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  • [Paladin] Seal of Righteousness doing too much damage

    • Status: Awaiting Feedback
      Main Category: Database
      Sub-Category: Spell
      Version: 21.11 Milestone: 22 Priority: Normal
      Implemented Version: Unset

    [Paladin] Seal of Righteousness doing too much damage


    Actually the seal of righteousness is doing too much damage. This is because the formula seems a bit weird (coming from BC ?):

    float damageBasePoints;
    if (item && item->GetProto()->InventoryType == INVTYPE_2HWEAPON)
    // two hand weapon
    { damageBasePoints = 1.20f * triggerAmount * 1.2f * 1.03f * speed / 100.0f + 1; }
    // one hand weapon/no weapon
    { damageBasePoints = 0.85f * ceil(triggerAmount * 1.2f * 1.03f * speed / 100.0f) - 1; }

    int32 damagePoint = int32(damageBasePoints + 0.03f * (GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MINDAMAGE) + GetWeaponDamageRange(BASE_ATTACK, MAXDAMAGE)) / 2.0f) + 1;

    // apply damage bonuses manually
    if (damagePoint >= 0)
    damagePoint = SpellDamageBonusDone(pVictim, dummySpell, damagePoint, SPELL_DIRECT_DAMAGE);
    damagePoint = pVictim->SpellDamageBonusTaken(this, dummySpell, damagePoint, SPELL_DIRECT_DAMAGE);

    CastCustomSpell(pVictim, spellId, &damagePoint, NULL, NULL, true, NULL, triggeredByAura);

    The DBC have actually the maximum of damage stored in it and that value has to be divided to get min-max range of damage:

    - To get min range, divide the value by 87.
    - To get max range, divide the value by 25.

    Therefore, I propose the following formula to adjust the damage done:

    - 1.5 speed weapon and lower does the minimum damage
    - 4.0 speed weapon and higher does the maximum damage

    Damage = (speed=4.0?max:min+(((max-min)/2.5f)*(speed-1.5))));

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