It appears a file needed for running mangos isn't being extracted by the map-extractor.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.407] (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\Silentstorm\Downloads\mangos\server_install>mangosd 210708 [world-daemon] <Ctrl-C> to stop. __ __ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _____ _ | \/ |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __| |_ _| |_ _ _ ___ ___ | |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \ | | | ' \| '_/ -_) -_) |_| |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/ |_| |_||_|_| \___\___| Powered By MaNGOS Core __________________________________________________________ Website/Forum/Wiki/Issue Tracker: __________________________________________________________ Using configuration file mangosd.conf. OpenSSL 1.0.2p 14 Aug 2018 (Library: OpenSSL 1.0.2p 14 Aug 2018) Using ACE: 6.3.0 World Database total connections: 2 Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/mangos3 MySQL client library: 5.6.41 MySQL server ver: 5.6.41-log AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/mangos3 MySQL client library: 5.6.41 MySQL server ver: 5.6.41-log AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 You have not updated the core for few DB [World] updates! Current DB content is 4, core expects 1 This is ok for now but should not last long. Character Database total connections: 2 Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/character3 MySQL client library: 5.6.41 MySQL server ver: 5.6.41-log AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/character3 MySQL client library: 5.6.41 MySQL server ver: 5.6.41-log AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 Login Database total connections: 2 Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/realm3 MySQL client library: 5.6.41 MySQL server ver: 5.6.41-log AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/realm3 MySQL client library: 5.6.41 MySQL server ver: 5.6.41-log AUTOCOMMIT SUCCESSFULLY SET TO 1 Realm running as realm ID 1 Using World DB: Version: 21, Structure: 8, Content: 4 Using DataDir ./data/ VMAP height use disabled! Creatures movements and other things will be in broken state. WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:0, getHeight:0, indoorCheck:0 WORLD: VMap data directory is: ./data/vmaps WORLD: MMap pathfinding disabled Check existing of map file './data/maps/': not exist! Correct *.map files not found in path './data/maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './data/vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file. C:\Users\Silentstorm\Downloads\mangos\server_install>
Heres the map-extractor.exe output
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.407] (c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\Silentstorm\Downloads\mangos\World of Warcraft - Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595)>map-extractor.exe Map & DBC Extractor =================== Detected locale: enGB Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13164.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13164.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13205.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13205.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13287.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13287.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13329.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13329.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13596.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13596.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13623.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13623.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13914.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13914.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14007.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14007.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14333.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14333.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14480.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14480.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14545.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14545.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15005.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-15005.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15050.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-15050.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15211.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15354.MPQ Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15595.MPQ Patching : ./Data/enGB/wow-update-enGB-15211.MPQ Patching : ./Data/enGB/wow-update-enGB-15354.MPQ Patching : ./Data/enGB/wow-update-enGB-15595.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13164.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13164.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13205.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13205.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13287.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13287.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13329.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13329.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13596.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13596.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13623.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13623.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13914.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13914.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14007.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14007.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14333.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14333.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14480.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14480.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14545.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14545.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15005.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15005.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15050.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15050.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15211.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15354.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15595.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13164.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13164.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13205.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13205.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13287.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13287.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13329.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13329.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13596.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13596.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13623.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13623.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13914.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13914.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14007.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14007.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14333.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14333.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14480.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14480.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14545.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14545.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15005.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15005.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15050.MPQ Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15050.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15211.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15354.MPQ Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15595.MPQ Detected client build: 15595 Extracting dbc files... Extracted 333 DBC/DB2 files Using locale: enGB Loaded MPQ files for map extraction: ./Data/world.MPQ ./Data/world2.MPQ ./Data/expansion1.MPQ ./Data/expansion2.MPQ Error open archive: ./Data/expansion2.MPQ Extracting maps... Read Map.dbc file... Done! (206 maps loaded) Read AreaTable.dbc file...Done! (3206 areas loaded) Read LiquidType.dbc file...Done! (44 LiqTypes loaded) Convert map files System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Azeroth (1/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Kalimdor (2/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract test (3/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract ScottTest (4/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract PVPZone01 (5/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Shadowfang (6/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract StormwindJail (7/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract StormwindPrison (8/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DeadminesInstance (9/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract PVPZone02 (10/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Collin (11/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract WailingCaverns (12/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Monastery (13/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract RazorfenKraulInstance (14/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Blackfathom (15/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Uldaman (16/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract