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  • Food : Scorpid Surprise 100% poisoning

    • Status: Awaiting Dev Review
      Main Category: Core / Mangos Daemon
      Sub-Category: Spell
      Version: 21.14

    server: rel21_16_016
    db_structure: rel21_16_47

    The food Scorpid Surprise should not poison a player every time since the beginning of eating process. It should has a chance to proc on each "+hp" tick 
    According to Spell.dbc the chance is 1:70 per tick to trigger the second effect (poison). 


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    @antz fyi

    If I am right and the food itself should trigger poison at the beginning (not durig process|per sec), so that may fix this (based on chances and Dice params DBC arithmetic for spell 6410):

    	// Scorpid Surprise, special case because chance is set 101% in DBC but has 2 Effects. Wea are using Dice DBC params?
            // This is the fix attempt that makes this food proc poison (not on tick|per sec) at the beginning with chance based on DBC
            case 6411:
                if (urand(1,71) == 1)
                    m_caster->CastSpell(unitTarget, triggered_spell_id, true);

    placed into SpellEffects.cpp here

    But I'm not sure that this is the righ way to fix the problem cause I orient in source code not well at all. 

    After that during tests poison procs not with 100% chance. I could say seldom enough to suit the chance. 

    The main question is it should proc on every sec (too huge chance) or every process start (pretty low). And also: is it right way to fix? 
    Wanted to know about Dice params handling on the server side too. 

    UPD: seems like I was wrong about the chances. Looking for additional info.



    According to info around the internet my suggested solution has wrong chances (But I can't figure out what they should be). Needed an explanation of Dice system and .dbc params.

    Also my solution overall  seems "barbaric", cause mangos code has an opportunity to operate this params, so -> It should be more suitable way to fix this problem without switch/case construction. 

    Both topics require understanding of Dice system params and chances in Spell.dbc + understanding of their handling on server side.

    It's hard due to shortage of info (could find only 3.3.5 Spell.dbc short explanation of params without any further progress/discussion).
    Requires a dev review (who knows spell handling server side) 



    Unfortunately, the 6005 build Spell.dbc is clear about this: the poison is applied unconditionally once the food is used. SpellValue 70 pertains only to the 1st effect, that is hp regen. The application is the second effect of the 6410 item spell, and the incore handling looks pretty solid: it is similar to the TC 3.3.5. If the whole spell hits (which is always true), then the 2nd effect is executed unconditionally. Also, the duration of both 6410 and 6411 is the same. If you insist that there must be a chance, then we may face the following: either 1) it was handled by Blizz in a special way, not reflected in the Spell.dbc, or 2) it had been changed during patch progress, but in 6005 got to the present form.

    On the other hand, I failed to find a coherent description of the mechanic. Versions vary from "ate like 150 never was poisoned" (Patch 1.9.4) through "i ate 11 looking for poison resist in the combat log, nothing" (Patch 1.8.1) to "got poisoned at 2-4 piece". While "poison at tick" scheme looks the most logical, it may be not the actual case. However I feel able to imagine smth like this: the char gets a "poison proc" aura (like 3616 or 7276) from being victim of a scorpid attack, and the aura procs over that food spell; the aura itself has infinite duration and falls off when the char leaves the zone.

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