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Everything posted by antz

  1. Thanks for this, I have made this a sticky wiki
  2. there is a way to disable it (and actually with quite a bit of work replace it). it requires adding an entry to your hosts file or blocking an address on the firewall. I can't remember the details as it was 2+ years ago
  3. ok.... that may be it.... try this 1) Open up a command prompt and navigate to the WOW folder you want to extract from 2) type vmapextractor.exe -d "W:\\World of Warcraft\\Data" - You will need to change the path to the match your installation This should run for you now ! I have just tried it here and it works for me for all five versions of wow - I have the latest version is properly installed so to extract any other versions - I have to use the -d option
  4. Sorry, MOP is WOW: Mists of Pandaria The question I meant to ask was do you, or have you ever had wow installed correctly anywhere else other than the location you are trying to extract from ?
  5. Sending VMAPS, MMAPS, DBC's is illegal For now, until you can get a client that works, you can always switch off vmaps in the mangos.conf file I've just had a thought.... do you have MOP installed elsewhere on your pc ?
  6. Rebuild the vmapextract using release rather than debug build
  7. Thank you for your continued support
  8. ok... first off.... ad.exe doesn't create the vmaps if you look at the folder "server\\contrib\\extractor_binary" Copy all of these into you WOW folder now if you have a git shell (or git bash as above), try running Extract_resources.sh now
  9. please see the guides in http://getmangos.eu/bb/forum/50/wiki-articles/
  10. Made it a Sticky and moved to the Wiki area
  11. Already on my hit list of the recommended addons for Mangos - I have been sidetracked over the last 2 weeks with different things (RL, work, legal stuff, coding and other stuff), but I want to perform another update to the website soon containing these links
  12. First off Instamark http://jrham.es/instantmark/ This application allows you view you page as it would be rendered and Secondly Dingus http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/dingus Attempts to convert an html page into markdown
  13. From MegaSus: I released my project CharImport a while ago, it allows you to copy accounts and characters from one database to another. You might want to check that out. It works cross emu and should also work with mangos2, however I did not test it with mangoszero. It was actually designed exactly for such cases. If you need help, simply contact me.
  14. The following link provides the basics of the markdown syntax which is used by github http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics
  15. This should become a Wiki article, moving to staging area
  16. I have some good news on that front, Playerbot will be back for Mangos
  17. The new website will have a tab which is designed to promote 3rd Party Addons / Mods which can be used with MaNGOS Which ones would you suggest be added ?
  18. All the old repos will be shut down soon, we are planning to do so in a couple of weeks after the new website goes live - so that when people come looking for the missing repos, they will find a definitive answer for the location of the new ones. Antz
  19. ************************************ JUST A WORD OF WARNING ************************************ This MaNGOS forum is for help for mangos related issues only. We will actively remove posts asking for help for issues when using a cMangos core - If you are not running a Mangos core, ask the question in the creator of the core's forum not here For an brief overview of the reason why, please take a look at the preview of the new website and the history page. Thank you for your time and understanding
  20. did the build it in 'debug', try building in 'release' and it should be ok. VS2012 support across mangos is very patchy atm, due to compatibility issues with 3rd party librarys. Intel's TBB springs to mind. If in doubt, I would use VS2010 for now
  21. I have managed to get this widget working - I'm hoping we can get a refresh of the test website soon
  22. Any questions relating to specific cMangos builds should be discussed on their forum not here. The recent illegal actions of the cMangos team have meant we are wiithdrawing any support of cMangos related problems, sorry for the inconvenience
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