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Posts posted by mrelfire

  1. Well I spent the last two days looking over the Ahbot files..

    After around 20 or 30 botched compiles ( attempts.. lets call them attempts LOL)

    I have come up with this


    Try the following:

    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

    cd mangos

    git pull git://github.com/xeross/mangos.git ahbot

    Backup Xeross's Files for Auctionhouse.cpp and Auctionhouse.h (always back up:P)

    Then Extract Copy and paste my Auctionhouse.cpp and Auctionhouse.h files into the correct directory.(Game folder under Source)

    Compile and load.

    Worked for me.

    I am lost, what is the difference between yours and Xeross155 ? which one should we take ?

  2. Looks like it is. balrok has been MIA since early December of last year and nobody else has stepped up to fill his shoes, let alone work on the parts he said he would need someone to help out.

    Damn shame, really. Battlegrounds would likely still be broken if it hadn't been for balrok's devoted genius that made it possible for integrating it into the core.

    He's going to be sorely missed.

    this is sad.

  3. More testing:

    in Raid mod:

    a human chief of the raid with 2 bots

    second human with X bots

    If you enter a dungeon :

    - only the first human, with its bots + the second human can enter the dungeon.

    - None of the X bots entered the dungeon (the chief of the raid has to teleport all of these bots manually)

    - this is the same rule for other humans with other Y bots

  4. A quick reply of different test


    In general no problems as I said good news, but a crash occured when you leave a dungeon in raid mode, and the bot priest is dead vs master (for testing everybody died, you do a tele group to stormwind => crash) looking at the log it seems he tryes to cast an aura skill with him died or you died (hope it is clear)


    Doesn't work a lot => never see him casting his pets (is it bad luck ?)


    a 80 level with full mana still attacking instead of one step back and cast a spell make a lot of fun :)

    and last "repairing" is "needed" :) => dying too much unfortunately broke your stuff :)

  5. Hi Guys,

    RE: In response to a question about priest bots causing a server crash, whilst casting HEAL on group members, out of sight

    Thanks to mrelfire, I have taken a closer look at the code. I have found several logic errors in PlayerbotPriestAI.cpp, related to the following spells (Auras)

    prayer of fortitude

    power word: fortitude

    prayer of spirit

    divine spirit

    In the function uint32 PlayerbotAI::getSpellId(const char* args, bool master) const You will note that the value returned is of type uint32 and not bool. However, it is used frequently in boolean expressions thus;

    If SpellId is not found, then the returned value = zero (or false)

    If found, it will return a positive non-zero Spellid (or true)

    I found the following

    Incorrectly the following test is used, return value == 1 (never true) and this should be, return value > 0

    I must admit, it is rare that I run with a group larger than about 5. Who knows how raid groups will behave with the Playerbot AI and what effect they would have on the servers performance (recent freeze issue). I have briefly looked at the code and distance restrictions on casting spells seem only to be placed on aggressive spells. I can't imagine that the absence of a group member would have such a catastrophic effect on the server.

    RE: In response to an ongoing issue, linked to HasAura, that causes mrelfire 's server to repeatedly crash

    I have also added a condition to HasAura to handle the possible situation where a spellId might be zero or less.

    bool PlayerbotAI::HasAura(uint32 spellId, const Unit& player) const
       if(spellId <= 0)
           return false;
       for (Unit::AuraMap::const_iterator iter = player.GetAuras().begin(); iter != player.GetAuras().end(); ++iter)
           if (iter->second->GetId() == spellId)
               return true;
       return false;

    this may help, we'll have to try it. I will update the code on blueboy shortly.

    Hope this helps

    No Crash !!!, very good news, but the priest try to launch its skill on people not near him, and use all its mana for nothing

  6. I found it!.....but how to fix now???? it's in the x64 windows build... some how ACE is messing up the packett transport between the server and the Client, I'm getting between 70 to 300 errors from ACE during compile and it's gets worse as the core rev's change. these are errors and warnings of data loss because of argument switches, as of rev 9618 I can't even compile SD2 into the core with out total a total fail. I've downloaded the newest rev of the TAO-ACE libraries but haven't a clue as to how to update the old ACE in the core.

    If you found it, open a bug report

  7. I have tested yestederday regarding the freezing and it is not linked with ahbot.

    I managed to find it is linked to some bots.

    On the other hand I have not yet isolated which ones.

    What I can say is priest+warlock are ok

    perhaps the hunter, but not sure

    the freezing without any logs is a nightmare

    I have also

    Player (Guid: 1) unsupported for looting
    like your previous post
  8. Yup, its commit 9611. Not the sql update, but the actual code. I just compiled 9610 with AHbot +playerbot + ScriptDev2 and its not hanging. My hard drive is only active for a few seconds after I get "Player: channels cleaned up!"

