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  • Missing information from the 'Skills' tree, under 'Character'

    • Status: devacknowledged
      Main Category: Database
      Sub-Category: Spell
      Version: 21.0 Milestone: 20 Priority: Low
      Implemented Version: 0.20

    Missing information from the 'Skills' tree, under 'Character'

    1) Fists Weapon profficiency is not displayed at all, even if skill has been taught by the relevant Weapon Master

    2) In the same window, up top where the three sub-categories of the classes are listed, there is an issue in that only two out of three are displayed. No matter the class of the character you are on.
    For example, in a shaman, you only see Elemental Combat and Restoration (Enhancement is missing entirely). Likewise for mage, warlock, et al

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    I have not seen this for learned skills, but I was going to create a ticket for the core skills (the gray ones) always missing one. For shammies, it is enhancement. I believe it is survival on hunters, but I would have to check. Either way, every class is missing one of its core proficiencies.

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