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  • account

     NOTE:  This page is auto-generated from the MAGNET DBDocs module,
                 Any changes made directly to this page will be lost when it is regenerated.

    Description of the 'account' table.

    This table holds information on all available accounts.

    Table Notes

    This table uses the 'InnoDB' DB Engine

    The Field definitions follow:

    Field Name Field Type Nullable Key Default Value Attributes Notes
    id int(11) unsigned NO PRI NULL 'auto_increment' The unique account ID.
    username varchar(32) NO UNI ''''   The account user name.
    sha_pass_hash varchar(40) NO ''''   This field contains the encrypted SHA1 password.
    gmlevel tinyint(3) unsigned NO MUL '0'   The account security level.
    sessionkey longtext YES 'NULL'   The Session Key.
    v longtext YES 'NULL'   The validated Hash Value.
    s longtext YES 'NULL'   Password 'Salt' Value.
    email text YES 'NULL'   The e-mail address associated with this account.
    joindate timestamp NO 'current_timestamp()'   The date when the account was created.
    last_ip varchar(30) NO ''''   The last IP used by the person who last logged into the account.
    failed_logins int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The number of failed logins attempted on the account.
    locked tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   Indicates whether the account has been locked or not.
    last_login timestamp NO 'current_timestamp()'   The date when the account was last logged into.
    active_realm_id int(11) unsigned NO '0'   The last Active realm_Id the account was used on.
    expansion tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   The field controls to which expansion's content a user has access.
    mutetime bigint(40) unsigned NO '0'   The time, in Unix time, when the account will be unmuted.
    locale tinyint(3) unsigned NO '0'   The locale used by the client logged into this account.
    os varchar(3) YES ''''   The Operating System of the connected client
    playerBot bit(1) NO 'b'0''   Determines whether the account is a User or a PlayerBot

    Description of the fields

    id int(11) unsigned

    The unique account ID.

    username varchar(32)

    The account user name.

    sha_pass_hash varchar(40)

    This field contains the encrypted password. The encryption is SHA1 and is in the following format: username:password. The SQL to create the password (or to compare with the current hash) is:

    SELECT SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER(`username`), ':', UPPER({pass})));

    gmlevel tinyint(3) unsigned

    The account security level. Different levels have access to different commands. The individual level required for a command is defined in the Mangos command table. Valid values are:

    Value Description
    0 Player
    1 Moderator
    2 Gamemaster
    3 Administrator
    4 Access control within the world server console only

    sessionkey longtext

    The SessionKey - this is the validated result of the login negotiation. This allows disconnected clients to reconnection to their previous session.

    v longtext

    The validated Hash Value, this is created by using the 'Salt' value [See account.s] applied to the username/password SHA1 hash (See account.sha_pass_hash).

    s longtext

    Password 'Salt' Value. Initially a randomly generated value, which when applied against the SHA1 hash of the username / password combo [See account.sha_pass_hash] produces the validation hash (See account.v).

    email text

    The e-mail address associated with this account.

    joindate timestamp

    The date when the account was created.

    last_ip varchar(30)

    The last IP used by the person who last logged into the account.

    failed_logins int(11) unsigned

    The number of failed logins attempted on the account. Monitoring this field may help spotting users who try to gain access to accounts which are not their own, or who have forgotten their passwords.

    locked tinyint(3) unsigned

    Boolean 0 or 1 controlling if the account has been locked or not.

    last_login timestamp

    The date when the account was last logged into.

    active_realm_id int(11) unsigned

    This Field contains the RealmId of the last realm that the account was used on.

    expansion tinyint(3) unsigned

    The field controls to which expansion's content a user has access. By default this is set to 0, allowing access to vanilla WoW content. In mangos-zero, other values can be ignored, since there is no expansion.

    Value Expansion
    0 World of Warcraft *
    1 Burning Crusade
    2 Wrath of the Lich King
    3 Cataclysm
    4 Mists of Pandaria
    5 Warlords of Draenor
    6 Legion
    7 Battle for Azeroth
    * Base Game Version of World of Warcraft, otherwise known as Vanilla. The world server will block access to accounts with 0 in this field from accessing the TBC and WotLK areas in-game. The world server will block access to accounts with 1 in this field from accessing the WotLK areas in-game and so on.

    mutetime bigint(40) unsigned

    The time, in Unix time, when the account will be unmuted.

    SELECT `username`, FROM_UNIXTIME(`mutetime`) FROM `account`;

    locale tinyint(3) unsigned

    The locale used by the client logged into this account. If multiple locale data has been configured and added to the world servers, the world servers will return the proper locale strings to the client.

