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Posts posted by pelle

  1. Hit at all. I have a problem with my source.

    At the moment i applyed various changes as custom patches and others, the problem is that all is working but i still am on 8067 of 0.12 and i'd like to update to latest (82**).

    The problem is that if a execute "git pull origin mangos-0.12" i0m sure it will find lot of conficlt because my custom patches.

    Some time ago, i used to download a new uptated source and to apply changes manually, but it will take some time and i could make some mistakes.

    I have to say that on git gui my changes are on the "unapplied changes" so are applied but tagged as "unknow".

    So, there's a way to create a patch of ALL mine changes so i could apply it every time? without any merge conflict?

    Or there is a way to "save" changes, download updates, and reapply the changes?

    thanks :)

  2. @Ambal - Hello, have you tested to see how is the performance when many players are close by. For example, when i test server, players that are not on same place do not have lag, but when players get together, lets say battleground, attack a city or everyone on a same place, more than 16 players, then every players has lag. The lag goes out when players start to get away from other players. So basically lag comes when players are close to each other. Will this patch fix or modify this lag problem, do you think? or do you have better solution or configuration?

    client lag (of visual effects) o server lag (latency)?

  3. oh, jeez :D This patch means speedup for small radiuses aka AOE in 10 yards range means that mostly you will search 1 cell of size 33^2 yards and not 66^2 :) And with visibility distance set to 66 yards we save almost 50% of space covered by 66 yards cells.

    ok, gonna test it.

    Plus, current patch allows you to get any visible distances you want ;)

    very interesting, can you say me how? what parameters should i modify?

  4. as we are here, i'd like to know _what_ pointer whe should use for exemple on spellauras.cpp.

    i understood that m_taget is the taget and caster is the player who do something but...

    can i use that?

    for exemple if i want the rogue autocast something on him (in this case the find weakness buff) , can i use

    if (caster->HasSpell(31242)) //if has talent

    caster->CastSpell(caster, 31238, true, NULL, NULL, GetCasterGUID()); //cast on him the spell

    thanks for asnwer

  5. Silverice giving some console errors

    error: patch failed: src/game/Spell.cpp:4388
    error: src/game/Spell.cpp: patch does not apply
    error: patch failed: src/game/SpellEffects.cpp:5747
    error: src/game/SpellEffects.cpp: patch does not apply

    So am guessing is not compatible anymore.

    EDIT: None of the Blink patches is compatible now. Am gonna test if this is needed anymore or not.

    try different command like

    patch -p1 > patch_path.patch

    should work.

    my question: I like lot the silverice patch for the way it work, how the situation is at the moment with rev 1/3 and pthers patches?

  6. This is not nice in generla use full list explcit spell ids for like remove.

    probably a little for cycle?

    But your patch not work also correctly: what if 2 warlock casted spell that triggred this debuff applied? With your code it will remove debuf at first removed effect of any from warlocks.

    yes i thought on it, probably a check if the player hasn't the talent? so if there aren't dot of a player with the talent it remove..? and if there are dot of player that hasn't the talent remove?

    what pointer i got to use to the HasSpell function? caster-> or what?

  7. Hi at all, note that this is my first patch that i submit so if there's something wrong... tell it to me.

    What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    This patch fix the romove of old 2.4.3 debuff that decrease of x% the melee damage of a target. (taked as a talent on warlock affliction tree).

    For which repository revision was the patch created?

    Mine is working on 8067 of 0.12 but i think it will work on earlier too. not needed on other branch because talent change.

    Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.

    Probably, don't know.

    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    I'm not skilled on git so i can't do a patch, if someone will do it will be apprectiated.

    this is the code on spellauras.cpp

    @@ -5449,10 +5546,60 @@ void Aura::HandleSpiritOfRedemption( bool apply, bool Real )
            m_target->DealDamage(m_target, m_target->GetHealth(), NULL, DIRECT_DAMAGE, SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL, GetSpellProto(), false);
    void Aura::CleanupTriggeredSpells()
    +	bool remove_aaura;     //random name to find a free one P_P
    +	remove_aaura=true;
    +//shadow embrace
    +	Unit::AuraList const& auras = m_target->GetAurasByType(SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_DAMAGE);
    +	for(Unit::AuraList::const_iterator itr = auras.begin(); itr != auras.end(); ++itr)
    +	{
    +		SpellEntry const* itr_spell = (*itr)->GetSpellProto();
    +		if(itr_spell && itr_spell->SpellFamilyName==SPELLFAMILY_WARLOCK){
    +		remove_aaura=false;
    +		break;
    +		}
    +	}
    +	if(remove_aaura)
    +	{
    +		m_target->RemoveAurasDueToSpell(32391);  //remove debuff from higher
    +		m_target->RemoveAurasDueToSpell(32390);
    +		m_target->RemoveAurasDueToSpell(32389);
    +		m_target->RemoveAurasDueToSpell(32388);
    +		m_target->RemoveAurasDueToSpell(32387);
    +     }
       uint32 tSpellId = m_spellProto->EffectTriggerSpell[GetEffIndex()];  //post bug, wtf is  should be EffectTriggerSpell[GetEffIndex()];
        SpellEntry const* tProto = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(tSpellId);

    all improvements on this are very usefull :lol:

  8. Hi at all, i sucessfully compiled/installed/lunched my 0.12 mangos, but i didn't added the vmaps support.

    Now my question is, i heard about crash issues, instability.

    Now i got 5 testers ca. so lag is quite zero and quite infinity uptime.

    So my question is: i don't know so much about vmaps, but i know they are essential, will they bring me crash/lag?

    and the second noob question.... how i extract them? xD

  9. My question is: i have a 0.12 mangos and i want to host on the same pc a 0.13-0.14 mangos.

    I have to take differents realmd (bcz of different versions) and of corse a different mangos.

    The problem is, if they use the same port, they gonna be in conflict...?

    and if i change the ports, i should set in the realmlist something like "set realmlist localhost : port"?

    so, in conclusion, the easier way to have 2.4.3 and 3.x.x on same machine?

    thanks ^_^

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