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[PATCH] AuctionHouse Bot

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I dont understand what the issue is and yes i have read all of the posts here. I am using rev 9610 having cloned Origional Mangos and then pulled Naicisum's repo over it. It gives me Mangos.conf errors which i manually fix and then its working fine. I have no freeze issues and can buy items off the AH without a problem. I even had the AH buy items I put in there as well...

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@Kreegoth thanks mate, I also don't know whats up. My core is

MaNGOS/0.16.0 (* * Revision 9611 - b951e50c9ad67d0c65d997cd725b381eb85d4036) for Linux_x64 (little-endian)

and everything works fine. My auctionhouse is full. I can buy with alliance/horde in their auctionhouses and in the neutral one. I can bid on items, I can place items for auctions and the ahbot buys them, after some delay time (tested with alliance dwarf in ironforge auctionhouse and in bootybay auctionhouse, you get informed that your item was sold and after some delay time you get mail with money. If your item wasn't sold you get it instantly back. Mail sending isn't broken.) I had my server running at two days for about two hours, well only with myself connected, but absolutely no crash or anything funky caused by Naicisums ahbot.

So I repeat myself, it's either another patch file that kills the server or a database issue, either caused by your database deliverer or by an earlier version of ahbot. So you could clean your auctionhouse table, and your iteminstance table from items that belong to ahbots_account. And as last idea a crash can also can be caused by a hardware failure. Ahbot takes some CPU load and writes a bunch of stuff into mysql. But since not even a mangos cmd log or anything else was handed in ... what shall we do? My crystal ball is on reparation ... :-)

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@Kreegoth thanks mate, I also don't know whats up. My core is
MaNGOS/0.16.0 (* * Revision 9611 - b951e50c9ad67d0c65d997cd725b381eb85d4036) for Linux_x64 (little-endian)

and everything works fine. My auctionhouse is full. I can buy with alliance/horde in their auctionhouses and in the neutral one. I can bid on items, I can place items for auctions and the ahbot buys them, after some delay time (tested with alliance dwarf in ironforge auctionhouse and in bootybay auctionhouse, you get informed that your item was sold and after some delay time you get mail with money. If your item wasn't sold you get it instantly back. Mail sending isn't broken.) I had my server running at two days for about two hours, well only with myself connected, but absolutely no crash or anything funky caused by Naicisums ahbot.

So I repeat myself, it's either another patch file that kills the server or a database issue, either caused by your database deliverer or by an earlier version of ahbot. So you could clean your auctionhouse table, and your iteminstance table from items that belong to ahbots_account. And as last idea a crash can also can be caused by a hardware failure. Ahbot takes some CPU load and writes a bunch of stuff into mysql. But since not even a mangos cmd log or anything else was handed in ... what shall we do? My crystal ball is on reparation ... :-)

Well your running Linux and that might be another addition to the problem at hand because it's affecting Windows users and considering I'm getting the problem on Windows Server 2008 RC2 x64 might narrow it down a little plus as I stated above I didn't have it prior to 9606 and 9606 was the last comit that ahbot worked on for me and yes I have the core compiled in both x64 and x32 with the same results.

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It may very well be an issue with Windows platforms. Visual C++ is fairly quirky as it is but there's also no reason to rule out database issues. I usually use SQLyog to run Analyze and Repair on all my tables at least once a week, then Optimize, and most certainly after a crash because MaNGOS fails to properly close any open tables, thanks to Windows' file system and threading.

I'd recommend you take those steps first. If the crashes still keep occurring, backup your entire database and try a completely fresh, clean install for all databases, with new accounts and characters, as a test bed to determine if the database is at fault.

If the crash still happens on a new database install, then it's time to rule out other patches by running MaNGOS with just the AHBot patch. Frankly, it very well could be Dual Spec or Vehicles. Both of those patches have demonstrated their instability and incompatibility with other core mods on many occasions.

