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Everything posted by antz

  1. Although this is a nice to have - the task would be split like this Core Code 5-10% DB Work 5-10% Research 80-90% The research into the progression of the events and quests is such a massive task. Apart from MOP and possibly Cata, I doubt there is a complete archive of what is needed for the older cores. I'm happy to be proven wrong :)
  2. Current Database has incorrect default version setting This error appears after a default install of the latest core and database. SQL: SELECT required_12712_01_characters_characters FROM character_db_version LIMIT 1 query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_12712_01_characters_characters' in 'fieldlist' The table `character_db_version` in your [CHARACTER] database indicates that this database is out of date! [A] You have: --> `c12631_01_characters_corpse.sql` You need: --> `12712_01_characters_characters.sql` You must apply all updates after [A] to to use mangos with this database. These updates are included in the sql/updates folder. Please read the included [README] in sql/updates for instructions on updating. This needs to be resolved by fixing up the database to use the correct.
  3. By danielsreichenbach referenced this issue from a commit: - [URL="https://github.com/mangoszero/database/commit/f284be6c360c4b99f611bf2c9c250387a99bae6c"]Added dialogue for quest 7622. This updates #102… [/URL]
  4. Quest: The Balance of Light and Shadow By Fatcap: The priest quest The [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/quest=7622"]Balance of Light and Shadow[/URL] does not work. I think iv'e played on another version of mangos where it did work though. I got both [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/item=18665"]EOS[/URL] and [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/item=18646"]EOD[/URL] so I should be able to see the Peasants and the skeletons. When I speak to Eris Havenfire again the question mark is still grey but the "Complete Quest" button is active, although nothing happens when I push it.
  5. By danielsreichenbach: Thanks a lot, good finds on those videos
  6. By Uccello: "the warrior wandered a path from the Charred Vale in Stonetalon Mountains along the main road through Desolace and continued to the Twin Colossals in northern Feralas." Source : [URL="http://www.wowwiki.com/Rexxar"]http://www.wowwiki.com/Rexxar[/URL] also near the top mentions this same path and a screenshot of him moving : [URL="http://wow.joystiq.com/2012/07/20/wow-archivist-the-most-painful-attunement-of-all/"]http://wow.joystiq.com/2012/07/20/wow-archivist-the-most-painful-attunement-of-all/ [/URL] not his full path but a video of him pathing not hanging out as he is now : [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pvkLsZa4uQ"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pvkLsZa4uQ[/URL] Hope this is a bit of help ( hoping to find something pinged on a map if i do I'll post with any updated info )
  7. Rexxar not walking By Fatcap: Rexxar should be walking acress desolace. Anyone got information about the waypoints?
  8. By danielsreichenbach: See [URL="http://wowpedia.org/Edrick_Killian"]Edrick Killian[/URL] and [URL="http://wowpedia.org/Mattie_Alred"]Mattie Alred[/URL]. They are indeed walking as a pair.
  9. Edrick Killian/Mattie Alred - missing path / undercity By Madmax: NPC: Edrick Killian ID: [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/npc=5670"]5670[/URL] GUID: 3840 NPC: Mattie Alred ID: [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/npc="]5668[/URL] GUID: 38429 Path for Edrick can be seen on cartographe 1.07. I would guess mattie is supposed of path with him?
  10. By weishan1981: I've gather the required items,and go back to the NCP who give me the quests,i can't click finish
  11. By danielsreichenbach: Okay, thanks for the update. We will try and check
  12. By kokeszko: might be not precise, and i didn't see that, but friend of mine was trying to do some quests in feralas for LW. he gathers all the materials but he wasn't able to end the quests (not sure if quest giver changed question mark to yellow, or maybe nothing has happened while finish talk with quest giver). but like i said it's all "rumors"
  13. By danielsreichenbach: I have taken the liberty to edit the issue, and add links and quest titles. Could you please be a little more specific as to why these quests can not be completed? Did you gather the required items? Couldn't you hand in the quest? Couldn't the items be gathered?
