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Vehicles (Dev)

Guest AuntieMangos

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Your always welcome UncleNuke...maybe if I feel like it I'll post a patch somewhere like http://DaViper.pastebin.org but naw it would be too easy for that....

But if you want the patch for rev 10304 well then that might be a little harder... http://daviper.pastebin.org/437484...opppps there it is....I guess that was easier....

I am looking stupid, but their is nothing after line 1224 ?

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That's a bit unrealistic to ask at this point, since Vehicle is still very much under development, with many incomplete and broken features.

You're likely to crash your server with this patch, even if it was up to date.

Unless traponinet or some other skilled MaNGOS programmer, who is familiar with the Vehicle code, posts a fixed patch, things are at a dead stop. Then again, Wotja might surprise everyone and pop up with a fresh commit to his repo. He's done that a few times in the past.

I'm beginning to wonder if all the Core Mods devs have decided to wait until the MaNGOS devs finish overhauling the core for the new client. Cataclysm is going to change a lot of things, and it would make any current work pointless or in need of a huge rewrite. Of course, that means anyone planning to stick with WoTLK is going to be screwed when all these patches are rewritten for 4.0.

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Was there suppost to bee something after 1224? it looks complete to me considering I took wojta's repo and applied it to a clean mangos source fresh pulled and then repaired it(taking a few hoursto do) and then made your silly patch just so you can complain! all I can say is it isn't the Developers that are the real problem it's you lazy people considering I learned how to do this stuff from almost no knowledge and you can't even follow simple instructions and watch a video or two...

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The official repository for Vehicles is in the Tasssadar repository at Github. Wotja makes all his commits there.


Putting your heads together to learn things can sometimes be the best way to do it. Working with DaViper taught me more in five minutes than I'd managed to puzzle out on my own in an entire week!


I read that and LAWLED! Keep up the good work.

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*raises hand* I'm interested in learning more about this vehicle patch, especially since progress has halted. I commend you guys for slaving over outdated code and getting it to a working state :).

If anyone wants to work together, learn more about the system and eventually contribute a working patch for the community count me in. I've got a fair bit of time i can devote to this, just not a load of experience with c++...

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Thank you Wojta...I've been telling them that was what my 2 patches were....but instead of being allowed to try and help you while you were doing important stuff I got attitude. as for your fix yes it's pretty much the same as my patch but then the difference can be summed up as experience(yours) and coding difference's....

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can anyone confirm a few persistent issues with this patch?

1. grouping with a hunter / warlock / class with summoned 'pet' standing on a different map to the rest of the group causes client critical errors

2. server crashes - http://paste2.org/p/937668 (this may have been fixed)

they seem to be the 2 problems that need urgent attention... If someone with the knowledge can step in and show us noobs what to do and organise us towards a goal i may let them have my babies.

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Kewl! I do see part of your problem, you have a conflict in your maps vs movement generator for the first problem and I can see it from your crash report, this maybe the result of vehicle patch but the op-code isn't the right one, are you using playerbot or outdoorpvp? if playerbot update your repo because of some fixes by blueboy yesterday, and if OutdoorPVP drop it because of some changes made to the core pretty much killed it till it gets updated by UnkleNuke(he's been working really hard on it) now the op-code listed in the crash report is the same one I've seen for OutdoorPVP which on my server gets pushed every time I go to Zangramarsh but it didn't crash my server....why????

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nope, sorry to say Daviper i'm only running horde / alliance merged and ahbot... both which have been running on my server for days without an issue. with a clean core + tasssadar's i still get the issues.

both issues are different, the crash i cant seem to reproduce - i was riding around on a salvaged chopper (or was just previously riding) when it crashed... possibly caused when leaving the vehicle?

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Hope im clear enough , the server crashes as tortosterone said , we both tested the same thing on spparate servers.I for one use the lastest core and always lastest patch of playerbot and ahbot,vehicles might be the problem.While the hunter's pet is spawned and another player invites the hunter in the group it crashes,i suppose it is because the server is somehow not responding when a hunter is invited in a group.

ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)

ERROR:SESSION: opcode CMSG_PET_CAST_SPELL (0x01F0) have unprocessed tail data (read stop at 14 from 25)

ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)

I know c++ but not this far, i need some time to evaluate it.

It could not be from vehicles at all.

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Ok, I doo understandwhat your trying to say, all I was commenting about was the bad opcode in the crash report, it's the same one I get with Outdoor PVP and yes it does couse problems on my end. and yes vladex I do agree with you that it's not the vehicles because when I looked at the section with a disassember it is in the movement generator and looks like it could be tied into the packet handler for the client, your error does support a bad or malformed packet eather from the server or from the client but also at that code block other parts transfers data as well like Outdoor PVP(the wait timer for you to dismount), Playerbot's movement AI, standard mounts, and PetAI, the biggest hurdle is figguring out which move long::32 it really is causing it, theres 37 of them along with 48 variables. Sorry it's easyer for me to read machine code than C++....

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