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  • Deeprun Tram Drivers on Strike (Tram car movement issues)

    • Status: Confirmed
      Main Category: Core / Mangos Daemon
      Sub-Category: Transports / Flight Paths
      Version: 21.11 Milestone: 22 Priority: Normal
      Implemented Version: Unset

    This issue may affect other Mangos cores, as such fixes will need to be considered for one-three.

    The deeprun tram seems to experience intermittent issues.

    This is a list of some I have observed.

    • Entering the tram instance from the Stormwind side and waiting at the first platform, no tram arrives on the nearest platform.
      • Walking the entire length of that tram, you can see no tram cars. When you arrive at Ironforge if you start walking back along the track you can suddenly see them coming towards you.
    • I have witnessed tram cars becoming separate and seen cars going off by themselves and followed by 2 more moments later.

    The tram system clearly needs a review. I was thinking that something along similar lines to "living-world" could be done, in that the tram instance is always loaded at startup, and that the tram cars are moving regardless of if a player is inside the tram instance or not.

    I feel that trams moving without players needing to enter the tram instance would be more Blizzlike behavior. Hopefully one of the developers can dig deeper into these issues and maybe take some actions to make the system behave better and more automated.

    Edited by madmax

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    Any update on this particular topic ? We're still facing sync issue with the tram and we never get the two lines working simultaneously without doing similar workaround from @madmax.



    On Mangos Zero, this issue has been fixed since December, 27th 2016, with this commit. Please reclone the repo (there is only a single "master" branch now) and do a full build. To test, simply enter DeepRun on either ends and wait 5-7 minutes.

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