  14. bugs for quest 2849,2850,2852,2858 By weishan1981: The following quest can not be completed: •[URL="http://www.wowhead.com/quest=2849"]Wild Leather Vest[/URL] •[URL="http://www.wowhead.com/quest=2850"]Wild Leather Helmet[/URL] •[URL="http://www.wowhead.com/quest=2852"]Wild Leather Leggings[/URL] •[URL="http://www.wowhead.com/quest=2858"]Wild Leather Boots[/URL]
  15. By Elarose: -- Sets gm island mailbox as unused neutral faction mailbox UPDATE gameobject SET id =144570 WHERE guid =230922;
  16. GM Island Mail box By Madmax: The mailbox on GM island can only be used by alliance. Can we find one that both factions can use?
  17. By derpwagon: Memory digging here.... That area should have the same mobs that are just outside and used in the quest ( [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/item=23797"]http://www.wowhead.com/item=23797 [/URL]). Those three mobs are spread out randomly (and didn't really patrol too far). The manaroc lashers are more rare than the other two mobs. The quest is here, you can use the "!" marks on the wowhead map as a basic idea: [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26447"]http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26447[/URL] Also note that there is another quest that you should get from Ashenvale that leads to Felfire Hill to kill a few of each of the three mob types there. Note again that the manaroc lashers are somewhat rare, however there was always a small group of 4-6 at the cave that is mentioned above.. approx 84, 77 on the wow map, it's up a hill lit by torches. You also have two named mobs for the follow up: [URL="http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26449"]http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26449 [/URL] "You will find Gorgannon in Demon Fall Canyon south beyond Felfire Hill, near Mannoroth's floating, broken spear. Diathorus the Seeker resides somewhere in the barrow den atop Demon Fall Ridge." [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i03W9R_mWaA"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i03W9R_mWaA[/URL] [URL="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHdcdOgWgLI"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHdcdOgWgLI[/URL] This could help a bit, gives an idea of how sparse the mobs are in there.
  18. No NPCs/creatures spawned at "Demon Fall Ridge" By MadMax: No NPCs/creatures spawned Location: Demon Fall Ridge, Ashenvale Cords: 1557 -2877 184 1 The cave in the back has some inferno's. Research is needed to confirm what should be where
  19. NPCs glitched at Tyr's Hand (screenshots) By MadMax: NPCs glitched at Tyr's Hand GUIDs in the chatbox of screenshots. [IMG]https://camo.githubusercontent.com/78017627d7ff08593bfb1a87ab6f19be58ea4f56/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f343533333939332f3934313134332f36346263633437382d303133652d313165332d386164322d6539613638386435666563342e6a7067[/IMG]
  20. By danielsreichenbach: For reference, there is [URL="http://wowpedia.org/Pyrewood_Village"]http://wowpedia.org/Pyrewood_Village[/URL] which describes the event a bit more, and [URL="http://wowpedia.org/Moonrage"]http://wowpedia.org/Moonrage[/URL] specifically dealing with the members of the cursed roaming Pyrewood danielsreichenbach referenced this issue from a commit - [URL="https://github.com/mangoszero/database/commit/ced0fee0da1c288b142e30a2bb6640df03321e56"]Added a few hints for #122 to prepare a fix.… ced0fee[/URL] [URL="https://github.com/mangoszero/server/issues/137"] Issue #137: NPCs of Pyrewood have no wolf state [/URL]
  21. By stan84: according to your suggestion i make small check. two ewents I - 21:00 - 5:00 worgens II - 5:00 - 21:00 humans there are 2 sets of creatures which are diplayed depend of event [URL="http://pastebin.com/k18DSJFQ"]http://pastebin.com/k18DSJFQ[/URL]
  22. By danielsreichenbach: There is no game event defined for this. Needs proper timing, models used and faction changes too, since the Curse of Worgen event would make them hostile towards both factions.
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