cause of this. Haven't heard about it.
  15. I tested this: http://paste2.org/p/845075 patch some time ago and as far as I remember it was pretty good. Maybe some more exceptional cases should be added but generally, this works far better than current implementation in the core.
  16. Yeah, I know but after a few hours of working with this spell I endend up with that manual removing hack :<
  17. I developed it into something like this: https://github.com/przemratajczak/mangos/commit/385102803ce138661f6bec3cb96e8ac45c448155 this still needs fixing the cooldown, I wrote a temporary messy code just to make it work somehow.
  18. I didn't include this in this video but checked it on 3.3.5 and there was rage from absorbeed damage taken and it is also written in patch notes.
  19. I have the same problem on my server, auras proc from all positive spells. Does anyone have solution for this?
  20. This should have ppm set in spell_proc_event. I fixed it like this on my server: https://github.com/przemratajczak/mangos/commit/e85dae5e184a1d387667dfd5f2c7ed6ba2e18036 based on: http://www.wowwiki.com/Killing_Machine
  21. Hi, When scripting Obsidian Sanctum and Eye of Eternity I found an annoying problem, dragons teleport from point to point visually (cant be hit until really reach its destination) instead of normal moving. When mob enters evade mode and gets aggro'd again - it moves ok, but if I lose it from my sight and come back to it - it gets bugged again. I tried cleaning everything in creature_addon to make them at least walk instead of flying but it doesn't help. Does anyone know why does it look like that? Dunno if this is related to creature's info in DB or something in the core.
  22. Recently I've been trying some things in aura update to prevent stacking (mostly area auras from talents and totems). Imho there are two ways of dealing with it. In abstract: in every aura update check if there are other buffs of this type, and if there are weaker ones then somehow freeze them (icon should be seen but have no effect) or do this when an aura applies/fades (more optimal I think).
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