    Value Language
    0 English
    1 Korean
    2 French
    3 German
    4 Chinese
    5 Taiwanese
    6 Spanish Spain
    7 Spanish Latin America
    8 Russian

    os varchar(3)

    The Operating System of the connected client. This is used by the Warden Module

    playerBot bit(1)

    Determines whether the account is a User or a PlayerBot.

    Value Account Type
    0 Normal User
    1 Playerbot account

    auto-generated by the getMaNGOS.eu MAGNET dbdocs module

    Edited by Antz

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    I was helping with `realmd` account creation today, and wanted to add some of my own documentation from the personal exchange to further help the public with technical literacy for this topic.


    This page actually provides this more generic information well, but wanted to link that to here for that reason, and also in case I can add anything more useful too.

    My statements are not producing the same value, but this is the clarified process, with differing examples.

    Remember to replace `username` and `password` with your intended, respective values, and your resulting SHA1 hash will most likely be different than my `5b...78` hash.  For the shell command examples, I provide alternatives that request user input to compete, to make this more obvious.

    Using the MariaDB included, or associated, GUI application client, HeidiSQL:


    I use DBeaver, but have also used MySQL Workbench in the past, along with SequelPro for Apple computers, and Navicat even longer ago.

    The base SQL, mentioned above, that I also wanted to represent a bit differently:

    `SELECT SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER('username'), ':', UPPER('password')));`

    Fish shell command line statements:
    ⋊> echo -n 'SELECT SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER(\'username\'), \':\', UPPER(\'password\')));' | mariadb -s -p"$dbRootPP";

    ⋊> echo -n 'SELECT SHA1(\''(read -P 'Username: '| upcase)':'(read -P 'Password: '| upcase)'\');' | mariadb -s -p"$dbRootPP";
    Username: username
    Password: password

    ⋊> echo -n 'USERNAME:PASSWORD' | sha1sum | cut -d' ' -f1

    ⋊> echo -n (read -P 'Username: '| upcase)':'(read -P 'Password: '| upcase) | sha1sum | cut -d' ' -f1
    Username: username
    Password: password

    ⋊> echo -n 'USERNAME:PASSWORD' | openssl sha1 | cut -d' ' -f2

    ⋊> echo -n (read -P 'Username: '| upcase)':'(read -P 'Password: '| upcase) | openssl sha1 | cut -d' ' -f2
    Username: username
    Password: password

    ⋊> echo -n 'USERNAME:PASSWORD' | /usr/bin/openssl sha1 | cut -d' ' -f2

    ⋊> echo -n (read -P 'Username: '| upcase)':'(read -P 'Password: '| upcase) | /usr/bin/openssl sha1 | cut -d' ' -f2
    Username: username
    Password: password


    My environment:
    ⋊> neofetch --stdout distro kernel shell term
    distro: Fedora release 39 (Thirty Nine) x86_64
    kernel: 6.6.13-200.fc39.x86_64
    shell: fish 3.7.0
    term: gnome-terminal

    ⋊> mariadb --version
    mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.1.21-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64) using readline 5.2

    ⋊> sha1sum --version
    sha1sum (GNU coreutils) 9.3
    Copyright (C) 2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <https://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
    This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
    There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

    Written by Ulrich Drepper, Scott Miller, and David Madore.

    ⋊> openssl version
    OpenSSL 1.1.1b  26 Feb 2019

    ⋊> /usr/bin/openssl version
    OpenSSL 3.1.1 30 May 2023 (Library: OpenSSL 3.1.1 30 May 2023)

    The only remaining problem was that the new account, or at some point, any account, were all receiving messages that they were banned, or the account closed, and could basically not login using the WoW client.
    Changing `LogLevel` to '2' in `realmd.conf` helped show us a message about an AuthChallenge code module reporting "Banned IP ...".

    https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Amangos%2Frealmd banned&type=code

    This could be answered in another article, and I may have seem some posts mentioning various strategies, but I want to briefly list the possible solutions for these other problems here, since they are at least close in function and process.

    What may have fixed this these problems, while even using the localhost IP address in the `realmd.conf` file, is restarting the realmd process.


    For specific account problems, try using the same localhost IP address as the `localAddress`, but changing the `address` field to the external IP address of the machine the server is being hosted on.  An alternative is deleting the `address` field record's data.

    We also checked reduced `failedLogins` to '0', any `active` field to '1', or `locked` to '0', and checking there was no matching record for either IP address in the `ip_banned` table, or even that it was empty.

    Also, for any solution in this post, make sure all database changes are saved/persisted, so you can reload and find the data you updated again, which is more applicable when using GUI application clients to interact with a database, but also any command line execution in case errors are reported there too.


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