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Everything posted by antz

  1. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SpellCastTimes' for MaNGOSZero This table holds the values required to calculate the spell cast time. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct spellcasttimesEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in spellcasttimesfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 4 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id base INT(11) perLevel INT(11) minCastTime INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id base INT(11) perLevel INT(11) minCastTime INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  2. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'spellauranames' for MaNGOSZero The file contents is read and mapped into the struct spellauranamesEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in spellauranamesfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 12 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id ClassId INT(11) Opcode_Name TEXT Description TEXT Description1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Description2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Description3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Description4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Description5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Description6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Description7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id ClassId INT(11) Opcode_Name TEXT Description TEXT Description1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Description2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Description3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Description4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Description5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Description6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Description7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  3. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'Spell' for MaNGOSZero The spell table contains definitions for available spells. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct spellEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in spellfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 173 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id school INT(11) Category INT(11) castUI INT(11) dispelType INT(11) mechanic FLOAT attributes FLOAT attributesEx FLOAT attributesEx2 FLOAT attributesEx3 FLOAT attributesEx4 FLOAT shapeshiftMask INT(11) shapeshiftexclude FLOAT targets FLOAT targetCreatureType INT(11) requiresSpellFocus INT(11) casterAuraState INT(11) targetAuraState INT(11) castingTimeIndex INT(11) recoveryTime INT(11) categoryRecoveryTime INT(11) auraInterruptFlags INT(11) channelInterruptFlags INT(11) procTypeMask INT(11) procChance INT(11) procCharges INT(11) MaxLevel INT(11) baseLevel INT(11) spellLevel INT(11) durationIndex INT(11) PowerType INT(11) manaCost INT(11) manaCostPerLevel INT(11) manaCostPerSecond INT(11) manaCostPerSecondPerLevel INT(11) rangeIndex INT(11) Speed INT(11) modalNextSpell INT(11) stackAmount INT(11) Totem INT(11) Totem2 INT(11) reagent1 INT(11) reagent2 INT(11) reagent3 INT(11) reagent4 INT(11) reagent5 INT(11) reagent6 INT(11) reagent7 INT(11) reagent8 INT(11) reagentCount1 INT(11) reagentCount2 INT(11) reagentCount3 INT(11) reagentCount4 INT(11) reagentCount5 INT(11) reagentCount6 INT(11) reagentCount7 INT(11) reagentCount8 INT(11) equippedItemClass INT(11) equippedItemSubclass INT(11) equippedItemInvType INT(11) effect1 INT(11) effect2 INT(11) effect3 INT(11) effectDieSides1 INT(11) effectDieSides2 INT(11) effectDieSides3 INT(11) effectBaseDice1 INT(11) effectBaseDice2 INT(11) effectBaseDice3 INT(11) effectDicePerLevel1 INT(11) effectDicePerLevel2 INT(11) effectDicePerLevel3 INT(11) effectRealPointsPerLevel1 INT(11) effectRealPointsPerLevel2 INT(11) effectRealPointsPerLevel3 INT(11) effectBasePoints1 INT(11) effectBasePoints2 INT(11) effectBasePoints3 INT(11) effectMechanic1 INT(11) effectMechanic2 INT(11) effectMechanic3 INT(11) implicitTargetA1 INT(11) implicitTargetA2 INT(11) implicitTargetA3 INT(11) implicitTargetB1 INT(11) implicitTargetB2 INT(11) implicitTargetB3 INT(11) effectRadiusIndex1 INT(11) effectRadiusIndex2 INT(11) effectRadiusIndex3 INT(11) effectAura1 INT(11) effectAura2 INT(11) effectAura3 INT(11) effectAmplitude1 INT(11) effectAmplitude2 INT(11) effectAmplitude3 INT(11) effectMultipleValue1 INT(11) effectMultipleValue2 BIGINT(20) effectMultipleValue3 BIGINT(20) effectChainTarget1 INT(11) effectChainTarget2 INT(11) effectChainTarget3 INT(11) effectItemType1 INT(11) effectItemType2 BIGINT(20) effectItemType3 BIGINT(20) effectMiscValue1 INT(11) effectMiscValue2 INT(11) effectMiscValue3 INT(11) effectTriggerSpell1 INT(11) effectTriggerSpell2 INT(11) effectTriggerSpell3 INT(11) effectPointsPerCombo1 INT(11) effectPointsPerCombo2 INT(11) effectPointsPerCombo3 INT(11) spellVisualID1 INT(11) spellVisualID2 INT(11) spellIconId INT(11) ActiveIconId INT(11) spellPriority INT(11) UnknownFlag INT(11) Name TEXT Name1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Name2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Name3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Name4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Name5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Name6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Name7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. NameSubText TEXT NameSubText1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. NameSubText2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. NameSubText3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. NameSubText4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. NameSubText5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. NameSubText6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. NameSubText7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM2 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. Description TEXT