    So, my advice for now it to build with 9610 or to cherry pick commits later than 9611 into 9610.


    Update: spoke too soon. Its acting better, but ahbotoptions ahexpire will cause it to thrash and segfault. I'm giving up for now.

    Not for sure, on my side I have a freeze with playerbot and not auctionbot at the latest version

  9. Hi,

    If your server doesn't freeze at all, I can't explain why all your clients are freezing at the same time. It certainly sounds like a network bottle neck. Nothing that I have changed with Playerbot would have such an effect. Have you tried disabling auctionhousebot like DaemonCantor suggests? I last updated the code on blueboy last Tuesday (16th March), and that was just a cosmetic change.


    I will try tomorrow with friends to heavily test it

  10. That wouldnt have anything to do with Mail being sent likely since you already said its a new DB so there shouldnt be any pending bought out auctions..

    Have you already tried running JUST core and AHbot? Since its a new DB did you reset up Mangos config with the correct Guids and such for the AHBOT character?

    To mrelfire To be honest i dont know.. It seems a few are having problems but I and a few others seem to not be.... So i really am not sure.

    My config windows server 2008 X64 compiled with VC9.0, have you got the same ?

  11. O.K,

    Thanks for clarifying. The original post did not make this clear. If all your clients are freezing at the same time, that does suggest that the server is not responding (unduly busy). If the server has not frozen, do the clients work again if left, or do they remain frozen?

    Have you tried DaemonCantor's, suggestion of disabling auctionhousebot mod in 'mangosd.conf'?


    The server doesn' freeze at all, we kill our client, and we all are able to continue at the exact place before the freeze

    Did you change something in the code ? since last wednesday

  12. UnkleNuke... Thank You for then info on the server's anti-freeze routine, I had no idea that there was a function for this, but as far as the Database is concerned here a week ago I had me a major crash with the server(MS's garbage) and ended up reformatting and starting over with fresh due to Microsofts error which was in SMTP service and all of the updates and changes that I had done over the last year. So as far as the DB's are concerned even MySQL is new vers. 5.1.45, Plus a new version SQLYog and Navicat. So as you can see when I stated the DB's were fresh I meen they are fresh the whole thing right down to the bottom. As for the cores every time I run into errors or problems I always set up 2 or more git repos with the mangos cores on identical revisions and start appling comits one at a time and testing each with it's different configs one at a time till I find the offending merge or patch.

    as for the full core this is what I have right now:

    1) rev 9611

    ahbot (pulled from Naicisum with correction in the config file)

    2) rev 9611

    Vehicle, Dual Spec Patch, Item Duration Patch, Playerbot

    3) rev 9611

    ahbot, Dual Spec Patch, Item Duration Patch, Vehicle, Playerbot ( this is my prefered configuation )

    Workbench: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with VS 2008 Pro( fully updated), Navicat 8.2.9, SQLYog 7.02

    Testbed: Windows Server 2008 RC2 x64 (It only comes out in 64bit), MySQL 5.1.45, PHP for Windows Server, and Various Roles like SMTP, FTP, Web Server.

    Also as to item's in the ahbot sql, as I stated on my first post to this problem it doesn't matter if they are set to 0 (zero) or what ever to my ceiling was 30,000 it does it every time and yes even if all three are set to even 2 items in each.

    I hope that is enough to go on because I even tried 3 times today to get a stupid crash report and nothing....not even in the server logs.

    I did encounter crash with auctionhousebot when I made mistakes in my config files regarding the auction house owner

  13. Hi,

    When you say it freezes, is this as the server loads or when you try to logon?

    I have had some issues myself with this recently, at logon; after creating a new build.

    First issue

    Second Issue

    Hard to pinpoint what is causing these issues, particularly if your using many mods in combination.

    Hope this helps

    It is only the client who freeze not the server, but all the client at the same time: we play at 4 with 4 bots each

  14. Right, i have it compiled like this: mangos core last rev + playerbot + detection.patch + get.patch + vehicle(last update) + ahbot + dual spec and it somehow freezes ... dont know why , probably from the ahbot but im not sure

    Yes you are right it freeze the client and not the server with "core" playerbot with some monsters

  15. I can confirm that ahbot causes segmentation faults with Mangos rev9609. I've tried compiling with and without ahbot multiple times, and every time I compile the git pull from Naicisum's repository, Mangos will crash with a segfault after a few seconds of running. Compiling as such works fine though, no errors at all after merging the mangos.conf.dist.in manually.

    It used to work fine the last time, when I used the ahbot.patch you posted here in the thread, so I have no idea what could be wrong. GDB says that some thread related to the player.cpp is crashing, but I'm not familiar with debugging C++ and have no idea what this could mean.

    Are you sure you are not merging with something else or your parameters are correct ?

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