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Everything posted by antz

  1. Maggoc's Treasure Chest (#10996) By Jerbookins: Similar problem as Grulloc, Maggoc's Treasure Chest (Object #185569) does not appear when he dies. There is an effect that shows a little aura and the quest glitter, shown in the screen shot, but the quest object is not present to loot. Also the damage for Grulloc, Maggoc, and the other Gronn mobs seem very underpowered and don't hit for very much damage. [URL="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/4dec646ad426803093e17ae83b427c4ccb49063e/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f333734363835342f313834343139392f32663566323961382d373530392d313165332d383864302d6430323632306664346631312e6a7067"]https://camo.githubusercontent.com/4dec646ad426803093e17ae83b427c4ccb49063e/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f333734363835342f313834343139392f32663566323961382d373530392d313165332d383864302d6430323632306664346631312e6a7067[/URL] [IMG]https://camo.githubusercontent.com/4dec646ad426803093e17ae83b427c4ccb49063e/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f333734363835342f313834343139392f32663566323961382d373530392d313165332d383864302d6430323632306664346631312e6a7067[/IMG]
  2. Grim(oire) Business (#10998) By Jerbookins: Standing in the rings of fire, even with a full group, does not summon Vim'gol the Vile (#22911). However, the quest object does properly appear after his death, when summoned with a gm, which is nice.
  3. Into the Soulgrinder (#11000) By Jerbookins: This quest needs a lot of work. The object, Skulloc's Soul (#185577), is already spawned in front of the Soulgrinder Altar, requiring no effort to complete the quest. Skulloc Soulgrinder (#22910) is not spawned in any form at all, he should be phased and unhostile until the actual in-game event is over with. There is no book near the Altar to begin the original event (I could not find the object ID for this book to test whether an event would even begin). Temporary workaround: Removed the Skulloc's Soul object and spawned Skulloc in the purple light. So players must kill him in order to get his soul (which he also drops, and is not exclusive to the Soul object appearing after his death) despite the lack of an event leading up to fighting him. Furthermore, completing this quest does not make any ogres in the area neutral with you, there is no creature speak regarding you becoming King of the Ogres, and Mog'dorg the Wizened (#22941) does not provide the follow up quest to send you to Ogri'la called Ogre Heaven (#11009).
  4. Torching Sunfury Hold (#10233) By Jerbookins: Using the quest item, Flaming Torch (#28550), has no effect on Tents or Ballistas at Sunfury Hold. It would appear that the quest objectives are not completable at all. Even when using the GM command ".quest complete 10233", the objectives still show as "0/4" completed. But when I use ".lookup quest torching sunfury" while targeting the player, it outputs: "10233 - [Torching Sunfury Hold] [complete]" and I can turn the quest in with a silver "?" above the quest giver's head.
  5. By tbayart: You have to update scriptdev2, the quest script has been implemented on Mar 14, 2014 [URL="https://github.com/scriptdev2/scriptdev2/commit/a634c74b9bdaf38d4a0886d40b5fd85f8c026ef8"]scriptdev2/scriptdev2@ a634c74[/URL] You also have to update some creature_template : [URL="https://github.com/mangostwo/server/issues/62"]#62[/URL]
  6. Sabotage the Warp-Gate (#10310) By Jerbookins: The escort quest NPC, Drijya (#20281) does not move or begin any scripted event at all.
  7. You, Robot (#10248) Negatron (#19851), is unaffected by threat generated by the Scrap Reaver 6000 quest pet.
  8. Captain Tyralius (#10422) By Jerbookins: Freeing Captain Tyralius (#20787) with the key from the warden removes the Etherium Prison effect but does not complete the quest.
  9. Delivering the Message (#10406) By Jerbookins: Accepting the quest does not begin any sort of escort or scripted event as described in the quest.
  10. Nexus-King Salhadaar (#20454) By Jerbookins: Using the quest item, Protectorate Disruptor (#29618), next to a Salhadaar Power Conduit does not have any effect on the state of Nexus-King Salhadaar (#20454). At no point are you able to attack him and complete the quest.
  11. Flora of the Eco-Domes (#10426) By Jerbookins: Using the quest item, Energy Field Modulator (#29818), on the quest mobs, Farahlon Lashers (#20774), successfully mutates them but killing them does not correctly fulfill the quest requirement.
  12. Creatures of the Eco-Domes (#10427) By jerbookins: Tagging Talbuk Sires or Talbuk Does when they have less than 20% life does not correctly fulfill the quest requirement.
  13. Fel Reavers, No Thanks! (#10855) By jerbookins, The quest requirement to destroy an inactive fel reaver appears to be complete, but you cannot turn in the quest. The quest npc appears with a silver "?" above his head, unless the quest is completed by a GM
  14. Teleport This! (#10857) By: jerbookin The Cyber-Rage Forgelords (#16943) do not seem to have the required skill necessary to destroy the demon teleporters while under mind control.
  15. On Nethery Wings (#10438) By jerbookins: While flying on the quest provided Protectorate Nether Drake, you drop in and out of combat too frequenly which restores health to the Void Conduit before it can be killed. Flying on your own mount is a viable workaround for this issue.
  16. Dimensius the All-Devouring (#10439) By Jerbookins, Captain Saeed (#20985) does not continue the quest to move up to killing Dimensius (#19554). Furthermore, Dimensius is non targetable. https://camo.githubusercontent.com/2d85abcf5f61d8565765b43f7d3de663c252b903/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f333734363835342f313834363335322f30633363626562342d373565652d313165332d383834382d6430323465626432373732622e6a7067
  17. Troublesome Distractions (#10273) By jerbookins: Wind Trader Marid (#20071) has no gossip text to continue the quest to kill him. [URL="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/5f1be762dd965419cc2a6e8e177c4e4bf481b374/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f333734363835342f313834363339352f39626434663234342d373566332d313165332d393464362d3139643838353338383535352e6a7067"]https://camo.githubusercontent.com/5f1be762dd965419cc2a6e8e177c4e4bf481b374/68747470733a2f2f662e636c6f75642e6769746875622e636f6d2f6173736574732f333734363835342f313834363339352f39626434663234342d373566332d313165332d393464362d3139643838353338383535352e6a7067[/URL]
  18. Deathblow to the Legion (#10409) By jerbookins: Killing Socrethar (#20132) does not correctly fulfill the quest requirement.
  19. A Dire Situation (#10506) By jerbookins: Using the quest item, Rina's Diminution Powder (#30251), against Bloodmaul Direwolves correctly applies the effect, reducing size and strength, but it does not count toward the quest requirement.
  20. [NPC] Infernal Attacker (#21419) By jerbookins: Infernal Attackers in Shadowmoon Valley do not attack, are not targetable, and do not engage in combat with surrounding friendly NPCs
  21. Paladin] Divine Shield jerbookins: Cannot not cast Divine Shield while under fear effect.
  22. Brother Against Brother (#29605) By jerbookins: Interacting with the quest NPC, Lakka (#18956), does not initiate any event in which he is freed from the cage he is in. Cannot complete quest.
  23. To Legion Hold (#10563) By jerbookins: Using the quest item, Box o' Tricks (#30638), near the Legion Communication Device in Legion Hold does not complete the quest. There is a scripted event missing that is necessary for the completion of the quest.
  24. Dissension Amongst the Ranks... (#10776) By jerbookins: Killing Crazed Colossus with the Blood Elf disguise does not correctly count toward the quest completion.
  25. To Catch a Thistlehead (#10570) By jerbookins: Placing the quest item on the ground, Bundle of Bloodthistle, does not properly spawn a Wild Sparrowhawk to kill.
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