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[PATCH] AuctionHouse Bot

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hmm...i fetched ahbot with

git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git master

git pull git://github.com/Naicisum/mangos.git ahbot

worked like a charm, but i cant figure out where to get the ahbot sql structure from?

there is no sql file with ahbot or similar in its name, nor was the base mangos/character sql altered to include said tables.

any help?

edit: nevermind ^^ i found them in the sourcefolder ^^, maybe copy them to the release folder along with the other sqls? (make install)

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I have updated/added answers to the FAQ section in the 2nd post. I will try to answer common questions in that section to prevent looking all over this thread for answers.

@Xadiaris and Poe

I have addressed your questions above.

Buyer activity zero! ...no buy! ..please check ....as seller is ok.

Also "AuctionHouseBot: Item::CreateItem() - Unable to find item"

@muelli > search mangos/sql

@Jamespro > follow a step by step regarding "how to install"


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Do you have the buyer enabled in the config? Did you setup appropriate values for the buyer? The buyer uses the BuyerPrice<Color> variables. Do you have a lot of items up for bid? Did you set your buyer intervals up?

By default the buyer will only bid on ONE item per minute. If the buyer finds an item but dosent buy it, its over, no more bids. Meaning if you have a bunch of overpriced items, you may never actually get it to buy one that is below the threashold.

Lets run through an example blue item. The default is 12 for blue, so if you have an blue item you want to auction, go to the AH, put the item up. The auction house lists it for 1g 50s. Open calculator, enter in 15000, divide by 3, multiply by 2, this gives you 10000 or 1g, the vendor sell price. Now take 10000 and multiply by 12 (the buyer price), you will get 120000 or 12g. Subtract 1 copper to get 119999 or 11g 99s 99c, the auction bot will buy this item.

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Buyer activity zero! ...no buy! ..please check ....as seller is ok.

Also "AuctionHouseBot: Item::CreateItem() - Unable to find item"

@muelli > search mangos/sql

@Jamespro > follow a step by step regarding "how to install"


I got it working. I looked at the database for it and saw that min. items and max items were both set to 0 changed those and atleast the Alliance Auction house is full now. According to some of my players the Horde Auction house is still empty. tonight I lowered the amount of items for all 3 auction houses to see if it just hadn't had a chance to fill the Horde Auction house yet.

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Is seems only to me or Naicisum ahbot have a lot of problems.

C`mon , i give a try to this release but is buggy..so buggy

Im using now the original Paradox patch.

Can be obtain from Gigelf: git pull git://github.com/Gigelf/mangos.git auctionhouse

Compatible with the last version works ok on seel/buy.

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Is seems only to me or Naicisum ahbot have a lot of problems.

C`mon , i give a try to this release but is buggy..so buggy

Im using now the original Paradox patch.

Can be obtain from Gigelf: git pull git://github.com/Gigelf/mangos.git auctionhouse

Compatible with the last version works ok on seel/buy.

I have it working just fine for at least Alliance. After I got things setup the way they needed to be its working perfectly. Haven't been able to test out the Horde auction house since my last post because I only play Alliance and none of our Horde members have been on since then.

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@xzbbzx, cryoman, et all.

Please before posting that its not working for you, post the information i request under the FAQ entitled "Something is not working quite right, I need some help" this information is needed by me to reproduce issues if they exist or to correct configuration errors you might have not noticed.


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@svaike, et all.

Please before posting that its not working for you, post the information i request under the FAQ entitled "Something is not working quite right, I need some help" this information is needed by me to reproduce issues if they exist or to correct configuration errors you might have not noticed.


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How can i remove the epic items from the AH bot

I tried to set "purple item percentage" to 0 in the DB but they are still there.

Interesting .....everithing purple should be 0 .. also the other items all toegether sould be 100% ofirems...dont select purple 0 and have all items 90% ! ...

Should work...

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In both versions, purple items are defined as both regular items and trade goods. Please make sure you set both of them to 0 to completely eliminate purples from the auction bot. You can verify this has been done by examining the DB table 'auctionhousebot' and checking the values in percentpurpleitems and percentpurpletradegoods fields.

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I had no trouble extracting the patch following your instructions, thank you for that. However, when i tried to apply it git errors, saying that the patch has no valid e-mail address. I've dug around but didn't find any solution to this. I was hopping that you might have an idea.

Thanks for the patch though. :)

Never mind. It turns out that this is a problem I'm having with git. I don't understand it and I'm not sure how to fix it, but it's nothing to do with you patch. Thanks for the work you've done.

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