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Everything posted by michalpolko

  1. Totem shouldn't be destroyed by spells without dealing damage. There is periodic aura applying Grounding Totem redirection buff, it ticks every 10 seconds. When some Fear of Poly is redirected, the redirecting aura should fade, but totem should be standing and reapply aura on the next tick. Currently this totem is casting redirecting aura instead of periodic one, which is a bug. P.S. I may be wrong if Blizzard removed this mechanic of the totem in some patch and left the periodic spell in dbc.
  2. You missed the point of my question
  3. I was always wondering, how does this work on blizzard? mangos has so much mistaken attributes or did blizzard completely hardcode those spells with "wrong data"?;] P.S. i want "quick quote" button back!~!
  4. Devotion Aura and Improved Devotion Aura are 2 auras. They have the same Icon. I am not sure but I think that in clean mangos source those 2 auras don't stack (can only be 1 at the same time). It can be seen when in party, the other party member will have aura applied/removed flooded in combat log and it can be seen in mangosd console that those 2 auras remove each other at applying. I wish You understand what I meant ;P If it is like this - Devotion Aura and Imp. Devotion Aura need stack rule in IsNoStackSpellDueToSpell().
  5. Paladin Seals also shouldn't proc from absorbed dmg, as well as Taste for Blood.
  6. Do those auras at least stack on your mangos core? ;p
  7. Applying aura by .aura command on a creature does reduce duration. PvP duration isn't reduced by such talents I guess this is the real problem.
  8. 1. I cast spell and get aura. 2. I recast spell and aura fades, new one applies and instantly fades in removeMode = 0 GO disappears when aura fades. I thought this spell isn't implemented in clean core.
  9. No, I meant: if it happens on maps with mmaps then it would be bug. Those 2 movegens are rewritten to use mmaps and will not work properly without them.
  10. it happens on maps which are using mmaps? On my server we reverted last changes for these movement generators to remove this problem.
  11. www.github.com/mangosR2/mangos p.s. thank you by missclick
  12. try this: https://github.com/przemratajczak/mangos/commit/e211afccc4a08d8db4dd136e60d29128cbcfeb72
  13. michalpolko

    anti WPE

    Yes... and is this available on current mangos rev?
  14. Update. Made some cleanup and fixed spell casting speed stacking and typo. thx to tibbi for testing. [05-15-2011] Update2: corrected the bit flag check [as16].
  15. Triggered spell probably, Reduced Damage is the name as far as I remember I saw in dbc.
  16. Hello again. I got back to the research and fixed auras stacking system, basing on work of nos4r2zod. Patch for revision 11453 http://pastebin.com/PGu6FkTQ Authors: nos4r2zod and michalpolko Some spells are not implemented yet, so you will need some custom fixes for them to see if the patch works for them. All buffs and debuffs from here should be now working properly plus some more auras. Patch will be developed here if I find any new information about what is still to be fixed. Track history of this file to see this patch development history. I need some feedback, so please test and review
  17. Imho this whole stacking stuff should be done from the other side, all auras should stack (except the same caster's aura) and some exceptions should be checked what shouldnt (I know only Judgements and the same area auras).
  18. All mobs that are unable to _move_ in the moment should do that. Example, rooting a mob with some spell.
  19. You all talk about not-moving creatures. So it is not about generic behaviour (for all creatures i guess) of attacking highest threat target in melee range? I mean, if the tank with aggro on some creature is kiting it (is out of creature's melee range) then the tank is not getting hit by it. But when i come into this creature's melee range, then it will attack me, since the tank is out of melee range. Is this the same thing You are talking about? ;p
  20. Happened to me even without gearscore (gearscore causes Mind Flay to target mouse-over friendly targets btw).
  21. Maybe you need to implement something like this: https://github.com/przemratajczak/mangos/commit/add1f9f443104d17e51499fe71ece82933ea3d3c
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