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  • Was right about Life Tap!

    • Status: devacknowledged
      Main Category: Database
      Sub-Category: Spell
      Version: 21.0 Milestone: 21 Priority: Low
      Implemented Version: 0.20

    Was right about Life Tap!

    can't find my old bug report, apologies;
    why do you have it auto-hiding the reports by date? Extra clickies for nothing,lol..anyway, sorry bout that;

    Now to topic, it does indeed bug when you equip bonus spell damage gear. Naked, all good. Rank 6 takes 420 health, gives 420 mana. Talented and naked, less health as should be, same mana. All good.
    You start equipping spell damage bonus, things go awry. The more you stack it, the more health Life Tap leeches out of you. For the exact same mana...issue is thus obviously more noticeable the more SP you got on you. With BIS gear on every slot, it's...baaad :)

    The above, fact. 101%

    (now as to the previous post..you CAN bug it retroactively, if you unspec talents, wear spll dmg gear, and spec improved life tap afterwards. That's why i said before even the talents don't work correctly. If you tried this with a naked/GM robe toon and you saw it fine...it's not..)
    (fact n2.. Plagueheart set t8 bonus, the only thing in vanilla that made changes to life tap [will remind you life tap did[I] not [/I]scale], works fine. It --does-- reduce the amount of health taken off of you correctly..but the reduction it correctly calculates is based upon the wrong initial leeching..see issue as described above)

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    With the full Deathmist set and some other bonus gear, here's how it works out. I do have two points in the talent.

    Rank 5 Life Tap - Normally 300 for 300. +20% SHOULD be 360 mana for 300hp

    When cast, it takes 420hp and returns 504mana. Something does seem off here. The base is 40% higher than it should be (300 * 1.40 = 420) and the return is 68% higher than it should be (300 * 1.68 = 504). Therefore the talent OR the spell is being affected by spell bonus. This MAY be blizzlike, but we need to confirm it. However, I still cannot reproduce your original post of losing over 1k hp per use.



    [quote=Xenithar]With the full Deathmist set and some other bonus gear, here's how it works out. I do have two points in the talent.

    Rank 5 Life Tap - Normally 300 for 300. +20% SHOULD be 360 mana for 300hp

    When cast, it takes 420hp and returns 504mana. Something does seem off here. The base is 40% higher than it should be (300 * 1.40 = 420) and the return is 68% higher than it should be (300 * 1.68 = 504). Therefore the talent OR the spell is being affected by spell bonus. This MAY be blizzlike, but we need to confirm it. However, I still cannot reproduce your original post of losing over 1k hp per use.[/quote]

    You can if as i said, you go BIS on every slot. Or in case you know commands i do not, have a Spell dmg bonus exceeding 750 :)
    it's over 1k health cost per cast, for that same 420 mana..and mind you, it's 1k+ --because- full plagueheart reduces health cost by 10%, would have been 1,1k+ without t3 8set bonus



    Changed status to confirmed, changed to 0.20. Please do not assign any bugs to 0.21. That has not even been created yet. The current stable is 0.19 and the one on Covenant, as well as what we are working to release, is 0.20. Once 0.20 is released, the head guys will create 0.21 and we will begin improving it.



    This is a partial fix. It improves the picture greatly due to correcting the bug in the spell_bonus_data (so forget about 1k HP losses), but the numbers got from the spells are strange still. It seems that spell/character level difference affects them. Leaving this as ToDo.



    Sorry.. I should sometimes read the [URL="http://getmangos.eu/wiki/Reference%20Information/DB/mangos/MaNGOSZero/spell_bonus_data.md"]documentation I created myself[/URL]. Well, after it will be applied :)

    This is close-to-full fix of the spell. The only problem left is the following. In case you have T8 bonus reducing HP loss due to this spell, the loss is calculated BEFORE the mana gain, and the MP gain is lowered too (by 12-16% depending on the talent). Thus, a problem in the core remains. Still ToDo.

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