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Everything posted by antz

  1. The Summoning Chamber (#10585) By Jerbookins: Using the quest item, Elemental Displacer (#30672), does not interrupt any sort of summoning event inside of the summoning chamber. There is a single mob near the summoning chamber named Summoner Skartax but he does nothing to contribute to completing the quest.
  2. The Fel and the Furious (#10612) By jerbookins: The fel reaver control consoles do not function and the deathforged infernals are objects that do not move and you cannot interact with.
  3. Fires over Skettis (#11008) By jerbookins: Using the quest item, Skyguard Blasting Charges, on the Monstrous Kaliri Eggs does not destroy the eggs. Unable to complete quest.
  4. Zuluhed the Whacked (#10866) By jerbookins: Using the key dropped from Zuluhed to unlock Zuluhed's Chains on the dragon Karynaku does not free Karynaku for the quest requirement.
  5. Abduction (#11590) by jerbookins: Using the quest item on the appropriate mob does not fulfill the quest requirement.
  6. Oh Noes, the Tadpoles! (#11560) By jerbookins: Freeing the baby Murlocs from the cages does not fulfill the quest requirement.
  7. Fueling the Project (#11715) by jerbookins: Using the Portable Oil Collector near the Oil Pool successfully kills the oil pool npc but does not fulfill the quest objective.
  8. Last Rites (#12019) By jerbookins: The NPC that is supposed to be atop the Naxxanar is not there. Valanar (#25601). If I spawn the NPC manually with a GM, killing him does not fulfill the quest requirement.
  9. The Focus on the Beach (#12065) By jerbookins: Using the quest item, Ley Line Focus Control Ring, near the quest object, Ley Line Focus, does not fulfill the quest requirement
  10. Conversing With the Depths (#12032) by jerbookins: This quest NPC does not appear after interfacing with the Pearl of the Depths, even if the NPC is spawned with a GM there is no way to interface with the NPC to complete the quest.
  11. The Plume of Alystros (#12456) By jerbookins: Using the quest item, Skytalon Molts (#37881), does not taunt Alystros down to attack you. Also, Alystros (#27249) is completely still and has no animation while not in combat.
  12. The Thane of Voldrune (#12255) By jerbookins: Interfacing with the dragon, Flamebringer (#27292), prompts the player with a dialogue "Unchain and control Flamebringer." but selecting this does not initiate any scripted event or allow you to ride the dragon in order to reach Thane Torvald Eriksson
  13. Blood Draining not work on health < 35% By arliweng: for now, the enchant "Blood Draining" not work when GetHealth() about: [URL="https://github.com/mangostwo/server/commit/eb61995f7e40c1d1da2ba093f011a96d2fc87d57"] eb61995[/URL] if (GetHealth() - damage > health35 || GetHealth() return SPELL_AURA_PROC_FAILED; fix to: if (GetHealth() - damage > health35) return SPELL_AURA_PROC_FAILED;
  14. guthub issue #60 By tbayart: When an Elite mob is killed, it never drop anything else than money. Don't know if there is something broken in database, server ou mangos.conf file. Maybe something missing.
  15. Quest 10309 fix By tbayart: During the quest, some 'Zaxxis Ambusher' attack the player. They appear to be green and are unattackable. I applied this to fix the problem : update creature_template set faction_A = 16, faction_H = 16 where entry = 20287;
  16. Quest 10310 by tbayart: The quest needs you to protect an NPC from 3 kind of creatures wich will spawn and attack the npc. All creatures appears to be green and are unattackable. I applied those to fix the problem : update creature_template set faction_A = 90, faction_H = 90 where entry = 20399; update creature_template set faction_A = 90, faction_H = 90 where entry = 20402; update creature_template set faction_A = 90, faction_H = 90 where entry = 20403;
  17. Can't learn first aid from NPC 18990 By tbayart@ As an alliance player, you can speak to NPC 18990 named 'Burko'. You should be able to learn first aid from him but to do so, I had to fix his template with this : UPDATE mangos . creature_template SET npcflag ='80' WHERE entry ='18990'; I didn't test it but I think horde player have the same problem with NPC 18991 named 'Aresella' (same wrong npcflag). Apply this to fix Aresella : UPDATE mangos . creature_template SET npcflag ='80' WHERE entry ='18991';
  18. Training Dummies are bugged By GiantCrocodile: The training dummies can move and die. The correct behavior would be to make them immobile and having a minimum of 1 HP.
  19. Lazy peons quest in Durotar is bugged By GiantCrocodile: If you try to use the quest item to hit the lazy sleeping peons nothing happens.
  20. Quest Meats to Orgrimmar By GiantCrocodile: Burok in Razor Hill give me the quest to bring Grimtak's Meats to Burok (himself). The quest is instantly finished.
  21. Great-father Winter offers the same quest twice By: Giant Crocodile I talked to Great-father Winter to complete the quest from the Wonderform Operator but Great-father Winter offers me still two times the quest 'Great-father Winter is Here!'.
  22. Return to Razor Hill CompleteText is wrong By GiantCrocodile: CompletedText: Buy a wind rider to the Crossroads from the wind rider master Doras, then bring Gryshka's Letter to Zargh at the Crossroads. Objectives: Buy a wind rider to Razor Hill from the wind rider master Doras, then bring Gryshka's Letter to Grimtak at Razor Hill. Fix: UPDATE `quest_template` SET `CompletedText`='Buy a wind rider to Razor Hill from the wind rider master Doras, then bring Gryshka\'s Letter to Grimtak at Razor Hill.' WHERE `entry`=6386;
  23. Many Level 85 achievements are wrong By GiantCrocodile: If you achieve level 85 you get a lot of achievements. For example not only for being the first level 85 orc on the realm but also for being the first troll, gnome, etc. which is obviously wrong.
  24. Git Issue #3 By GiantCrocodile: If you try to filter the items in the auction house by only max level it won't work. It will all items and not every item till character level x. If you fill in a min level it will work.
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