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Common Issues / FAQ:

I'm worried/concerned about the AuctionHouse Bot flooding items all at once and jamming up cpu cycles

The auctionhouse bot does not flood the auction house with items, you control how many items per cycle are added inside the config file using AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle value. Every cycle is equal to one minute.

My server seems to freeze on or soon after to startup

If a server with a large amount of items goes down for an extended amount of time, the normal MaNGOS auctionhouse code will perform cleanup on expired auctions. There are (as of 7990) no cycle checks or pauses on this. For example, if you have a server with 10K+ items expired on startup, then they will all process at once which will cause the server cpu and db cpu to spike until that process is completed. Your server will return to normal, just be patient. With debugging turned on in the console, you can see the spam of SQL delete messages from the auction tables.

I'm looking for the original AuctionHouse Bot code

I beleive Gigelf has the original code hosted on his Git Hub.

Ref: git clone git://github.com/Gigelf/mangos.git auctionhouse

I see messages like "AuctionHouseBot: Item::CreateItem() - Unable to find item", should I be worried?

These are informational messages and can be safely ignored.

I have also updated the code as of 6/13/09 to remove these from normal output

Does the AuctionHouse Bot support the MaNGOS-0.12 branch?

I have not tested this patch on the branch, but if you use the above steps to extract the patch information, try applying it to the branch and let me know the results. It should function correctly, i do not beleive there are enough significant changes that would cause it not to work.

How do I get and compile the code for Windows? - by Power12

Please click here for power12's post

I need some help with GIT, can you help?

I came across a decent GIT posting on this forum, maybe it can help assist you.

Ref: http://getmangos.eu/community/viewtopic.php?id=4276

Something is not working quite right, I need some help

I would love to assist you, but i need some information from your install. I will need your MaNGOS version, any other 3rd party patches applied, DB used, the auctionbot SQL tables, Config settings, and server log output. See the subsection below to help you extract the information I need from the auctionbot.

  • Database Settings
    * No Authentication:
    mysqldump --compact -t <characters db name> auctionhousebot
    * With Authentication:
    mysqldump -u <username> --password=<password> --compact -t <characters db name> auctionhousebot
    Config Settings
    * Linux:
    cat mangosd.conf | grep ^AuctionHouseBot
    * Windows:
    type mangosd.conf | findstr "^AuctionHouseBot"
    Server Log
    * Linux:
    cat Server.log | grep -B 30 "WORLD: World initialized"
    * Windows:
    No shortcut I know of, open the server log up in a text editor and copy and paste a chunk before the "WORLD: World initialized" line
  • Replies 702
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Can you point to the line in the source code you are referencing? As to using a formula for deposits, I do not modify the values that players use when they interact with the auction house.

The piece that adds auctions always sets the deposit to 0, as for when it buys, it never modifies the deposit value of the auction...


I'm not very familiar with the in's and out's of GIT, however you may find out what you need in this community forum. All the stickies there are for GIT and may help you out... Unless any power GIT user out there can help assist.

Ref: http://getmangos.eu/community/viewforum.php?id=27



Looks like the error from compiliation is from the core, see these ref below for help if this is your issue.

Ref: http://getmangos.eu/community/showpost.php?p=87599&postcount=13

Dont know if that will fix the issue for you, what I did was edit the src/game/DBCStores.cpp and add this line to it after the last #include statement.

#define MAKE_PAIR32(l, h)  uint32( uint16(l) | ( uint32(h) << 16 ) )

This seems to make the server compile ok and i have AHBot running normally on my server...


I suck at Git as well, hopefully i created this Tag correctly, heck if i could do it command line so i cheated and use a GUI tool. :P This is from my last merge commit from master before the tree was updated so it should contain the so called "final" code for ahbot.

Ref: http://github.com/Naicisum/mangos/tree/ahbot-mangos-v0.14


First off thank you much for the work on this project. I really hope you can help me, because I’ve invested some time now researching how to set everything set up and I really feel like it should be happening.

Here’s a couple links that came in handy…



Funny thing is it IS happening, well, most things seem to be anyway. No errors are happening and Mangos tells me the AHBot has loaded so many items of such and such a type every time Mangos starts up.

