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Everything posted by michalpolko

  1. Oh, so I'm not the only one. I have the same crashes but on unix. ~100 online players and crashing like that every 5 minutes. Assertions fails on MotionMaster::Clear() as far as I remember or somethere further in code after Updating MotionMaster. Always Pet::Update() in each crashdump.
  2. Tooltip is not always telling everything on spells mechanics, it is no argument. Patch notes said that periodic crits should proc, so they should proc.
  3. Procs from periodic dmg and heal on crits and on normal heal or dmg crits?
  4. In sql part of the patch there is proc_ex = 0x0040002 which is periodic_positive and criticals. So try some combinations with proc flags, maybe You will find the proper flags on Your own
  5. http://www.wowwiki.com/Honor_Among_Thieves
  6. You mean that HoT ticks that crit do proc HaT and add combo point and they shouldn't?
  7. more of these: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=60430 this currently does not set health to any other value, only max is changed.
  8. Only knockback of Thunderstorm is reflected, dmg is deflected, something like that ;P
  9. this solves problem for only 1 spell, but there are more such spells, that says that this solution is wrong. maybe: spell with attribute for reflecting = reflect spell AoE spell with attribute for reflecting = deflect spell?
  10. Revision: 11 739 Custom patches: mangosR2/przemratajczak fork, problem exists on clean mangos HOW IT WORKS NOW: Shield Block Value pct mods are multiplied by each other. HOW IT SHOULD WORK: Shield Block Value pct mods should be additive always, all pct mods for this one particular "stat". A lot of research about this was done by many ppl, many proves etc. Proposition of fix: https://github.com/mangosR2/mangos/commit/8c511f51b8bacee1da53a84adf111aa8266f9486#commitcomment-480692
  11. So You can dodge "buffs" which should be positive auras and therefore shouldnt be dodgable?
  12. Proper flag for spell reflection = no reflectiong of that spell.
  13. About flying, sry my bad, those creatures didnt have inhabittype flying -.-'
  14. Yes, they are 2 attacks. They should be bound to each other, there are votes that if 1 attack hits, the other one _must_ also hit (can't miss, be dodged etc.), and vice versa, when 1 attack is parried, missed etc. the other one is as well. Spell result should be shared by those 2 attacks? So that combo points will also be distributed for 2 attacks together, not separately?
  15. I don't know if this has been reported already, but... If a flying monster is in the air - it evades when trying to chase some target on the ground. So there should be some check if creature can fly, has splineflag flying etc. then it shouldn't evade.
  16. Mobs on retail do go behind, but imho only on aggro or switching targets or something like that, they don't do that later during the fight. Or maybe only some of the mobs do that, like beasts or rouge humanoids etc. And I confirm the bug, tanking Sartharion or any other dragon boss with frontal cone breath and Cleave is so annoying now
  17. After switching mmaps use off -> no crashes anymore. This part in the beginning of another crashdump led me here: http://pastebin.com/HjCUjEse Maybe some kind of path building for vehicles when player is entering it? Or maybe it is not related to mmaps...
  18. a lot of such crashes lately: http://pastebin.com/BrxJHtV8 last time merged with mmaps_rewrite on 06-27-2011 I'm using mangosR2 fork.
  19. a lot of such crashes lately: http://pastebin.com/BrxJHtV8 last time merged with mmaps_rewrite on 06-27-2011 I'm using mangosR2 fork.
  20. or set/remove unit stat stun or something like that
  21. If somebody is using mangosR2 fork and wants to use this patch for stacking auras: https://github.com/mangosR2/mangos/tree/aura_stacking And patch on clean mangos core: https://github.com/michalpolko/mangos/tree/aura_stacking Currently it should work very well, most aura effects stacking should be handled, there are only a few dirty hacks, stacking of holders is probably properly checked. One last thing to do and research: more then 1 casters should be sharing 1 aura holder with stack amount > 1? Example: Sunder Armor and 2 warriors.
  22. Shouldn't target be spawned and moving around with waypoints? And spell activate blizzard should make it cast aoe? SummonCreature() doesnt seem right here imho...
  23. git pull git://github.com/faramir118/mangos.git mmaps_rewrite
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