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Everything posted by bdebaere

  1. Changed Assigned to bdebaere Changed Version to 22.1
  2. The herbalism nodes I updated a long time ago. I'm not sure about the mining nodes if those are still faulty.
  3. Changed Assigned to bdebaere
  4. Changed Status to Completed Changed Assigned to bdebaere Changed Implemented Version to 22.1 Changed Milestone to 24 Changed Priority to Normal
  5. Changed Status to Unconfirmed Changed Assigned to bdebaere Changed Implemented Version to 22.1 Changed Milestone to 24 Changed Priority to New / Assign Priority
  6. Please try clearing your cache and seeing if it makes a difference.
  7. Changed Status to Unconfirmed Changed Assigned to bdebaere Changed Implemented Version to 22.1 Changed Milestone to 24 Changed Priority to Low
  8. [quote=mpfans]this ok! But right click one time, complete 2![/quote] I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. Can you explain further please?
  9. TC fixed this by adding the attribute SPELL_ATTR0_CU_REQ_CASTER_BEHIND_TARGET manually to all spells with a certain ID. Which is a custom attribute they added. [url]https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/commit/d2e782a13b274ba0a0001c11ee183c240a49975f[/url] We could simply add SPELL_ATTR_EX2_UNK20 and SPELL_ATTR_EX_UNK9 as they are already checked for in the code in Spell.cpp: // Must be behind the target. if (m_spellInfo->AttributesEx2 == SPELL_ATTR_EX2_UNK20 && m_spellInfo->HasAttribute(SPELL_ATTR_EX_UNK9) && target->HasInArc(M_PI_F, m_caster)) { // Exclusion for Pounce: Facing Limitation was removed in 2.0.1, but it still uses the same, old Ex-Flags //if (!m_spellInfo->IsFitToFamily(SPELLFAMILY_DRUID, UI64LIT(0x0000000000020000))) //{ SendInterrupted(2); return SPELL_FAILED_NOT_BEHIND; //} } Thoughts?
  10. Spell: Pounce Pounce is castable while in front of the target. Even though the tooltip says you must be behind the target. For Mangos zero I believe the following code must be removed in Spell.cpp: From this: // Must be behind the target. if (m_spellInfo->AttributesEx2 == SPELL_ATTR_EX2_UNK20 && m_spellInfo->HasAttribute(SPELL_ATTR_EX_UNK9) && target->HasInArc(M_PI_F, m_caster)) { // Exclusion for Pounce: Facing Limitation was removed in 2.0.1, but it still uses the same, old Ex-Flags if (!m_spellInfo->IsFitToFamily(SPELLFAMILY_DRUID, UI64LIT(0x0000000000020000))) { SendInterrupted(2); return SPELL_FAILED_NOT_BEHIND; } } To this: // Must be behind the target. if (m_spellInfo->AttributesEx2 == SPELL_ATTR_EX2_UNK20 && m_spellInfo->HasAttribute(SPELL_ATTR_EX_UNK9) && target->HasInArc(M_PI_F, m_caster)) { // Exclusion for Pounce: Facing Limitation was removed in 2.0.1, but it still uses the same, old Ex-Flags //if (!m_spellInfo->IsFitToFamily(SPELLFAMILY_DRUID, UI64LIT(0x0000000000020000))) //{ SendInterrupted(2); return SPELL_FAILED_NOT_BEHIND; //} }
  11. Taking the coordinates from the following commit: [url]https://github.com/TrinityCore/TrinityCore/issues/8524[/url] I have come up with a SQL statement to make him and his hounds patrol and aggro when he is attacked. Execute the following SQL statement in your mangos database: INSERT INTO creature_movement_template( `entry`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z` ) VALUES (5933, 1, -5065.414551, -1433.431885, -52.054058), (5933, 2, -5080.285156, -1409.718994, -52.203053), (5933, 3, -5096.495605, -1378.726807, -51.724346), (5933, 4, -5104.196289, -1358.002808, -50.824722), (5933, 5, -5112.802734, -1324.146851, -50.094719), (5933, 6, -5111.580078, -1301.388672, -49.267933), (5933, 7, -5107.584473, -1280.802734, -48.943916), (5933, 8, -5096.659180, -1257.089233, -48.471100), (5933, 9, -5082.086914, -1233.186279, -50.992100), (5933, 10, -5065.160156, -1214.561768, -54.094868), (5933, 11, -5048.077148, -1208.920410, -54.393391), (5933, 12, -5025.265625, -1212.702515, -53.574635), (5933, 13, -5007.475098, -1223.781250, -50.797726), (5933, 14, -4988.770508, -1237.379517, -47.942184), (5933, 15, -4965.532227, -1252.931885, -46.213470), (5933, 16, -4945.341309, -1262.725708, -48.321907), (5933, 17, -4957.100098, -1257.528564, -47.172382), (5933, 18, -4974.348145, -1245.551147, -46.548256), (5933, 19, -4997.272949, -1229.474365, -49.777657), (5933, 20, -5014.469727, -1217.421753, -52.319622), (5933, 21, -5032.637695, -1209.560913, -54.186928), (5933, 