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Posts posted by mrelfire

  1. Hi ,

    mrefire & UnkleNuke

    It's certainly something to tackle. As you will appreciate, I am presently doing all the development/support and it can be difficult jump from one thing to the next, particularly as I am unfamiliar with the code as a whole. When I recently looked at the class AI files, I did notice quite a difference in the coding structure. If you say that spells casting works with Druids & Warriors, then perhaps we should use the general code structure of PlayerbotDruidAI.cpp & PlayerbotWarriorAI.cpp as templates for the rest.


    No problem blueboy

    We give you ways of how we use your tool :)

    in my example, priets work "sometimes" and "sometimes not", it doesn't allways crash ( !! :) )

    but somewhere there is a little "glitch", so this is why I try to give you as much information as I can

  2. It would seem really useful to have a bot to fill an empty role in a party or raid group, but I understand that the design philosophy of playerbot is for the use of an individual player.

    Is there some technical reason that prevents a playerbot from being coded to assist other players, such as casting heals and buffs, if the bot master chooses? I suspect it might require revising some large portions of code, so the client/server behaves as if the bot were a regular character. This assumes it can even be done, of course.

    Yes you have some dungeon where you have to be at 20 to have a chance to "play"

    => the only way is to merge human with bots

  3. Hi,

    Yes, I'm not sure playerbot was designed to be used like this. Have you tried doing the same with ONE real player and 4 bots. The bot healer should only heal other bots and the botmaster, from the same account. The other human players are on their own. Bots only serve one master. Try setting the bot's command orders to only heal the botmaster or a specific bot.

    => using bots like "my way" is the best thing for raid group :)

    => it works well with warrior (druid for example)

    => I suspect the limit is for healers, but is a good debugging way :)

  4. I try trop separate each bot for testing.

    how I did it with the healer :

    - level 30 for everybody

    - 4 people in raid mod (no bots) inside a dungeon

    - 1 go back to orgrimmar, create a bot, put it inside the raid (5 people)

    - tele back to the dungeon (human + bot)

    - the healer start to add (I suspect) spell areas to each people of the group and the crash occured

    => the dungeon was scarlet monastery

  5. a little merge conflict with latest mangos core :)

    I did try to test with my healer, but in raid mod I encounter a lot of crashes:

    Call stack:

    Address Frame Function SourceFile

    007C1686 00000000 PlayerbotAI::HasAura+16

    007C628D 00000000 PlayerbotAI::CastSpell+18D

    008DF09D 00000000 PlayerbotPriestAI::DoNextCombatManeuver+EAD

    007C2BDA 00000000 PlayerbotAI::DoNextCombatManeuver+1CA

    007C5C7E 00000000 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAI+66E

    00511697 00000000 Player::Update+F57

    004D815B 00000000 Map::Update+DB

    004DFB83 00000000 InstanceMap::Update+13

    00891E8E 00000000 MapInstanced::Update+DE

    006A4558 00000000 MapManager::Update+128

    0063F372 00000000 World::Update+7B2

    0045605E 00000000 WorldRunnable::run+8E

    00923C99 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19

    73551B84 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

    73B43433 00000000 _endthreadex+44

    73B434C7 00000000 _endthreadex+D8

    77233677 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+12

    77AE9D72 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63

    77AE9D45 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36


    Local Variables And Parameters

    Call stack:

    Address Frame Function SourceFile

    007C1686 00000000 PlayerbotAI::HasAura+16

    Local <user defined> 'iter'

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    punting on symbol spellId

    Local <user defined> 'player'

    007C628D 00000000 PlayerbotAI::CastSpell+18D

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    punting on symbol spellId

    Local <user defined> 'pSpell'

    punting on symbol targetGUID

    Local <user defined> 'pTarget'

    Local <user defined> 'pSpellInfo'

    008DF09D 00000000 PlayerbotPriestAI::DoNextCombatManeuver+EAD

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    Local <user defined> 'pTarget'

    Local <user defined> 'ai'

    punting on symbol masterHP

    punting on symbol dist

    Local <user defined> 'pVictim'

    Local <user defined> 'm_group'

    Local <user defined> 'm_bot'

    007C2BDA 00000000 PlayerbotAI::DoNextCombatManeuver+1CA

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    007C5C7E 00000000 PlayerbotAI::UpdateAI+66E

    Local <user defined> 'pSpell'

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    Local <user defined> 'p_time'

    punting on symbol currentTime

    00511697 00000000 Player::Update+F57

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    punting on symbol p_time

    punting on symbol now

    Local <user defined> 'pet'

    004D815B 00000000 Map::Update+DB

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    Local <user defined> 't_diff'

    Local <user defined> 'updater'

    Local <user defined> 'world_object_update'

    Local <user defined> 'grid_object_update'

    004DFB83 00000000 InstanceMap::Update+13

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    Local <user defined> 't_diff'

    00891E8E 00000000 MapInstanced::Update+DE

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    Local <user defined> 't'

    Local <user defined> 'i'

    006A4558 00000000 MapManager::Update+128

    Local <user defined> 'iter'

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    punting on symbol diff

    0063F372 00000000 World::Update+7B2

    punting on symbol i

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    punting on symbol diff

    0045605E 00000000 WorldRunnable::run+8E

    punting on symbol diff

    Local <user defined> 'this'

    punting on symbol realCurrTime

    punting on symbol realPrevTime

    punting on symbol prevSleepTime

    00923C99 00000000 ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19

    punting on symbol param

    Local <user defined> '_task'

    73551B84 00000000 ?invoke@ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter@@UAEKXZ+74

    73B43433 00000000 _endthreadex+44

    73B434C7 00000000 _endthreadex+D8

    77233677 00000000 BaseThreadInitThunk+12

    77AE9D72 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63

    77AE9D45 00000000 RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36


    Global Variables

  6. If you are requesting a "fix" whenever you get a merge conflict, you're out of luck, you can fix those yourself fairly easy, just a matter of doing a little research on how to set up your mergetool.

    today I do it manuallly which is not fun :) .

    As the "guardian" of ahobt, it will be interesting to have a "fix".

  7. Go into Map.cpp and Cntrl+F for Maxplayers. In there it has the code that selects max amount.. if you want unlimited put it at a high number like 200 or something instead of what is currently there. Or copy paste what ive shown before and overwrite the Maxplayers section then Change the XX's to your desired Values.

    So edit it to be like this

    uint32 Map::GetMaxPlayers() const
       if(MapDifficulty const* mapDiff = GetMapDifficulty())
           if(mapDiff->maxPlayers || IsRegularDifficulty())    // Normal case (expect that regular difficulty always have correct maxplayers)
               return XX;
           else                                                // DBC have 0 maxplayers for heroic instances with expansion < 2
           {                                                   // The heroic entry exists, so we don't have to check anything, simply return normal max players
               MapDifficulty const* normalDiff = GetMapDifficultyData(i_id, REGULAR_DIFFICULTY);
               return normalDiff ? normalDiff->maxPlayers : XX;
       else                                                    // I'd rather ASSERT(false);
           return XX;

    replace the Three XX's with the amount of players you want to allow into Dungeons.

    thanks !!!

    I will try immediately

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