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Posts posted by pelle

  1. Italian:

    Ok ma l'uptime come si toglie esattamente? e di quali stat parli? per quanto riguarda i player online quelli li devo lasciare per forza, cmq risp per quelle altre 2 cose.

    io avevo bisogno solo della registrazione account, visto che il resto (player online, stat server) lo avevo che funzionava da un altra parte. quindi vai su configurazione recacc in basso e metti @admin e admin di default e li disabiliti quello che non ti serve.

    per togliere l'uptime e quindi l'errore della lenght della data ho dovuto commentare delle parti sul world1.php....

    $copyright = $status = $title;
    //$realm_up = test_realm(${$serverG}, ${$portG});
    //if ($realm_up)    {
    //    $title.= (' ('.$onlineplayers.' '.$text["playerson"].')');
    //    $title.= ' online';
    //    $status = "[img=".$img_base."online.gif]";
     $upsince = get_realm_uptime(${$hostG}, ${$userG}, ${$passwordG}, ${$dbrG}, ${$database_encodingG});
    //} else {
    //    $title.= (' '.$text["off"] );
    //    $status = "[img=".$img_base."offline.gif]";
    // ++ counter and create status xml after every pageload

  2. Since I have installed RegAccount i get this error:

    I don't know what it means, but I tried with the nanounico's fix but the error is still there.

    After I have updated the game versione from 3.0.9 to 3.1.3 i get (sometimes, not always) too times this error:

    Notice: Undefined offset: 1648 in C:\\wamp\\www\\server\\lang.php on line 1847

    To nanounico:

    Nanounico visto che sei italiano casomai puoi mandarmi un PM?

    ITALIAN PART: ciao io ho risolto togliendo le stat, i player online e l'uptime, perchè erano sbagliati.

    infatti l'uptime era una cosa come 1400 giorni, e forse era quello a dare l'errore.

    resta il fatto che funziona benissimo :cool:

  3. Is it possible in git to clone a specific revision ?

    I didnt want to go off-topic, but this might be useful for other people as well..

    Like instead of git cloning the current revision, is there a command for us to clone revision 7987 ?

    Thanks and sorry for the tiny off-topic !

    ** Congratulations on the new release !

    for a single rev i'm not sure, but you can simple pull the latest version of a branch (for exemple for 2.4.3 the 0.12 branch) with "git pull address branch_name".

  4. Only if your are using UDB!

    There are NPCs and their related inventory for every season.

    NPC "XY" that sells S1 items has a copy of itself that sells S4 items.

    Other combinations also.

    These NPCs have mostly the correct items and their costs.

    You just need to despawn them and respawn their versions with the right inventory.

    ok i searched, so i spawned in every vendor zone there 3 npc:

    -the first sells gladiator set at honor points (1 armour piece=12000 ca. honor+marks)

    -the second sells merciless set at arena but with no rating (so 1 piece=1800 ca. arena points)

    -the fird vengeful vendor (1 piece=1800-2000 arena + 1800-2000 rating.)

    is this correct?

    cant remember prices :o

  5. As i Know, on TBC expansion where 4 arena seasons and related sets, so i was wondering how to define this in mangos 0.12.

    i checked there is a option in the conf, but only for master branch, so how should i do?

    the "rude" way is to change the costs of every vendor, but i'm sure there's a better way.


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