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I am not on linux. Im on windows 2003 server computer. Ahbot pulled Manual fix on config error. Ahbot working perfectly. Buying items selling items mail being sent.. no crashes no lagging no issues.. I dunno.. You should try using JUST core and Ahbot compiled and see if it still crashes for you before assuming its Ahbot

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It may very well be an issue with Windows platforms. Visual C++ is fairly quirky as it is but there's also no reason to rule out database issues. I usually use SQLyog to run Analyze and Repair on all my tables at least once a week, then Optimize, and most certainly after a crash because MaNGOS fails to properly close any open tables, thanks to Windows' file system and threading.

I'd recommend you take those steps first. If the crashes still keep occurring, backup your entire database and try a completely fresh, clean install for all databases, with new accounts and characters, as a test bed to determine if the database is at fault.

If the crash still happens on a new database install, then it's time to rule out other patches by running MaNGOS with just the AHBot patch. Frankly, it very well could be Dual Spec or Vehicles. Both of those patches have demonstrated their instability and incompatibility with other core mods on many occasions.

This is a new database Pulled direct from UDB thier .12 realease as well as a fresh compile of YTDB and in both instances same thing again, but as you proposed UnkleNuke...it could very well be VS2008 pro because for several months now I keep getting warnings from the ace compiles as VS compiles the core but I've yet to see someone say something about that.

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Many, if not all, of the warnings I have from VC++ 9.0 (2008 Express SP1) regard functions not being fully POSIX compliant or deprecated. I take that with a grain of salt since when has MS really cared about complying with any standards that weren't developed by them?

Even though you state that you've made fresh installs of your world database, I saw no mention if your characters database was also a new install. AHBot mainly conducts its transactions there and crashed tables there can lead to many problems with the bot.

There was no mention, either, of whether you had tried running your server without Dual Spec or Vehicles.

Also, make sure you do not have the total number of items with which the bot stocks the auction house set too high. Every time a player logs in, the bot will update the auctions for that players as well as any auctions the player has bid upon. With 10,000 items in each auction house, you're going to experience some significant lag that can cause the server's anti-freeze to trigger and force a shutdown.

I eliminated such lag on my own server by using a more sensible limit for available items. How high or low that number can be depends on your own server's specs. It had been taking as long as 10 minutes for players to log in while the AHBot was updating the character's tables.

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UnkleNuke... Thank You for then info on the server's anti-freeze routine, I had no idea that there was a function for this, but as far as the Database is concerned here a week ago I had me a major crash with the server(MS's garbage) and ended up reformatting and starting over with fresh due to Microsofts error which was in SMTP service and all of the updates and changes that I had done over the last year. So as far as the DB's are concerned even MySQL is new vers. 5.1.45, Plus a new version SQLYog and Navicat. So as you can see when I stated the DB's were fresh I meen they are fresh the whole thing right down to the bottom. As for the cores every time I run into errors or problems I always set up 2 or more git repos with the mangos cores on identical revisions and start appling comits one at a time and testing each with it's different configs one at a time till I find the offending merge or patch.

as for the full core this is what I have right now:

1) rev 9611

ahbot (pulled from Naicisum with correction in the config file)

2) rev 9611

Vehicle, Dual Spec Patch, Item Duration Patch, Playerbot

3) rev 9611

ahbot, Dual Spec Patch, Item Duration Patch, Vehicle, Playerbot ( this is my prefered configuation )

Workbench: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with VS 2008 Pro( fully updated), Navicat 8.2.9, SQLYog 7.02

Testbed: Windows Server 2008 RC2 x64 (It only comes out in 64bit), MySQL 5.1.45, PHP for Windows Server, and Various Roles like SMTP, FTP, Web Server.

Also as to item's in the ahbot sql, as I stated on my first post to this problem it doesn't matter if they are set to 0 (zero) or what ever to my ceiling was 30,000 it does it every time and yes even if all three are set to even 2 items in each.

I hope that is enough to go on because I even tried 3 times today to get a stupid crash report and nothing....not even in the server logs.

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Have you tried using DrWatson, that venerable Windows crash dump tool? Try starting it before you start MaNGOS and see if it can generate a dump or at least a list of the pointers when the crash occurred.

I still think it's the changes MaNGOS made in the mail system, something when AHBot is trying to use its old mail functions with the new definitions.

