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  • Spells cast in chain failing

    Aaron Briggs
    • Status: Duplicate
      Main Category: Core / Mangos Daemon
      Sub-Category: Spell
      Version: 21.14 Milestone: Unset Priority: New
      Implemented Version: Unset

    Offensive spells cannot be cast in a chain; attempting to leads to the error message "another action is in progress" and will not allow another spell cast until the animation ends, regardless of the global cooldown.

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    Changed Status to Awaiting Feedback

    Changed Implemented Version to Unset

    Changed Milestone to Unset

    Changed Priority to New



    No, this is definitely mangos bug that wasn't present in previous version.

    I recently upgraded from

    Server Version : 2118001
    Database Version : Rel21.22.1


    Server Version : 2201001
    Database Version : Rel22.1.1

    I have made no changes to the client like nampower so this has to be mangos related. The previous version worked fine.

    I haven't checked all the spells but only some seem to have this issue. So far I noticed it with frostbolt and fireball.


    Reproduce: cast frost bolt and keep pressing hotkey for another while it's casting... if you try to cast another spell right as the cast bar for the previous spell finishes, new cast bar appears red with the messege "failed" and an error message at the top says "another action is in progress".

    I could make a video if that helps but I don't think you'll have any troubles reproducing this.

    Aaron Briggs


    Bug also seems to be exclusive to mangosZero, I switched to mangosOne and didn't have the same problem.



    I'm having an issue where spells can't be cast at all. The cast bar goes to full but the spell never fires. Even auto-attacking is impossible. Just did a clean install.

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