And yet lo and behold, nothing ever shows up in the AH.

I can set up manual auctions with this or any account/toon and they all show up fine. I do have the options checked in the conf file to share chat, ah, etc between factions as well…

OK, I'll do my best to get you the critical information as requested:

MaNGOS version:

8740 64-bit

3rd party patches:

None except your AHbot and the latest ScriptDev2.

Database used:

Project Silvermoon r258 with ScriptDev2 r1484 and AcidScripts 32.

Auctionbot SQL tables:


Config settings:


Server log output:


No errors at all in the log. Brand new meticulously hand-made database, new clean mangos compile, all running the most up-to-date code available...

And here's the part I really don't get:

2009-10-27 15:50:28 Initialize AuctionHouseBot...

2009-10-27 15:50:29 AuctionHouseBot:

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 8 grey trade goods

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 562 white trade goods

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 74 green trade goods

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 31 blue trade goods

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 3 purple trade goods

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 1 orange trade goods

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 0 yellow trade goods

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 1275 grey items

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 2887 white items

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 5386 green items

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 1744 blue items

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 776 purple items

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 0 orange items

2009-10-27 15:50:29 loaded 0 yellow items

2009-10-27 15:50:29 AuctionHouseBot [AHBot-004-HotFix-03] is now loaded

2009-10-27 15:50:29 AuctionHouseBot updated Naicisum (original by ChrisK and Paradox)

2009-10-27 15:50:29 AuctionHouseBot now includes AHBuyer by Kerbe and Paradox

It seems like everything is working, but again nothing shows up in the AH. I verified I assigned the correct Account/ID settings in the conf file for my AH account/toon. I even made sure and log in with him once before enabling the bot.


Im getting the same error as http://getmangos.eu/community/showpost.php?p=86288&postcount=96 when i try to compile.

I've read through the forum and tried different approaches, but it ends up in the same way.

I tried with MaNGOS rev. 8746 with ScriptDev2 on Ubuntu.

Basicly i use these commands to merge AHBot into mangos

git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git
cd mangos
git pull git://github.com/Naicisum/mangos.git ahbot

Does anyone have an idea, what im doing wrong - or should i descripe it more in details?

-MD -MP -MF .deps/AuctionHouseBot.Tpo -c -o AuctionHouseBot.o ../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp
../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp: In member function ‘void AuctionHouseBot::addNewAuctions(Player*, AHBConfig*)’:
../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp:40: error: ‘auctionmgr’ was not declared in this scope
../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp:289: error: ‘objmgr’ was not declared in this scope
../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp: In member function ‘void AuctionHouseBot::addNewAuctionBuyerBotBid(Player*, AHBConfig*, WorldSession*)’:
../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp:425: error: ‘auctionmgr’ was not declared in this scope
../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp:480: error: ‘objmgr’ was not declared in this scope
../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp: In member function ‘void AuctionHouseBot::Initialize()’:
../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp:858: error: ‘objmgr’ was not declared in this scope
../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp: In member function ‘void AuctionHouseBot::Commands(uint32, uint32, uint32, char*)’:
../../../src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp:1093: error: ‘auctionmgr’ was not declared in this scope
make[3]: *** [AuctionHouseBot.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/fubo/mangos/objdir/src/game'
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/fubo/mangos/objdir/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fubo/mangos/objdir'
make: *** [all] Error 2

I have this error.

That's really easy to fix, just search the entire source for the following.


Just do a search and replace and replace everything on the left with everything on the right and it will work again.


@vladex: as shown here you just have to edit 3 lines inside src/game/AuctionHouseHandler.cpp and src/game/AuctionHouseBot.cpp.

You can either download a patch file via github and apply it to your sources or edit the two files in a text editor. Just search for CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_AUCTION

and replace it with


save the files and compile your sources again.

kind regards




I wish i could delete all my previous post here to clean this topic

So to whoevers looking how to install this, here you go:


** This patch modifies the core so it populates the auction houses with items. It makes the game feel a bit more like official. Items and prices are chosen randomly based on the parameters you define. If an auction expires, auctions are deleted quietly. If the auction sells, you *can* get the in-game mail for that item.