Description1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Description2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Description3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Description4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Description5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Description6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Description7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM3 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. auraDescription TEXT auraDescription1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. auraDescription2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. auraDescription3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. auraDescription4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. auraDescription5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. auraDescription6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. auraDescription7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM4 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. manaCostPct INT(11) startRecoveryCategory INT(11) startRecoveryTime INT(11) maxTargetLevel INT(11) spellClassSet INT(11) spellClassMask1 INT(11) spellClassMask2 INT(11) maxTargets INT(11) defenseType INT(11) preventionType INT(11) stanceBarOrder INT(11) DamageMultiplier1 FLOAT DamageMultiplier2 FLOAT DamageMultiplier3 FLOAT minFactionId INT(11) minReputation INT(11) requiredAuraVision INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id school INT(11) Category INT(11) castUI INT(11) dispelType INT(11) mechanic FLOAT attributes FLOAT attributesEx FLOAT attributesEx2 FLOAT attributesEx3 FLOAT attributesEx4 FLOAT shapeshiftMask INT(11) shapeshiftexclude FLOAT targets FLOAT targetCreatureType INT(11) requiresSpellFocus INT(11) casterAuraState INT(11) targetAuraState INT(11) castingTimeIndex INT(11) recoveryTime INT(11) categoryRecoveryTime INT(11) auraInterruptFlags INT(11) channelInterruptFlags INT(11) procTypeMask INT(11) procChance INT(11) procCharges INT(11) MaxLevel INT(11) baseLevel INT(11) spellLevel INT(11) durationIndex INT(11) PowerType INT(11) manaCost INT(11) manaCostPerLevel INT(11) manaCostPerSecond INT(11) manaCostPerSecondPerLevel INT(11) rangeIndex INT(11) Speed INT(11) modalNextSpell INT(11) stackAmount INT(11) Totem INT(11) Totem2 INT(11) reagent1 INT(11) reagent2 INT(11) reagent3 INT(11) reagent4 INT(11) reagent5 INT(11) reagent6 INT(11) reagent7 INT(11) reagent8 INT(11) reagentCount1 INT(11) reagentCount2 INT(11) reagentCount3 INT(11) reagentCount4 INT(11) reagentCount5 INT(11) reagentCount6 INT(11) reagentCount7 INT(11) reagentCount8 INT(11) equippedItemClass INT(11) equippedItemSubclass INT(11) equippedItemInvType INT(11) effect1 INT(11) effect2 INT(11) effect3 INT(11) effectDieSides1 INT(11) effectDieSides2 INT(11) effectDieSides3 INT(11) effectBaseDice1 INT(11) effectBaseDice2 INT(11) effectBaseDice3 INT(11) effectDicePerLevel1 INT(11) effectDicePerLevel2 INT(11) effectDicePerLevel3 INT(11) effectRealPointsPerLevel1 INT(11) effectRealPointsPerLevel2 INT(11) effectRealPointsPerLevel3 INT(11) effectBasePoints1 INT(11) effectBasePoints2 INT(11) effectBasePoints3 INT(11) effectMechanic1 INT(11) effectMechanic2 INT(11) effectMechanic3 INT(11) implicitTargetA1 INT(11) implicitTargetA2 INT(11) implicitTargetA3 INT(11) implicitTargetB1 INT(11) implicitTargetB2 INT(11) implicitTargetB3 INT(11) effectRadiusIndex1 INT(11) effectRadiusIndex2 INT(11) effectRadiusIndex3 INT(11) effectAura1 INT(11) effectAura2 INT(11) effectAura3 INT(11) effectAmplitude1 INT(11) effectAmplitude2 INT(11) effectAmplitude3 INT(11) effectMultipleValue1 INT(11) effectMultipleValue2 BIGINT(20) effectMultipleValue3 BIGINT(20) effectChainTarget1 INT(11) effectChainTarget2 INT(11) effectChainTarget3 INT(11) effectItemType1 INT(11) effectItemType2 BIGINT(20) effectItemType3 BIGINT(20) effectMiscValue1 INT(11) effectMiscValue2 INT(11) effectMiscValue3 INT(11) effectTriggerSpell1 INT(11) effectTriggerSpell2 INT(11) effectTriggerSpell3 INT(11) effectPointsPerCombo1 INT(11) effectPointsPerCombo2 INT(11) effectPointsPerCombo3 INT(11) spellVisualID1 INT(11) spellVisualID2 INT(11) spellIconId INT(11) ActiveIconId INT(11) spellPriority INT(11) UnknownFlag INT(11) Name TEXT Name1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Name2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Name3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Name4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Name5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Name6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Name7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. NameSubText TEXT NameSubText1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. NameSubText2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. NameSubText3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. NameSubText4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. NameSubText5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. NameSubText6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. NameSubText7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM2 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. Description TEXT Description1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Description2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Description3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Description4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Description5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Description6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Description7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM3 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. auraDescription TEXT auraDescription1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. auraDescription2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. auraDescription3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. auraDescription4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. auraDescription5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. auraDescription6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. auraDescription7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM4 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. manaCostPct INT(11) startRecoveryCategory INT(11) startRecoveryTime INT(11) maxTargetLevel INT(11) spellClassSet INT(11) spellClassMask1 INT(11) spellClassMask2 INT(11) maxTargets INT(11) defenseType INT(11) preventionType INT(11) stanceBarOrder INT(11) DamageMultiplier1 FLOAT DamageMultiplier2 FLOAT DamageMultiplier3 FLOAT minFactionId INT(11) minReputation INT(11) requiredAuraVision INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  4. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SpamMessages' for MaNGOSZero The spam messages table contains definitions for regular expressions used to decide if a chat message is spam. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct spammessagesEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in spammessagesfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 2 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id text TEXT Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id text TEXT auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  5. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SoundWaterType' for MaNGOSZero The sound water type table contains definitions for connecting liquids and matching sounds. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct soundwatertypeEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in soundwatertypefmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 4 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id LiquidTypeId INT(11) References the type of liquid to be found is this area. fluidSpeed INT(11) SoundId INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id LiquidTypeId INT(11) References the primary key of [LiquidType.dbc]. fluidSpeed INT(11) SoundId INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  6. NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SoundSamplePreferences' for MaNGOSZero The sound sample preferences table contains definitions for preferences used to play sound samples to test the sound providers. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct soundsamplepreferencesEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in soundsamplepreferencesfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 17 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id col1 INT(11) col2 TEXT col3 INT(11) col4 TEXT col5 TEXT col6 INT(11) col7 TEXT col8 INT(11) col9 INT(11) col10 TEXT col11 INT(11) col12 TEXT col13 INT(11) col14 FLOAT col15 INT(11) col16 TEXT Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id col1 INT(11) col2 TEXT col3 INT(11) col4 TEXT col5 TEXT col6 INT(11) col7 TEXT col8 INT(11) col9 INT(11) col10 TEXT col11 INT(11) col12 TEXT col13 INT(11) col14 FLOAT col15 INT(11) col16 TEXT auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  7. NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SoundProviderPreferences' for MaNGOSZero The sound provider preferences table contains definitions for fmod properties. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct soundproviderpreferencesEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in soundproviderpreferencesfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 24 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id Description TEXT Flags INT(11) EAXEnvironmentSelection INT(11) EAXDecayTime FLOAT EAX2EnvironmentSize FLOAT EAX2EnvironmentDiffusion FLOAT EAX2Room FLOAT EAX2RoomHF FLOAT EAX2DecayHFRatio FLOAT EAX2Reflections FLOAT EAX2ReflectionsDelay FLOAT EAX2Reverb FLOAT EAX2ReverbDelay FLOAT EAX2RoomRolloff FLOAT EAX2AirAbsorption FLOAT EAX3RoomLF INT(11) EAX3DecayLFRatio FLOAT EAX3EchoTime FLOAT EAX3EchoDepth FLOAT EAX3ModulationTime FLOAT EAX3ModulationDepth FLOAT EAX3HFReference FLOAT EAX3LFReference FLOAT Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id Description TEXT Flags INT(11) EAXEnvironmentSelection INT(11) EAXDecayTime FLOAT EAX2EnvironmentSize FLOAT EAX2EnvironmentDiffusion FLOAT EAX2Room FLOAT EAX2RoomHF FLOAT EAX2DecayHFRatio FLOAT EAX2Reflections FLOAT EAX2ReflectionsDelay FLOAT EAX2Reverb FLOAT EAX2ReverbDelay FLOAT EAX2RoomRolloff FLOAT EAX2AirAbsorption FLOAT EAX3RoomLF INT(11) EAX3DecayLFRatio FLOAT EAX3EchoTime FLOAT EAX3EchoDepth FLOAT EAX3ModulationTime FLOAT EAX3ModulationDepth FLOAT EAX3HFReference FLOAT EAX3LFReference FLOAT auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  8. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SoundEntries' for MaNGOSZero The sound entries table contains definitions for available sound files. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct soundentriesEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in soundentriesfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 29 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id SoundType INT(11) Name TEXT File1 TEXT File2 TEXT File3 TEXT File4 TEXT File5 TEXT File6 TEXT File7 TEXT File8 TEXT File9 TEXT File10 TEXT Freq1 INT(11) Freq2 INT(11) Freq3 INT(11) Freq4 INT(11) Freq5 INT(11) Freq6 INT(11) Freq7 INT(11) Freq8 INT(11) Freq9 INT(11) Freq10 INT(11) DirectoryBase TEXT VolumeFloat INT(11) Flags INT(11) MinDistance INT(11) DistanceCutoff INT(11) SoundEntriesAdvancedId INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id SoundType INT(11) Name TEXT File1 TEXT File2 TEXT File3 TEXT File4 TEXT File5 TEXT File6 TEXT File7 TEXT File8 TEXT File9 TEXT File10 TEXT Freq1 INT(11) Freq2 INT(11) Freq3 INT(11) Freq4 INT(11) Freq5 INT(11) Freq6 INT(11) Freq7 INT(11) Freq8 INT(11) Freq9 INT(11) Freq10 INT(11) DirectoryBase TEXT VolumeFloat INT(11) Flags INT(11) MinDistance INT(11) DistanceCutoff INT(11) SoundEntriesAdvancedId INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  9. NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'soundcharactermacrolines' for MaNGOSZero The file contents is read and mapped into the struct soundcharactermacrolinesEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in soundcharactermacrolinesfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 5 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes col0 INT(11) col1 INT(11) col2 INT(11) col3 INT(11) col4 INT(11) Description of the fields col0 INT(11) col1 INT(11) col2 INT(11) col3 INT(11) col4 INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  10. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SoundAmbience' for MaNGOSZero The sound ambience table contains definitions for day and night ambience sounds. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct soundambienceEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in soundambiencefmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 3 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id SoundEntries_dayId INT(11) SoundEntries_nightId INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id SoundEntries_dayId INT(11) SoundEntries_nightId INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  11. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SkillTiers' for MaNGOSZero The skill tiers table contains definitions for the costs of each skill tier. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct skilltiersEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in skilltiersfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 33 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id Cost1 INT(11) Cost2 INT(11) Cost3 INT(11) Cost4 INT(11) Cost5 INT(11) Cost6 INT(11) Cost7 INT(11) Cost8 INT(11) Cost9 INT(11) Cost10 INT(11) Cost11 INT(11) Cost12 INT(11) Cost13 INT(11) Cost14 INT(11) Cost15 INT(11) Cost16 INT(11) Value1 INT(11) value2 INT(11) value3 INT(11) value4 INT(11) value5 INT(11) value6 INT(11) value7 INT(11) value8 INT(11) value9 INT(11) value10 INT(11) value11 INT(11) value12 INT(11) value13 INT(11) value14 INT(11) value15 INT(11) value16 INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id Cost1 INT(11) Cost2 INT(11) Cost3 INT(11) Cost4 INT(11) Cost5 INT(11) Cost6 INT(11) Cost7 INT(11) Cost8 INT(11) Cost9 INT(11) Cost10 INT(11) Cost11 INT(11) Cost12 INT(11) Cost13 INT(11) Cost14 INT(11) Cost15 INT(11) Cost16 INT(11) Value1 INT(11) value2 INT(11) value3 INT(11) value4 INT(11) value5 INT(11) value6 INT(11) value7 INT(11) value8 INT(11) value9 INT(11) value10 INT(11) value11 INT(11) value12 INT(11) value13 INT(11) value14 INT(11) value15 INT(11) value16 INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  12. NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SkillRaceClassInfo' for MaNGOSZero This table contains definitions for which races / classes combinations have access to what skills. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct skillraceclassinfoEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in skillraceclassinfofmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 8 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id SkillLineId INT(11) RacesId INT(11) ClassesId INT(11) Flags INT(11) minLevel INT(11) skillTierId INT(11) skillCostId INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id SkillLineId INT(11) RacesId INT(11) ClassesId INT(11) Flags INT(11) minLevel INT(11) skillTierId INT(11) skillCostId INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  13. NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SkillLineCategory' for MaNGOSZero The skill line category table contains definitions for category of skill lines. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct skilllinecategoryEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in skilllinecategoryfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 11 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id Name TEXT Name1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Name2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Name3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Name4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Name5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Name6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Name7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. sortIndex INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id Name TEXT Name1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Name2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Name3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Name4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Name5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Name6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Name7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. sortIndex INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  14. NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SkillLineAbility' for MaNGOSZero The skill line ability table contains definitions for skills, spells and the required dependencies. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct skilllineabilityEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in skilllineabilityfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 15 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id skillLine INT(11) Spell INT(11) raceMask INT(11) classMask INT(11) excludeRace INT(11) excludeClass INT(11) minSkillLineRank INT(11) supercededBySpell INT(11) aquireMethod INT(11) trivialSkillLineRankHigh INT(11) trivialSkillLineRankLow INT(11) characterPoints INT(11) col13 INT(11) numSkillUps INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id skillLine INT(11) Spell INT(11) raceMask INT(11) classMask INT(11) excludeRace INT(11) excludeClass INT(11) minSkillLineRank INT(11) supercededBySpell INT(11) aquireMethod INT(11) trivialSkillLineRankHigh INT(11) trivialSkillLineRankLow INT(11) characterPoints INT(11) col13 INT(11) numSkillUps INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  15. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SkillLine' for MaNGOSZero The skill line table contains definitions for skills. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct skilllineEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in skilllinefmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 22 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id SkillLineCategoryId INT(11) skillCostId INT(11) DisplayName TEXT DisplayName1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. DisplayName2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. DisplayName3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. DisplayName4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. DisplayName5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. DisplayName6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. DisplayName7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. Description TEXT Description1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Description2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Description3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Description4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Description5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Description6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Description7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM2 