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UnkleNuke... Thank You for then info on the server's anti-freeze routine, I had no idea that there was a function for this, but as far as the Database is concerned here a week ago I had me a major crash with the server(MS's garbage) and ended up reformatting and starting over with fresh due to Microsofts error which was in SMTP service and all of the updates and changes that I had done over the last year. So as far as the DB's are concerned even MySQL is new vers. 5.1.45, Plus a new version SQLYog and Navicat. So as you can see when I stated the DB's were fresh I meen they are fresh the whole thing right down to the bottom. As for the cores every time I run into errors or problems I always set up 2 or more git repos with the mangos cores on identical revisions and start appling comits one at a time and testing each with it's different configs one at a time till I find the offending merge or patch.

as for the full core this is what I have right now:

1) rev 9611

ahbot (pulled from Naicisum with correction in the config file)

2) rev 9611

Vehicle, Dual Spec Patch, Item Duration Patch, Playerbot

3) rev 9611

ahbot, Dual Spec Patch, Item Duration Patch, Vehicle, Playerbot ( this is my prefered configuation )

Workbench: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with VS 2008 Pro( fully updated), Navicat 8.2.9, SQLYog 7.02

Testbed: Windows Server 2008 RC2 x64 (It only comes out in 64bit), MySQL 5.1.45, PHP for Windows Server, and Various Roles like SMTP, FTP, Web Server.

Also as to item's in the ahbot sql, as I stated on my first post to this problem it doesn't matter if they are set to 0 (zero) or what ever to my ceiling was 30,000 it does it every time and yes even if all three are set to even 2 items in each.

I hope that is enough to go on because I even tried 3 times today to get a stupid crash report and nothing....not even in the server logs.

I did encounter crash with auctionhousebot when I made mistakes in my config files regarding the auction house owner

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Updated AHbot and playerbot patches for MaNGOS [9611]


You can also find AHbot and playerbot branches for [9611] on my github repo.



I have a problem

I downloaded mangos-9611-9611-ahbot.patch and mangos-playerbot.patch

I applied, compilation went perfectly.

AhBot work perfectly.


In Game: /s .bot add BOTNAME (eg /s .bot add Mystic)

Command Error: Player not found

I can help someone? how to make it appear bot?

sorry are started with to playerbot


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Between 30sec to 45sec after the first Person logs in.

That wouldnt have anything to do with Mail being sent likely since you already said its a new DB so there shouldnt be any pending bought out auctions..

Have you already tried running JUST core and AHbot? Since its a new DB did you reset up Mangos config with the correct Guids and such for the AHBOT character?

To mrelfire To be honest i dont know.. It seems a few are having problems but I and a few others seem to not be.... So i really am not sure.

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That wouldnt have anything to do with Mail being sent likely since you already said its a new DB so there shouldnt be any pending bought out auctions..

Have you already tried running JUST core and AHbot? Since its a new DB did you reset up Mangos config with the correct Guids and such for the AHBOT character?

To mrelfire To be honest i dont know.. It seems a few are having problems but I and a few others seem to not be.... So i really am not sure.

My config windows server 2008 X64 compiled with VC9.0, have you got the same ?

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The PC i compile on is Winxp Vs2008 the server comp is Win Server 2003. Ahbot working perfectly. I actually maintained the auctionhousebot for quite some time on Arc before coming here but that doesnt help much with this one since its fairly different.

The issue though is that looking at the commit that changed the Mail system i dont see it causing crashes at all.. since it really ONLY changes the .Str text used instead of other text.. if that was causing an issue you may see some really messed up letters and stuff in the mail but not much else.

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I am not on linux. Im on windows 2003 server computer. Ahbot pulled Manual fix on config error. Ahbot working perfectly. Buying items selling items mail being sent.. no crashes no lagging no issues.. I dunno.. You should try using JUST core and Ahbot compiled and see if it still crashes for you before assuming its Ahbot

I'm using Linux too, but I still get segfaults, so it doesn't seem to be purely a Windows issue. Also, a clean Core + ScriptDev2 compile hasn't ever crashed for me at all, so I'm pretty positive it has to be an ahbot thing.

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