** Information http://getmangos.eu/community/showthread.php?8386-%5bPATCH%5d-AuctionHouse-Bot&highlight=auction

** Download http://skinlayers.net/patches-mangos/

** If you’ve installed the Add-On while installing your server, you’ll only need to do AHBot Part 3 – Creating the Account and then change the Account and GUID numbers in the Mangos.Conf

** AHBot Part 1 – Auction House Patch – Require the software to be re-compile

• Create the folders C:\\Mangos\\Addon\\AHBot and put your patch file there

• Right click on C:\\Mangos and choose “Git Bash Here”

• You will need to test the patch to make sure your not going to run into trouble, type the following command replacing the X number with the number of the file located at the specified path:

git apply --check Addon/AHBot/mangos-XXXX-ahbot.patch

• If the patch did not encountered any trouble, you can continue to the next point

• Type the following command replacing the X number with the number of the file located at the specified path:

git apply Addon/AuctionHouse/mangos-ahbot-XXXX.patch

• Close the GIT Bash window when its done

** The next step will required to re-compile mangos. If you’re thinking to add more addons wich need to re-compile mangos as well, perhaps it will save you time to take the appropriate action on each add-ons until a re-compile is required

• Rebuild Mangos (See PART 8 - Compiling and PART 9 - Installing Mangos)

** Choose to replace the files in your C:\\Mangos

** AHBot Part 2 – Adding the SQL code in the Database

• Add the C:\\Mangos\\sql\\characters_auctionhousebot.sql and then the C:\\Mangos\\sql\\characters_auctionhousebot_update.sql to your characters database (See PART 15 - Updating your Database with SQL Files)

** AHBot Part 3 – Creating the Account

• Create a new account named “Addon” with a password of your chosen. (See PART 22 - Console Commands)

• Login to the server with your World of Warcraft Client and create a character witch you are going to use as the auction house bot character. Lets name it “AuctionHouse”

** This character will be the auctions' owner for all the items created by the bot.

• Enter the game with this character for it to receive its game settings.

• Then you can logout

• Open SQLyog and connect to your database

• Select the realmd database and open the “Account” table.

• Note the account number for the character having “Addon” as user name.

** You may want to disable the 4 defaults account. Just put a 1 in the “locked” columns for theses. i guess they aren't beiing use by saying so...

• Select the characters database and open the “characters” table. Knowing the account number, you’ll be able to note the character's GUID.

• Close SQLyog

** AHBot Part 4 – Tuning the Mangos.conf

** Take note that if you’re installing this Add-on apart from your server installation, the C:\\Mangos\\src\\Mangosd\\Mangosd.conf.dist.in will be modified and it would be best to copy that file as the new C:\\Mangos\\Mangos.conf. Of course you will need to put back your settings

• Tune up theses settings in your C:\\Mangos\\Mangos.conf file:

** If the settings are missing, insert them at the end of your config file

AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 1

AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Account = 0

AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 0

AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 1

AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 1

AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 1

AuctionHouseBot.No_Bind = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Picked_Up = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Equipped = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Use = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind_Quest_Item = 0

AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 500

AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller = 0

AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Account is the account number (in realmd->account table) of the player you want to run as the auction bot. Note: a value of 0 will disable the bot

# AuctionHouseBot.GUID is the GUID (in mangos->character table) of the player you want to run as the auction bot. Note: a value of 0 will disable the bot

• Change this other setting in your C:\\Mangos\\Mangos.conf file:

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 1

** AHBot Part 5 – Tuning the SQL Database

• Connect to your SQL Server with SQLyog

• Select your Characters Database on the left and go in your “AuctionHouseBot” table in the “Table Data” section