GnomeragonInstance (17/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract SunkenTemple (18/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract RazorfenDowns (19/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract EmeraldDream (20/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract MonasteryInstances (21/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TanarisInstance (22/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract BlackRockSpire (23/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract BlackrockDepths (24/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract OnyxiaLairInstance (25/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract CavernsOfTime (26/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract SchoolofNecromancy (27/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Zul'gurub (28/206) File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [5, 8]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [6, 8]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [4, 9]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [5, 9]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [6, 9]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [7, 9]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [4, 10]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [5, 10]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [6, 10]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [7, 10]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [4, 11]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [5, 11]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [6, 11]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [7, 11]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [8, 11]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [9, 11]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [4, 12]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [5, 12]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [6, 12]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [7, 12]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [8, 12]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3383 [9, 12]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [7, 12]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [8, 12]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [7, 13]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [8, 13]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [9, 13]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [10, 13]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3419 [4, 14]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3419 [5, 14]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [7, 14]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [8, 14]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [9, 14]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [10, 14]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [11, 14]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [12, 14]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [13, 14]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3419 [4, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3419 [5, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [7, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [8, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [9, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [10, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [11, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [12, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_53.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [13, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [7, 0]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [8, 0]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [9, 0]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [10, 0]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [11, 0]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [7, 1]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [8, 1]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3381 [9, 1]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3397 [4, 7]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3397 [5, 7]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3397 [6, 7]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3397 [7, 7]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3397 [4, 8]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3397 [5, 8]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3397 [6, 8]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3397 [7, 8]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [2, 12]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [2, 13]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [2, 14]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [1, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_54.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [2, 15]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [14, 0]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [15, 0]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [14, 1]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [15, 1]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [14, 2]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [15, 2]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_34_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [15, 3]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [0, 0]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [1, 0]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [2, 0]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [0, 1]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [1, 1]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [2, 1]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [0, 2]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [1, 2]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [2, 2]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [0, 3]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [1, 3]. File: World\Maps\Zul'gurub\Zul'gurub_35_55.adt Can't find area flag for areaid 3379 [2, 3]. System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Stratholme (29/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Mauradon (30/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DeeprunTram (31/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract OrgrimmarInstance (32/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract MoltenCore (33/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DireMaul (34/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract AlliancePVPBarracks (35/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract HordePVPBarracks (36/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract development (37/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract BlackwingLair (38/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract PVPZone03 (39/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract AhnQiraj (40/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract PVPZone04 (41/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Expansion01 (42/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract AhnQirajTemple (43/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Karazahn (44/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Stratholme Raid (45/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract HyjalPast (46/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract HellfireMilitary (47/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract HellfireDemon (48/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract HellfireRampart (49/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract HellfireRaid (50/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract CoilfangPumping (51/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract CoilfangMarsh (52/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract CoilfangDraenei (53/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract CoilfangRaid (54/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TempestKeepRaid (55/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TempestKeepArcane (56/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TempestKeepAtrium (57/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TempestKeepFactory (58/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract AuchindounShadow (59/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract AuchindounDemon (60/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract AuchindounEthereal (61/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract AuchindounDraenei (62/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract PVPZone05 (63/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract HillsbradPast (64/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract bladesedgearena (65/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract BlackTemple (66/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract GruulsLair (67/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract NetherstormBG (68/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract ZulAman (69/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Northrend (70/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract PVPLordaeron (71/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract ExteriorTest (72/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Valgarde70 (73/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract UtgardePinnacle (74/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Nexus70 (75/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Nexus80 (76/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract SunwellPlateau (77/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport176244 (78/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport176231 (79/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Sunwell5ManFix (80/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport181645 (81/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport177233 (82/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport176310 (83/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport175080 (84/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport176495 (85/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport164871 (86/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport186238 (87/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport20808 (88/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport187038 (89/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract StratholmeCOT (90/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport187263 (91/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract CraigTest (92/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Sunwell5Man (93/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Ulduar70 (94/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DrakTheronKeep (95/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Azjol_Uppercity (96/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Ulduar80 (97/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract UlduarRaid (98/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract GunDrak (99/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract development_nonweighted (100/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract QA_DVD (101/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract NorthrendBG (102/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DalaranPrison (103/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DeathKnightStart (104/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport_Tirisfal _Vengeance_Landing (105/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport_Menethil_Valgarde (106/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport_Orgrimmar_Warsong_Hold (107/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport_Stormwind_Valiance_Keep (108/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract ChamberOfAspectsBlack (109/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract NexusRaid (110/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DalaranArena (111/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract OrgrimmarArena (112/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Azjol_LowerCity (113/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport_Moa'ki_Unu'pe (114/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport_Moa'ki_Kamagua (115/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport192241 (116/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport192242 (117/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract WintergraspRaid (118/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract unused (119/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract IsleofConquest (120/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract IcecrownCitadel (121/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract IcecrownCitadel5Man (122/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract AbyssalMaw (123/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Gilneas (124/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport_AllianceAirshipBG (125/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport_HordeAirshipBG (126/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract AbyssalMaw_Interior (127/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Uldum (128/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract BlackRockSpire_4_0 (129/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Deephome (130/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport_Orgrimmar_to_Thunderbluff (131/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract LostIsles (132/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract ArgentTournamentRaid (133/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract ArgentTournamentDungeon (134/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract ElevatorSpawnTest (135/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Gilneas2 (136/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract GilneasPhase1 (137/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract GilneasPhase2 (138/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract SkywallDungeon (139/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract QuarryofTears (140/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract LostIslesPhase1 (141/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Deephomeceiling (142/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract LostIslesPhase2 (143/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport197195 (144/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract HallsOfReflection (145/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract BlackwingDescent (146/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract GrimBatolDungeon (147/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract GrimBatolRaid (148/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport197347 (149/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport197348 (150/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport197349-2 (151/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport197349 (152/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport197350 (153/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport201834 (154/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract MountHyjalPhase1 (155/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Firelands1 (156/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Firelands2 (157/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Stormwind (158/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract ChamberofAspectsRed (159/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DeepholmeDungeon (160/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract CataclysmCTF (161/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract STV_Mine_BG (162/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TheBattleforGilneas (163/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract MaelstromZone (164/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DesolaceBomb (165/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TolBarad (166/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract AhnQirajTerrace (167/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TwilightHighlandsDragonmawPhase (168/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport200100 (169/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport200101 (170/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport200102 (171/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport200103 (172/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport203729 (173/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport203730 (174/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract UldumPhaseOasis (175/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport 203732 (176/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport203858 (177/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport203859 (178/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport203860 (179/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract RedgridgeOrcBomb (180/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract RedridgeBridgePhaseOne (181/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract RedridgeBridgePhaseTwo (182/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract SkywallRaid (183/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract UldumDungeon (184/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract BaradinHold (185/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract UldumPhasedEntrance (186/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TwilightHighlandsPhasedEntrance (187/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Gilneas_BG_2 (188/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport 203861 (189/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport 203862 (190/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract UldumPhaseWreckedCamp (191/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport203863 (192/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport 2033864 (193/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Transport 2033865 (194/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract Zul_Gurub5Man (195/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract FirelandsDailies (196/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract ScenarioAlcazIsland (197/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract COTDragonblight (198/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract COTWarOfTheAncients (199/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TheHourOfTwilight (200/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract NexusLegendary (201/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DeathwingBack (202/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract EyeoftheStorm2.0 (203/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract DarkmoonFaire (204/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract MaelstromDeathwingFight (205/206) System.cpp:ExtractMapsFromMpq( ) - Extract TolVirArena (206/206) C:\Users\Silentstorm\Downloads\mangos\World of Warcraft - Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595)>
The problem might be that its enGB instead of enUS but i couldn't find a enUS client without messing the patchs up. I got the client from here if it helps with anything.
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