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Site maintenance - 4th October 2010

Guest AuntieMangos

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Dear mangos community,

we finally have made the switch to an Open Source forum. Yes, it took a while but all is fine now. Today hopefully marks the end of slow forums.

While the forum is up and running again, it currently lacks a bit of the good looks but this is subject to change.

As far as I know most things work, and forum links in posts have been updated for the new board.

Should you notice any problems, feel free to reply to this thread, and have your say.

Comments are welcome, and if you have awesome design skills, raise a hand please.

Your exhausted sheep

It seems we have some issues on live server which have not been on the test server. We are working on it.

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Anyone else seeing this? I have tried on a few test accounts with no display error.

The urls for those links are all http://getmangos.eu/community/search/new/

also this:

Warning: Missing argument 2 for generate_avatar_markup(), called in /nfs/c02/h11/mnt/42721/domains/getmangos.eu/html/community/profile.php on line 1168 and defined in /nfs/c02/h11/mnt/42721/domains/getmangos.eu/html/community/include/functions.php on line 504

And I can't disable my avatar :)

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  • 40 years later...

Whee OSS Forum,

I remember a thread someone was discussing why closed source forum software was a great protection against hackers :>

So far looks good, but what do I have to do to see more than one post per page? I only see the first post of every threads page.

A I just made friendship with Vladimir :P I want that back!!!

Good night Sir



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Actually the choice was more of a long-term process. Let me try to summarize it.

  • The early days... we used to run phpBB in the first weeks of summer 2005. What can I say? It works, but administration and documentation are not good enough. By that time the amount of work required to maintain templates, and perform administrative tasks scared me away. Probably phpBB4 will solve those issues?!
  • Visionary days... followed with Invision Power Board. The 2.x branch was not bad and served us well for more than a year. Sadly the 2.3.x branch was having performance issues, and the API pretty much sucked. I ended up paying too much money to get my hands on usable documentation. Wiki integration was nice, but costly.
  • Bulletin boards... have been the shizzle in the 80s and early 90s, and so we made friends with vBulletin. What should I say? Performance of the 3.6.x to 3.8.x versions was good, administrative tasks worked quick, but the interface was worse than phpBBs'. Yes, that is possible. vBulletin 4 pretty much was the final nail in the coffin required to bury this chapter, too.

Now I tried recent phpBB, SMF, PunBB, and FluxBB versions. Primary goals are simple:

  • Enjoyable code. If I am supposed to spend hours a week inside the code to fix all the tiny bits and pieces usually not seen, then it should be fun.
  • Awesome maintenance. God, please. Being a developer myself, I really never got the point what's wrong with all those forum projects/companies?! It's as if nobody really ever uses their own food.
  • Speed. Too many features, to much marketing blurb and shizzle is what decreases speed. Read: mostly database performance, and template system performance.

In the end we are talking about ~ 1.25 million database rows currently, and we are doubling the size each year, even if we kill spam and outdated content.

FluxBB was the one tool, which achieved a reasonable amount of points in all primary goals. Others failed horribly. Example? Convert all current content from vBulletin to IPB, phpBB, SMF. Waiting time ~ 40 minutes. Do the same with FluxBB, and you're done in 10 minutes.

The same time saving happens with other tasks. Probably Flux is the one forum close to being the one forum throwing the least rocks on the road to a usable forum :)

Feel free to ask for more, if you want details. I need a bit of sleep first, my day already had 22 hours.


yawning sheep

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It's a beauty, and does seem faster.

Good news, I hope it will stay this way.

May sound shallow but the link to the index in the mangos logo was very convenient for me :)

The same applies for my daily use, and thus it will come back today.

And it may be not in order for now, but a few years (?) ago mangos forum had the feature of code hilighting. Any chance to see that back ?

Actually a few months ago this was working, but the regular vBulletin updates killed it on every single security update... I'm already working on a syntax highlighter for this board. It should come online soon, and make the posts with code= tags inside, work once again.

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We have a conversion script in place that should in 95% of the passwords magically convert the old vBulletin passwords over to the new format.

The good news is here: email sending works. I have been in contact with many free mail providers, and got our mail server off the blacklists. No more waiting for forum mail that never turns up :P

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Good: a little more convenient interface

Good: a little more faster (but still takes a second to load a page, probably not server issue)

Good: military time, yeah, thank you so much! It would be even better if you can switch between "Today 14:17:04" and "30 minutes ago".

Good: redirects are now faster, yay!

Bad: no tooltips for partial topic names (go to index, see «Congratulations for this new b...» topic under «Forum Feedback & Help»)

Bad: footer really sucks, I'm writing this post with my eyes at the bottom of my monitor. I have 1680x1050 fullscreen. (If nothing changes I'll create a custom CSS rule to add a 200px pad at the bottom.)

Bad: scrolling lags in FF 3.6.10. I'm running Intel Quad Core each 2.5 Ghz and 4 GB memory.

Thank you.

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Posting topics in the "Under review" section is no possible.

Bad: footer really sucks, I'm writing this post with my eyes at the bottom of my monitor. I have 1680x1050 fullscreen. (If nothing changes I'll create a custom CSS rule to add a 200px pad at the bottom.)

What's wrong there? Consider the sheep dumb internet guy, who doesn't get whats wrong there. *stares at his screen*

Bad: scrolling lags in FF 3.6.10. I'm running Intel Quad Core each 2.5 Ghz and 4 GB memory.

FF 3.6.10 Win/Lin/OSX: Dual Core 1.8GHz. No lagging at all. No JavaScript whatsoever except for wowhead tooltips here. Block it and see what happens :)

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