• Here are the settings you need to change to your convenience for each auction house (Alliance, Horde, Neutral)

a) The minimum (minitems) and maximum (maxitems) items in each auction house

Default value

Minitems = 0 Maxitems = 0

** You won’t have any item’s in the auction house if you don’t change it

** If you put too many item’s, depending on your machine, it might take time to login to the server

b) The minimum (mintime) and maximum (maxtime) number of hours for an auction

Default value

Mintime = 8 Maxtime = 24

c) The percentage of the auction items that should be trade goods and items of the mention quality. A value of 0 will disable. All 16 combined should give a total of 100

Default Value

PercentGreyTradeGoods = 0 PercentGreyItems = 0

PercentWhiteTradeGoods = 27 PercentWhiteItems = 10

PercentGreenTradeGoods = 12 PercentGreenItems = 30

PercentBlueTradeGoods = 10 PercentBlueItems = 8

PercentPurpleTradeGoods = 1 PercentPurpleItems = 2

PercentOrangeTradeGoods = 0 PercentOrangeItems = 0

PercentYellowTradeGoods = 0 PercentYellowItems = 0

d) MinPrice and MaxPrise are the minimum and maximum price adjustment for the mention type of items. For example, let say a minimum of 150, which means 150%. So if an item vendors for 1g it would go to auction for a minimum of 1.5g.

Default Value

MinPriceGrey = 100 MaxPriceGrey = 150

MinPriceWhite = 150 MaxPriceWhite = 250

MinPriceGreen = 800 MaxPriceGreen = 1400

MinPriceBlue = 1250 MaxPriceBlue = 1750

MinPricePurple = 2250 MaxPricePurple = 4550

MinPriceOrange = 3250 MaxPriceOrange = 5550

MinPriceYellow = 5250 MaxPriceYellow = 6550

e) MinBidPrice and MaxBidPrice are the starting and ending bid as a percent of the buyout price. For example, if this value is 50 and the buyout price is randomly chosen to be 1g, then the bid price will be 50s.

Default Value

MinBidPriceGrey = 70 MaxBidPriceGrey = 100

MinBidPriceWhite = 70 MaxBidPriceWhite = 100

MinBidPriceGreen = 80 MaxBidPriceGreen = 100

MinBidPriceBlue = 75 MaxBidPriceBlue = 100

MinBidPricePurple = 80 MaxBidPricePurple = 100

MinBidPriceOrange = 80 MaxBidPriceOrange = 100

MinBidPriceYellow = 80 MaxBidPriceYellow = 100

f) MaxStack is maximum stack size to create for this quality type. A value of zero will disable the maximum stack size for this quality allowing the bot to create stacks (of random size) of items as big as the item type allows.

Default Value

MaxStackGrey = 0 BuyerPriceGrey = 1

MaxStackWhite = 0 BuyerPriceWhite = 1

MaxStackGreen = 3 BuyerPriceGreen = 5

MaxStackBlue = 2 BuyerPriceBlue = 12

MaxStackPurple = 1 BuyerPricePurple = 15

MaxStackOrange = 1 BuyerPriceOrange = 20

MaxStackYellow = 1 BuyerPriceYellow = 22

g) BuyerBiddingInterval

Default value

BuyerBiddingInterval = 1 BuyerBidsPerInterval = 1


Hey there

I got the latest version of everything and this works just fine.... of course if you put too much items in the AH, your connection will freeze while connecting....too much depends on your computer... but if its your first time using it i suggest you put like 2000-5000 items in the Horde-Alliance AH...and less in the neutral AH.... 500-1000

So here you go:


** This patch modifies the core so it populates the auction houses with items. It makes the game feel a bit more like official. Items and prices are chosen randomly based on the parameters you define. If an auction expires, auctions are deleted quietly. If the auction sells, you *can* get the in-game mail for that item.

