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Everything posted by antz

  1. Oh, sorry! I Didn't want to flame you! I thought you were using translation software! Yes, that would be cool, even though my english isn't that great... I did not consider it a flame, my language skills are rubbish.... i'm sure your English is much better than my German ! I will pm you shortly and explain what i'm planning/working on and add you to the team
  2. That's what my German Teacher used to say all the time - Thanks for the updates If you fancy volunteering to be part of the new Wiki team, please let me know and i'll add you to the Wiki Team
  3. The following steps will produce the guts of a markdown version of a forum post 1) Select All the article text (via Edit if possible) 2) Paste this into a text editor 3) Perform the following search and replaces After that you will need to manually replace @@@COPY URL HERE AS WELL@@@ with the url next to it If there are any Titles that start and end with **, these need to be changed so that they start with ## and have the trailing ** removed Hope this helps Ant
  4. I have converted this Post into a wiki article located here: https://github.com/mangoswiki/wiki/wiki/Debianinstall - Could you confirm that I haven't messed anything up (as it's my first conversion) And a German Translation (very brave as I don't speak german !!): https://github.com/mangoswiki/wiki/wiki/Debianinstall%20german
  5. Can anyone think of any others.... Performing the website update in the next few days ?
  6. no... all built into the standard database
  7. The current list of the multiple MaNGOs projects are now held at the following location: The MaNGOS Family
  8. Salja controls the main links in the Forum - I maintain the website
  9. The procedure for this is simple:- 1) Clone the official repo you want to make changes to. 2) Make the changes to your copy of the repo. 3) Submit a push request. That's it
  10. First off, thank you for your perserverance and working through this. Currently we have no wiki writers at all, I have been creating pages for the database structures and client formats as I learn them. I have created over 1300 pages in the last few months !! the main Wiki is located at github.com/mangoszero/server/wiki I am also currently totally re-engineering the ad.exe / vmap extractor and vmap assemblers to make them much more user friendly. - Plus documenting what they actually do since this information has been lost over then years.
  11. We are currently reorganising a few pages and links, It should return shortly. In the meantime, there is a Donation button on the main website http://www.getmangos.eu
  12. Thanks for this, I have moved this into the 'Wiki' area
  13. May not work with IE, but works fine with Firefox and Chrome
  14. May not work with IE, but Chrome and Firefox work ok
  15. Thanks for this, I have moved this into the 'Wiki' area
  16. Does it finish saying complete or does it terminate with errors ? - If it completes, then it should be ok as it does generate the required files
  17. the last time i got this error it was because i did not open the command prompt in administrator mode
  18. ok, load the vmap_extractor project, then change the pulldown from DEBUG to RELEASE, then rebuild the project. - That should resolve the MSVCP100D.dll issue
  19. thank you, I have also added it to my stockpile of pages for the merged wiki I am working on
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