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. spellIconId INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id SkillLineCategoryId INT(11) skillCostId INT(11) DisplayName TEXT DisplayName1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. DisplayName2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. DisplayName3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. DisplayName4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. DisplayName5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. DisplayName6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. DisplayName7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. Description TEXT Description1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Description2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Description3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Description4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Description5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Description6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Description7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM2 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. spellIconId INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  16. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SkillCostsData' for MaNGOSZero The skill costs data table contains definitions for prices of skills. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct skillcostsdataEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in skillcostsdatafmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 5 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id skillcostsId INT(11) Cost1 INT(11) Cost2 INT(11) Cost3 INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id skillcostsId INT(11) Cost1 INT(11) Cost2 INT(11) Cost3 INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  17. NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'SheatheSoundLookups' for MaNGOSZero The sheathe sound lookups table contains definitions for which sound to play when sheathing items. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct sheathesoundlookupsEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in sheathesoundlookupsfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 7 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id ItemClass INT(11) itemSubclass INT(11) itemEnvTypes INT(11) isShield INT(11) sheathSoundId INT(11) unsheathSoundId INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id ItemClass INT(11) itemSubclass INT(11) itemEnvTypes INT(11) isShield INT(11) sheathSoundId INT(11) unsheathSoundId INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  18. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'ServerMessages' for MaNGOSZero The server messages table contains definitions for chat messages sent by the game server. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct servermessagesEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in servermessagesfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 10 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id Message TEXT Message1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Message2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Message3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Message4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Message5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Message6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Message7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id Message TEXT Message1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Message2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Message3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Message4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Message5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Message6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Message7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  19. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'Resistances' for MaNGOSZero The resistances table contains definitions for available resistance types. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct resistancesEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in resistancesfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 12 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id Flags TEXT FizzleSoundId INT(11) Name TEXT The name of the resistance. Name1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Name2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Name3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Name4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Name5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Name6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Name7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id Flags TEXT FizzleSoundId INT(11) Name TEXT The name of the resistance. Name1 TEXT The name of the resistance. Name2 TEXT The name of the resistance. Name3 TEXT The name of the resistance. Name4 TEXT The name of the resistance. Name5 TEXT The name of the resistance. Name6 TEXT The name of the resistance. Name7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  20. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'QuestSort' for MaNGOSZero The quest sort table contains definitions for quest categories. Entries from AreaTable.dbc may also be used as quest categories. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct questsortEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in questsortfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 10 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id SortName TEXT The name of the quest category. SortName1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. SortName2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. SortName3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. SortName4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. SortName5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. SortName6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. SortName7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id SortName TEXT The name of the quest category. SortName1 TEXT The name of the quest category. SortName2 TEXT The name of the quest category. SortName3 TEXT The name of the quest category. SortName4 TEXT The name of the quest category. SortName5 TEXT The name of the quest category. SortName6 TEXT The name of the quest category. SortName7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  21. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'QuestInfo' for MaNGOSZero The quest info table contains definitions for quest types. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct questinfoEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in questinfofmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 10 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id QuestTypeName TEXT The name of the quest type. QuestTypeName1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. QuestTypeName2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. QuestTypeName3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. QuestTypeName4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. QuestTypeName5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. QuestTypeName6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. QuestTypeName7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id QuestTypeName TEXT The name of the quest type. QuestTypeName1 TEXT The name of the quest type. QuestTypeName2 TEXT The name of the quest type. QuestTypeName3 TEXT The name of the quest type. QuestTypeName4 TEXT The name of the quest type. QuestTypeName5 TEXT The name of the quest type. QuestTypeName6 TEXT The name of the quest type. QuestTypeName7 TEXT The name of the quest type. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  22. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'PetPersonality' for MaNGOSZero The pet personality table contains definitions for pet personality levels. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct petpersonalityEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in petpersonalityfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 19 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id Name TEXT Name1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Name2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Name3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Name4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Name5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Name6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Name7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. happinessThreshold1 INT(11) happinessThreshold2 INT(11) happinessThreshold3 INT(11) happinessDamage1 INT(11) happinessDamage2 INT(11) happinessDamage3 INT(11) damageModifier1 INT(11) damageModifier2 INT(11) damageModifier3 INT(11) Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id Name TEXT Name1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Name2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Name3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Name4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Name5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Name6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Name7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. happinessThreshold1 INT(11) happinessThreshold2 INT(11) happinessThreshold3 INT(11) happinessDamage1 INT(11) happinessDamage2 INT(11) happinessDamage3 INT(11) damageModifier1 INT(11) damageModifier2 INT(11) damageModifier3 INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  23. antz


    NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'PetLoyalty' for MaNGOSZero The pet loyalty table contains definitions for pet loyalty levels. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct petloyaltyEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in petloyaltyfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 10 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id Name TEXT Name1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Name2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Name3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Name4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Name5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Name6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Name7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id Name TEXT Name1 TEXT The Localised Korean version of the above. Name2 TEXT The Localised French version of the above. Name3 TEXT The Localised German version of the above. Name4 TEXT The Localised Chinese version of the above. Name5 TEXT The Localised Taiwanese version of the above. Name6 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Traditional) version of the above. Name7 TEXT The Localised Spanish (Latin America) version of the above. TEXTCHECKSUM1 FLOAT A checksum value for the preceeding text fields. auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  24. NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'PaperDollItemFrame' for MaNGOSZero The paper doll item frame table contains definitions for textures used to display the character screen and bags. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct paperdollitemframeEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in paperdollitemframefmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 3 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes SlotName TEXT SlotIcon TEXT SlotNumber INT(11) Description of the fields SlotName TEXT SlotIcon TEXT SlotNumber INT(11) auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
  25. NOTE: This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBCDocs module, Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated. Description of the DBC file 'PageTextMaterial' for MaNGOSZero The page text material table contains definitions for backgrounds used for in-game dialogues. The file contents is read and mapped into the struct pagetextmaterialEntry in the MaNGOS core. The field types and usage is defined in pagetextmaterialfmt in the MaNGOS core. The File is currently *NOT USED* by the MaNGOS core. The Field definitions follow, No. of fields: 2 strong> Field Name Field Type Notes Id INT(11) Unique Id name TEXT Description of the fields Id INT(11) Unique Id name TEXT auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbcdocs module
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