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[Bug] Players become invisible in dungeons.

Guest robindude

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MaNGOS: 0.17.0-DEV rev 11093 for Win32.

SD2 rev 1961

UDB 0.12.1 (396)

ACID 3.0.7

I am in a party with one other (have not and CAN not test if this happens with multiple party members). I have a slow computer. I run into an instance (dungeon, raid, whatever) and my party member follows right on my heels. I entered first, but I arrive second (damned slow computer *waves angry fist*). Party member is now invisible to me. Note, it's the other computer running the server, not mine, but I have easy access to it (like across the room). Anyway, this can be fixed by having the person leave the instance and enter again.

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Well i can confirm this bug, if you "overtake" someone he can't see you, but you can see him (and everyone else can see him and you).

You're definitely in the same instance, fighting same mobs etc., the bugged person just sees heals and buffs from you coming out of nowhere etc.

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I have had this happen before.. 4 or 5 people in party all enter at same time.. I can see 3 of the other members.. Some of people can see everyone. Randomly seems that someone will become "invisible". Does not happen all the time and is as the Original poster said fixed simply be leaving and re-entering dungeon.

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its easy to reproduce:

1: get a fast PC with WoW

2: get a slow PC with WoW

3: load the game on both

zone in (2) then (1) about 1 second difference

1 will see 2 but 2 wont see 1

this is dependant on instance-load speed (sadly happens a lot for me =\\)

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I am able to reproduce this 100% using a version of playerbot modification. The playerbot would play the part of the fast computer as the bot system has no loading to do for an instance.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Set a server up using git://github.com/blueboy/portal.git with commit e188dacd30

2. Use an account with two characters (one for your use and one for the bot purposes) that are high enough level for an instance (I was testing Blackrock Depths)

3. Standing just outside of the instance portal to test, add the bot by using the command .bot add (2nd charactername)

4. Invite the bot to your party, the bot will auto accept

5. Walk into the instance portal, (the bot system mimics the CMSG_AREATRIGGER packet) load screen appears then finishes

6. Confirm that you see no other characters with you

7. Select an enemy

8. Party speak 'attack' (/p attack)

9. Watch enemies move towards invisible target and start attacking, which verifies that the bot is invisible to you but there

You can have another player already in the instance before you enter with the bot, and the bot will show to the other player after you enter. I am not yet familiar with the way the code works for the m_clientGUIDs, but I think there should be a delayed packet send to anyone that is still loading. Delaying certain packets between the SMSG_NEW_WORLD and CMSG_SET_ACTIVE_MOVER packets might work. SMSG_NEW_WORLD signals the client to begin loading. I think the CMSG_SET_ACTIVE_MOVER packet is sent after the client is done loading everything and can be controlled by player. It might be a different one though. You would only want to delay certain packets though.

Another odd thing, if you highlight the bot player icon, it displays the previous location as though the client still thinks the bot character is there instead. I suppose it could also be a case where the server just needs to send the packet that updates the m_clientGUIDs just after the player is finshed loading (after the CMSG_SET_ACTIVE_MOVER packet?). Would that be stored in the compressed or update packets?

I hope this at least can give a good testing ground to help resolve this bug.

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