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Everything posted by bdebaere

  1. I just tried the complete quest chain on my server 21.5 and everything works. [LIST] [*]What part are you not able to complete? [*]What do you mean by: "cannot use any items"? [/LIST]
  2. Quest: Infiltrating the Castle [url]http://www.wowhead.com/quest=2745/infiltrating-the-castle[/url] There is a word missing from this quest. What the...?! Don't sneak up on me like that! And keep your voice down! What in the name of the Shadow are you doing sneakin' up on me for? Can't you see I'm busy, you daft fool?$B$BWhat do you mean, what am I doing? I'm waiting for the next Dark Portal to open, what the heck do you think I'm doing? Speak your peace and be off with you... 'fore the guards notice the two of us hiding in the bushes together. I have a reputation to maintain. The following SQL statement fixes it: UPDATE quest_template SET OfferRewardText = 'What the...?! Don''t sneak up on me like that! And keep your voice down! What in the name of the Shadow are you doing sneakin'' up on me for? Can''t you see I''m busy, you daft fool?$B$BWhat do you mean, what am I doing? I''m waiting for the next Dark Portal to open, what the heck do you think I''m doing? Speak your peace and be off with you... ''fore the guards notice the two of us hiding in the bushes together. I have a reputation to maintain.' WHERE entry = 2745;
  3. bdebaere

    some bugs

    2.The mage used Frost Nova, some monsters will not be frozen in place Can you provide a list with the names of these monsters please?
  4. Related: [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/issue.php?issueid=1047[/url]
  5. The TRAP object (103661) which is also summoned by the spell (9055) triggered by the item (7273) has a data2 (diameter) value of 0. It is my guess that the TRAP object is therefor not in range of the player and cannot cast the spell (9056). I have come up with a fix which works, but I am not sure it is the correct way of handling things. Execute the following SQL statement on your mangos database to fix: UPDATE gameobject_template SET data2 = 10 WHERE entry = 103661; [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/MSYZYuI.jpg[/IMG]
  6. There is no loot set for this NPC. Execute the following SQL statement on your mangos database to fix: INSERT INTO creature_loot_template( entry, item, ChanceOrQuestChance, groupid, mincountOrRef, maxcount, condition_id ) VALUES (2714, 4482, -100, 0, 1, 1, 0); UPDATE creature_template SET LootId = 2714 WHERE entry = 2714;
  7. Right-clicking the 10 Witherbark Totem Sticks you cast a spell which creates the gameobject Witherbark Totem Bundle (174764) above the stone. This gameobject however is not lootable. Interestingly there is a gameobject with the name Bolt Charged Bramble (103662) from which you CAN loot the item with the same name. This gameobject however is not spawned by the spell (9055) with effect_1_misc_value of 174764. There is also another spell in the DBC right after 9055, 9056. This spell summons the actual Bolt Charged Bramble (but not above the stone like it should), lootable and ready. This spell only consumes 1 Witherbark Totem Stick, is instant cast, and does not require the stone. So we have the spell (9055) which summons an unlootable WitherBark Totem Bundle (174764) object and requires to be near the stone and 9 Witherbark Totem Sticks. And the spell (9056) which summons a lootable Bolt Charged Bramble, which requires 1 Witherbark Totem Stick. Only thing left is to find a way to put both spells together.
  8. Reflective magic damage: Anti-Magic Shield [url]http://www.wowhead.com/spell=7121/anti-magic-shield[/url] Reflective magic damage is still being dealt while Anti-Magic Shield is active. In the example below I am affected by Thorns and Retribution Aura. Two of my enemies are affected by Anti-Magic Shield, yet still take damage. [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/nH3x9U4.jpg[/IMG]
  9. loch_modan.cpp: capitalize I in texts The personal pronoun I is always capitalized in English. In loch_modan.cpp none of the I's are capitalized: [LIST] [*]Open the gate please, i need to get to Searing Gorge [*]But i need to get there, now open the gate! [*]Doesn't matter, i'm invulnerable. [*]Ok, i'll try to remember that. [/LIST]
  10. Quest: Protecting the Shipment [url]http://www.wowhead.com/quest=309/protecting-the-shipment[/url] [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=1379/miran[/url] For me this escort quest auto completes, you can skip the event.
  11. Quest: The Defias Brotherhood (6) [url]http://www.wowhead.com/quest=155/the-defias-brotherhood[/url] [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=467/the-defias-traitor[/url] It is not possible for me to speak to the Defias Traitor to start the escort. It would seem I am not able to speak to any one of the NPCs which start an escort quest since version 21. In Release20 I remember we started the escort quest with Mist in Teldrassil from the NPC without any problems.
  12. Quest: After the Ambush [url]http://www.wowhead.com/quest=454/after-the-ambush[/url] [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=1379/miran[/url] It is not possible for me to talk to Miran to start the escort quest. It would seem I am not able to speak to any one of the NPCs which start an escort quest since version 21. In Release20 I remember we started the escort quest with Mist in Teldrassil from the NPC without any problems.
  13. Bleak Worg: Wavering Will [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=3861/bleak-worg[/url] 3861 In the dungeon Shadowfang Keep the NPC Bleak Worg keeps casting Wavering Will non-stop every x seconds. The debuff lasts a full 60 seconds, so recasting is not necessary while the debuff is active. I'm pretty sure this thus not working as intended. I would either replace the event with one that checks to see if the target has the debuff. This has the advantage of accounting for dispells and resists. (note: this SQL below needs confirmation as I am new to events): UPDATE mangoszero.creature_ai_scripts SET event_type = 28, event_param1 = 7127, event_param2 = 1 WHERE creature_id = 3861; Or increase the cooldown time of the current event to 60 seconds.
  14. NPC moving while dead While playing around in the Westfall area I noticed multiple times during one evening (2/50 creatures to give a number) that NPCs when killed while running away in fear keep on moving around while dead. The creatures we killed were the Defias guys in The Dagger Hills. I'm not sure it is creature related.
  15. The spell that is triggered by this Idol (id: 22398) is 27853. effect_1_misc_value: 4415
  16. This is not an issue with Frost Nova but with the NPC in question: Scarlet Vanguard. I have tested Frost Nova 50 times on other creatures in packs of 5-10 and did not get the same result.
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