** Information http://getmangos.eu/community/showthread.php?8386-%5bPATCH%5d-AuctionHouse-Bot&highlight=auction

** Download http://skinlayers.net/patches-mangos/

** If you’ve installed the Add-On while installing your server, you’ll only need to do AHBot Part 3 – Creating the Account and then change the Account and GUID numbers in the Mangos.Conf

** AHBot Part 1 – Auction House Patch – Require the software to be re-compile

• Create the folders C:\\Mangos\\Addon\\AHBot and put your patch file there

• Right click on C:\\Mangos and choose “Git Bash Here”

• You will need to test the patch to make sure your not going to run into trouble, type the following command replacing the X number with the number of the file located at the specified path:

git apply --check Addon/AHBot/mangos-XXXX-ahbot.patch

• If the patch did not encountered any trouble, you can continue to the next point

• Type the following command replacing the X number with the number of the file located at the specified path:

git apply Addon/AuctionHouse/mangos-ahbot-XXXX.patch

• Close the GIT Bash window when its done

** The next step will required to re-compile mangos. If you’re thinking to add more addons wich need to re-compile mangos as well, perhaps it will save you time to take the appropriate action on each add-ons until a re-compile is required

• Rebuild Mangos (See PART 8 - Compiling and PART 9 - Installing Mangos)

** Choose to replace the files in your C:\\Mangos

** AHBot Part 2 – Adding the SQL code in the Database

• Add the C:\\Mangos\\sql\\characters_auctionhousebot.sql and then the C:\\Mangos\\sql\\characters_auctionhousebot_update.sql to your characters database (See PART 15 - Updating your Database with SQL Files)

** AHBot Part 3 – Creating the Account

• Create a new account named “Addon” with a password of your chosen. (See PART 22 - Console Commands)

• Login to the server with your World of Warcraft Client and create a character witch you are going to use as the auction house bot character. Lets name it “AuctionHouse”

** This character will be the auctions' owner for all the items created by the bot.

• Enter the game with this character for it to receive its game settings.

• Then you can logout

• Open SQLyog and connect to your database

• Select the realmd database and open the “Account” table.

• Note the account number for the character having “Addon” as user name.

** You may want to disable the 4 defaults account. Just put a 1 in the “locked” columns for theses. i guess they aren't beiing use by saying so...

• Select the characters database and open the “characters” table. Knowing the account number, you’ll be able to note the character's GUID.

• Close SQLyog

** AHBot Part 4 – Tuning the Mangos.conf

** Take note that if you’re installing this Add-on apart from your server installation, the C:\\Mangos\\src\\Mangosd\\Mangosd.conf.dist.in will be modified and it would be best to copy that file as the new C:\\Mangos\\Mangos.conf. Of course you will need to put back your settings

• Tune up theses settings in your C:\\Mangos\\Mangos.conf file:

** If the settings are missing, insert them at the end of your config file

AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 1

AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Account = 0

AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 0

AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 1

AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 1

AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 1

AuctionHouseBot.No_Bind = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Picked_Up = 0

AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Equipped = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Use = 1

AuctionHouseBot.Bind_Quest_Item = 0

AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 500

AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller = 0

AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer = 0

# AuctionHouseBot.Account is the account number (in realmd->account table) of the player you want to run as the auction bot. Note: a value of 0 will disable the bot

# AuctionHouseBot.GUID is the GUID (in mangos->character table) of the player you want to run as the auction bot. Note: a value of 0 will disable the bot

• Change this other setting in your C:\\Mangos\\Mangos.conf file:

AllowTwoSide.Interaction.Auction = 1

** AHBot Part 5 – Tuning the SQL Database

• Connect to your SQL Server with SQLyog

• Select your Characters Database on the left and go in your “AuctionHouseBot” table in the “Table Data” section

• Here are the settings you need to change to your convenience for each auction house (Alliance, Horde, Neutral)

a) The minimum (minitems) and maximum (maxitems) items in each auction house

Default value

Minitems = 0 Maxitems = 0

** You won’t have any item’s in the auction house if you don’t change it

** If you put too many item’s, depending on your machine, it might take time to login to the server

b) The minimum (mintime) and maximum (maxtime) number of hours for an auction

Default value

Mintime = 8 Maxtime = 24

c) The percentage of the auction items that should be trade goods and items of the mention quality. A value of 0 will disable. All 16 combined should give a total of 100

Default Value

PercentGreyTradeGoods = 0 PercentGreyItems = 0

PercentWhiteTradeGoods = 27 PercentWhiteItems = 10

PercentGreenTradeGoods = 12 PercentGreenItems = 30

PercentBlueTradeGoods = 10 PercentBlueItems = 8

PercentPurpleTradeGoods = 1 PercentPurpleItems = 2

PercentOrangeTradeGoods = 0 PercentOrangeItems = 0

PercentYellowTradeGoods = 0 PercentYellowItems = 0

d) MinPrice and MaxPrise are the minimum and maximum price adjustment for the mention type of items. For example, let say a minimum of 150, which means 150%. So if an item vendors for 1g it would go to auction for a minimum of 1.5g.