22, -5056.286133, -1214.395996, -54.073860), (5933, 23, -5073.804199, -1225.945801, -52.395935), (5933, 24, -5089.777344, -1243.745728, -49.314560), (5933, 25, -5098.031250, -1259.230591, -48.500839), (5933, 26, -5106.213379, -1282.815308, -48.529831), (5933, 27, -5109.097656, -1303.605347, -48.834938), (5933, 28, -5108.130859, -1322.882935, -49.570202), (5933, 29, -5104.601074, -1343.582642, -50.142941), (5933, 30, -5101.294922, -1364.320801, -50.986908), (5933, 31, -5092.989258, -1385.642334, -52.071144), (5933, 32, -5081.424316, -1403.168579, -52.366920); UPDATE creature SET movementtype = 2 WHERE id = 5933; INSERT INTO creature_linking_template( `entry`, `map`, `master_entry`, `flag`, `search_range` ) VALUES (4250, 1, 5933, 513, 0);
  12. From what I can remember version 20 indeed had a VERY low amount of nodes in a lot of zones, mostly in Eastern Kingdoms. Kalimdor was a bit better and The Barrens was over the top. But yeah you should upgrade to v21.
  13. She is not supposed to cast this on players, only on the gnolls. [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=1983/nightlash#comments[/url] [QUOTE]Had a rather strange occurance while fighting this mob, I got an add mid-fight, and she began casting spirit steal at it. It hit the mob for 1000, healing her for 222000. I'm assuming she can only cast this on the gnolls as I've never had it cast on me on any of my characters.[/QUOTE] The issue is: CreatureEventAI.cpp EVENT_T_FRIENDLY_HP DoSelectLowestHpFriendly() returns Nightlash herself. Which is not correct [B]most likely[/B]: EVENT_T_FRIENDLY_HP should only evoke on NPC's other than the one for which the event is scripted.
  14. Looking at the gameobject it has a spawntimesecs of 8000; which is 133 1/3 minutes. That doesn't seem right, does it? SELECT * FROM gameobject WHERE id = 179697;
  15. Related: [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/general-help-amp-support/10640-spreading-herbs.html[/url] Too many nodes, everywhere.
  16. Quest ID is set wrongly in data1 field of the gameobject_template row (was 3702). Execute the following SQL statement on your mangos database to fix: UPDATE gameobject_template SET data1 = 3701 WHERE entry = 153556;
  17. Do you have an example of a creature you pick pocketed which gave no loot? I'm having a hard time understanding your issue. Possible duplicate of: [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/issue.php?issueid=1072[/url] ?
  18. This is a [B]temporary fix[/B] so you can complete this quest. After you apply it, you will notice you will be able to speak to the quest giver, but he will not have a question mark above his head. My own knowledge is too limited to supply a full fix. Execute this SQL stament in your mangos database: UPDATE creature_template SET npcflags = 3 WHERE entry = 7233;
  19. Do you have a list of the creatures you used a form of Mind Control on? I have tested myself with creature [url]http://www.wowhead.com/npc=5647/sandfury-firecaller[/url] and what I noticed was. Rain of Fire: 645 declared mana cost only drained 15 mana from the creature's mana. Fire Blast: "Invalid Target" couldn't test
  20. NPC: Achellios the Banished Achellios the Banished [url]http://db.vanillagaming.org/?npc=5933#wh-comments[/url] Does not have any waypoint set. But he is clearly meant to be patrolling around. Also old WH comments mention you can CC him and his dogs will keep on running, implying they all patrol.
  21. The creatures I tested with were the ones in Hillsbrad Foothills on the bluffs. Frost Nova worked 100% of the time. If you have different results, please test in this area too.
  22. Is your issue related to [url]https://www.getmangos.eu/general-help-amp-support/10640-spreading-herbs.html?highlight=nodes[/url] where there are too many (mining and herbalism) nodes everywhere? From your screenshots it isn't quite clear as you are only showing the location of nodes [B]which may or may not be active[/B] with an addon.
  23. I'm not sure this is the [I]right[/I] way of solving, but it is a fix nonetheless. The delay for the script is set too low on 2 seconds, which means every 2 seconds you speak will give you credit towards this quest. Apply the following SQL statement to your mangos database: UPDATE dbscripts_on_gossip SET delay=60 WHERE id = 3141 AND command = 29
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