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  • Lazy Peon Doesn't do anything

    • Status: Completed
      Main Category: Script (Eluna / SD3)
      Sub-Category: NPC
      Version: 21.xx Milestone: 22 (Current) Priority: Normal
      Implemented Version: 22.xx (Current Master Branch)
      Assigned: Tuker

    Some Lazy Peons just don't move and will not respond to the foreman's blackjack and will not go to sleep


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    Hi Nalal,

    i've checked all Peons and sometimes happen that there is a Delay from Spawn of Peons and start of the Working/Sleeping routine, that's why you see them doing nothing, but if you wait a couple of minutes they should start working.

    It should be an easy fix and i'm just working on it.
    Peons react correctly to the Foreman's blackjack ONLY if sleeping of course.



    Changed Status to Confirmed

    Changed Assigned to Tuker

    Changed Implemented Version to 22.1

    Changed Milestone to 24

    Changed Priority to Normal

    Changed Type to Scripts (Eluna / SD3)



    9 minutes ago, Tuker said:

    Hi Nalal,

    i've checked all Peons and sometimes happen that there is a Delay from Spawn of Peons and start of the Working/Sleeping routine, that's why you see them doing nothing, but if you wait a couple of minutes they should start working.

    It should be an easy fix and i'm just working on it.
    Peons react correctly to the Foreman's blackjack ONLY if sleeping of course.

    Thanks for looking into that

    This is now closed for further comments

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