Default Value

MinPriceGrey = 100 MaxPriceGrey = 150

MinPriceWhite = 150 MaxPriceWhite = 250

MinPriceGreen = 800 MaxPriceGreen = 1400

MinPriceBlue = 1250 MaxPriceBlue = 1750

MinPricePurple = 2250 MaxPricePurple = 4550

MinPriceOrange = 3250 MaxPriceOrange = 5550

MinPriceYellow = 5250 MaxPriceYellow = 6550

e) MinBidPrice and MaxBidPrice are the starting and ending bid as a percent of the buyout price. For example, if this value is 50 and the buyout price is randomly chosen to be 1g, then the bid price will be 50s.

Default Value

MinBidPriceGrey = 70 MaxBidPriceGrey = 100

MinBidPriceWhite = 70 MaxBidPriceWhite = 100

MinBidPriceGreen = 80 MaxBidPriceGreen = 100

MinBidPriceBlue = 75 MaxBidPriceBlue = 100

MinBidPricePurple = 80 MaxBidPricePurple = 100

MinBidPriceOrange = 80 MaxBidPriceOrange = 100

MinBidPriceYellow = 80 MaxBidPriceYellow = 100

f) MaxStack is maximum stack size to create for this quality type. A value of zero will disable the maximum stack size for this quality allowing the bot to create stacks (of random size) of items as big as the item type allows.

Default Value

MaxStackGrey = 0 BuyerPriceGrey = 1

MaxStackWhite = 0 BuyerPriceWhite = 1

MaxStackGreen = 3 BuyerPriceGreen = 5

MaxStackBlue = 2 BuyerPriceBlue = 12

MaxStackPurple = 1 BuyerPricePurple = 15

MaxStackOrange = 1 BuyerPriceOrange = 20

MaxStackYellow = 1 BuyerPriceYellow = 22

g) BuyerBiddingInterval

Default value

BuyerBiddingInterval = 1 BuyerBidsPerInterval = 1


@nyko: That's what MaNGOS devs want, before they'll ever add ahbot to the git master branch. The way I understand it, the current ahbot uses the character as a kind of workaround. MaNGOS doesn't want workarounds in the master branch, for maintaining and/or stability reasons (mainly to have a clean solution, instead of a "hacky" one). The idea in this thread is, if this patch should be included it has to follow mangos coding standards, meaning get rid of characters dependency.

Neo2003 #72 of this thread: click

VladimirMangos #951 of old ahbot thread: click

There is no reason in further discussing if it's needed to remove the character dependency or if MaNGOS guidelines are the "ultima ratio". The way it is right now, is the MaNGOS way. It's their software - that we are allowed to use - that's why they make the rules.

Right now ahbot works with minimalload update and even w/o it (if I understand xeross155's commits correctly).




That topic is so old, I used this to do it originally:- http://getmangos.eu/community/showthread.php?13121-World-of-Warcraft-Server-for-Windows-Installation-Guide/page2

But I'll try and modify the min and max and see what happens.

@EARTHWALKER See the something is not working quite right section in -AuctionHouse-Bot&p=74707&viewfull=1#post74707]here, but from what I can tell it seems your minitems and maxitems columns are at zero which basically means the ahbot will fill the auction house with at maximum 0 items, in other words, modify those values to your likings and it should work.
  • 39 years later...

