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  • Druid Bug

    • Status: Not a bug
      Main Category: Unset
      Sub-Category: Item
      Version: 22.1 Milestone: Unset Priority: Low
      Implemented Version: 22.1

    Hello guys, sorry If I posted this thread with wrong Type and Category.
     Well, I guess that with the druid I am around 63 000 health when I transform from human to Bear or from Bear to human my health is gone.
     Here are some pics:


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    I am a little confused with this..    Your report says human druid and you screen shot shows a Draenei, yet for Mangos 1 the druid class is not playable for these races.

    If you find this issue with a class / race combination that is actual..Such as a  Night elf Druid. Please post your Race, class, level and all gear you have on that character.  Until then I dont see a bug here at all.



    It's morph :)
    Lvl: 70
    Tauren Male: Druid
    Items: Custom made my be, but I guess that there is no sense about items because it should work with all



    I have attempted a few different things but I am not able to reproduce this with the current Rel21 build / Database

    It seems that whatever is happening here was done after alterations of the game somewhere.. Maybe the gear, stats in the DB, or code some place. Unless you can provide the same result with unmodified database and/or core files. I consider this matter not a bug.

    Will leave open till tomorrow before I close and lock to allow further information provided by you. At that time if the issue continues with no costume modifications Feel free to open a new report.



    Perhaps even try the same with normal gear rather than customized gear



    Changed Status to Not a bug

    Changed Priority to Low

    Changed Category to Item

    This is now closed for further comments

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