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Eye of Acherus.

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no problem catch: patch by GriffonHeart

Sorry Im taking so long to respond. Thank you for those two files. Do you by chance happen to have the 3rd file? I can work on rewriting the first two, but i cant do anything about the eye without the third.

If anyone has the third file please upload it somewhere and post a link (Not EffectSummonedPossesed.patch and Recall Eye Of Acherus.patch, I have those two)

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just to start I want to express that I have been staying out of this thread because I am complacent that they finally fixed the skeletal gryphons (which I still find rather hilarious they had to fix since they worked perfectly fine in 3.0.1......) So they can take their time on the eye since it seems to be such a difficult task and all.

My question is just a curiousity... as it sounds, this is an eye issue? I havent checked recently, but wasnt there a warlock spell that let you cast a wizard's eye of sorts and explore with it? shouldnt it be pretty easy to just duplicate that as your base eye and then add the necessary auras for the rest of its job...

was just a thought, I wouldnt begin to assume someone else hasnt thought of it ages ago, but since no one voiced it....

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just to start I want to express that I have been staying out of this thread because I am complacent that they finally fixed the skeletal gryphons (which I still find rather hilarious they had to fix since they worked perfectly fine in 3.0.1......) So they can take their time on the eye since it seems to be such a difficult task and all.

My question is just a curiousity... as it sounds, this is an eye issue? I havent checked recently, but wasnt there a warlock spell that let you cast a wizard's eye of sorts and explore with it? shouldnt it be pretty easy to just duplicate that as your base eye and then add the necessary auras for the rest of its job...

was just a thought, I wouldnt begin to assume someone else hasnt thought of it ages ago, but since no one voiced it....

I was thinking along the lines of making the eye a mind controlled creature (like the priest's Mind Control) and never even though of that..... (pretty bad since i play with a warlock xD)

Maybe someone who is a little more experienced than me might wanna look into that....

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  • 2 weeks later...

In Trinity Core mind control of the eye is functionnal.

Maybe any developper can look in trinity source for summon and mind control system for eye of archerus.

Or just you can indicate me where i can search for fix the current mind control system

Sorry for my english if look like strange

Best resgards

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hey Bloutix do you know where there is a repo for a 322a client supported version of Trinity? I'd be happy to dig through the code and see if i can find the reason it works there and see if it can be implemented. I am not that great a coder and I am sure someone can do it faster than me, but I'll do the work if you have the source files.

Everytime I check with the site they are talking about 3.1.3 compatibility so I have no idea if those peeps are updating client support or not. point me to an SVN or preferrably a GiT and I will see what magic i can do...

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you know.. that doesnt exactly do what i was looking for... if there was a reverse program where I could use mercurial through my git program I'd be more interested... HOWEVER, this little toy gives me a completely different and likely rather radical idea that I better buy a real big bag of.. "Thinking Herbs" before I attempt to try it : use this modification program to pull the latest trinity repo from thier repo then push it to a new GIT repo. then close that ignorant program, open git-bash and pull that repo and the latest mangos repo and merge them..... might be quite a chore... maybe even fruitless... but I am a very bored dude... lol

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*Sorry for the double post, it seems that the edit post is not working right now (Firefox, Latest REV)

Ok i found a references to the eye in:

SpellMgr.cpp @ 3850, inside the function void SpellMgr::LoadSpellCustomAttr()

SpellID.h @ 98546

SpellID.h @ 98646 (Recall)

SpellID.h @ 98649(Summon)

SpellID.h @ 98655 (Flight)

SpellID.h @ 98660 (Visual)

SpellID.h @ 98747 (Flight Boost???)

SpellID.h @ 100913 (Recall again)

ObjectMgr.cpp @ 981 *This line is commented out*

That was running a search for acherus in the entire solution. Im going to sort out Database stuff later on tonight and see what i turn up.

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Hi Guys,

I normally use MaNGOS on my server, but I was intrigued to find out how trinitycore compares. Particualrly with reference to the 'Death comes from on high' quest. Yes it works perfectly on trinitycore with all AURAS & spells,



Siphon of Acherus

Summon Ghouls on Scarlet Crusade

Recall Eye of Acherus

I also thumbed through the changelog to see when it was fixed, and I found this;


Hope this helps

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