Author/History Information

AuctionHouseBot was originally created by ChrisK and Paradox

AHBuyer functionality was originally created by Kerbe and Paradox

Current Release: AHBot-004-HotFix-06

I have made some significant changes to the code base. Mostly the fixes based off of AHBot-004 (my building versioning to keep things straight), include spacing correction, adding debugging output, fixing a lot of logic errors with switches, fixing a lot of memory issues with pointers which increases server stability. Other major changes include making AHBot into a Singleton class instead of just static functions. Corrected minor issue with addNewAuctionBuyerBotBid function causing buyer to not function if you never change default buyer bids interval from 1. Reverted MaNGOS [8302] because of dependency on using player account. HotFix-04 addresses the recent change with the mail system. HotFix-05 addresses the changes with the singleton macros. HotFix-06 addresses an issue with the code not removng expired auctions from the item_instance SQL table.

Current Developement: AHBot-005-Alpha-005

More code changes posted. AHBot is now completely dynamic across all item types. What this means is that you will have greater granularity control. It is still very much a work in progress. Ive decided to do a dynamic data blob like whats in use in mangos, mostly due to the 1380 columns at present used by ahbot. I also decided to work on fewer core changes at present, I need to stay focused on the core changes I want to implement, get those done, commit, beta, and then convert and move forward with the next batch of changes. I am still going to make the override table functionality for single items for AHBot-005, but i need to wrap up some of the command/sql changes first, almost done on that. As always, i will try to post more detaied comments on whats changing/updating in the commit logs. But progress is still being made!

My Github Branch Info:

  • * master - exact replica of mangos/master, no custom changes to be applied ever.
    * ahbot - auctionhouse bot, pulls from naicisum/master
    * ahbot-dev - the next version of the auctionhouse bot, developmental code (unstable)
    * localfix - my local fixes i create here and there, mostly odds and ends. (unstable)

My repository has been updated to the latest mangos version as of this posting/update [8780+]. If you wish to extract and create only the auctionhouse.patch file, please follow the following steps. (might be an easier way but this works)

git clone git://github.com/Naicisum/mangos.git ahbot
cd ahbot
git checkout origin/ahbot
git checkout -b ahbot
git diff master ahbot > auctionhousebot.patch

Using the above method you should be able to apply that patch to any clean mangos repo version going forward if my repo gets out of date, of course unless the code changes significantly which causes the patch file to break.

My Server: (Just friends, etc... Low volume/user server)

Ref: http://www.directron.com/atomvalue.html

OS: Fedora 11 x86_64

How I run my AHBot-004-HotFix-04:

AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 1
AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Account = <My Account ID>
AuctionHouseBot.GUID = <My GUID ID>
AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 1
AuctionHouseBot.No_Bind = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Picked_Up = 0
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Equipped = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Use = 1
AuctionHouseBot.Bind_Quest_Item = 0
AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 1000
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller = 0
AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer = 0


This is not a powerful server by any means, but the auctionhouse bot runs all 3 auction houses seperate and has around 60K to 80K auction items total (in all 3) doing 1000 add operations per minute if the code dictates its needed. I also have the buyer enabled and it performs 200 purchases every 20 minutes depending on whats up there. I run a very stable server and performance is acceptable for this system.


FYI you can also do a:

git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git master

git pull git://github.com/Naicisum/mangos.git ahbot

That will merge the two pulls together.


Some times get this error:

Initialize AuctionHouseBot...


loaded 3 grey trade goods

loaded 560 white trade goods

loaded 66 green trade goods

loaded 28 blue trade goods

loaded 3 purple trade goods

loaded 1 orange trade goods

loaded 0 yellow trade goods

loaded 1255 grey items

loaded 2696 white items

loaded 5433 green items

loaded 1690 blue items

loaded 606 purple items

loaded 0 orange items

loaded 0 yellow items

AuctionHouseBot [AHBot-004-HotFix-01] is now loaded

AuctionHouseBot updated Naicisum (original by ChrisK and Paradox)

AuctionHouseBot now includes AHBuyer by Kerbe and Paradox

WORLD: World initialized

mangosd process priority class set to HIGHmangos>

Max allowed socket connections 4096

Player: channels cleaned up!

AuctionHouseBot: Item::CreateItem() - Unable to find item

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