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MaNGOS 2013 Start with MOP ?

Guest Salja_

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Nice to see dev who wanna start MoP tree. I think its ok, not coz i wanna see pet fight or new Panda. But cata is to far away, and all need start from beginig to make cata so its same to make MoP. And since its new maybe more dev will come to make this, and wanna test raids and dungeons before enter on global.


What is point to stick with cata? - no data sniff etc. Now its new begining, dev can take all data what is needed right from global. But should stick to one patch, like 5.1. Not go crazy with all new but make fully working one.

And all what should be done its talking withe other devs, its last chance for Mangos, even UDB go support cMangos. YTDB, rsa, this is what is needed, and extra cool will be see here again Vladimir, TOM_RUS since the luda is still here.


I'm for whatever makes the developers passionate about implementing - regardless of which branch that may be. Also, when did UDB make a move towards CMangos? On their forums, the supported version is 12111+ of Mangos and CMangos. I'm just wondering if you've seen something I haven't?


I'd like to vote for Classic 1.12.1 based on personal preference (that's the version I want to develop because I like to play classic). I'm not sure if that'd be a responsible way of voting though. I guess most people vote based on personal preference though...


wow, interesting.

mangos dev worked on 4.3.4 until they decided they did not like it anymore and left it in pretty rough and hacked condition. Then Dev moves to 2.4.3 and does the same thing and decides they do not want to work on it anymore...Not sure if Classic is any better.... no development for 3.3.5a so I guess only thing left to screw up is 5.x.x so better get started on it since there is no point in actually getting anything else working lol....

wow, interesting.

mangos dev worked on 4.3.4 until they decided they did not like it anymore and left it in pretty rough and hacked condition. Then Dev moves to 2.4.3 and does the same thing and decides they do not want to work on it anymore...Not sure if Classic is any better.... no development for 3.3.5a so I guess only thing left to screw up is 5.x.x so better get started on it since there is no point in actually getting anything else working lol....

You in general promised UDB cataclysm by Christmas (to you to give references to your posts? ) and where it?

wow, interesting.

mangos dev worked on 4.3.4 until they decided they did not like it anymore and left it in pretty rough and hacked condition. Then Dev moves to 2.4.3 and does the same thing and decides they do not want to work on it anymore...Not sure if Classic is any better.... no development for 3.3.5a so I guess only thing left to screw up is 5.x.x so better get started on it since there is no point in actually getting anything else working lol....

ROFL, this is really good coming from the overlord of empty promises :D

omg never have say not more work on 2.4.3 but ppls have real life look your self you make not better you join dev team and make nothing omfg pls go and shut up

We respond to all list of the offered answers, and on 4.3.4, personally you buried it. Where commits on 4.3.4? and after that about what pandas you speak?

omg never have say not more work on 2.4.3 but ppls have real life look your self you make not better you join dev team and make nothing omfg pls go and shut up

We respond to all list of the offered answers, and on 4.3.4, personally you buried it. Where commits on 4.3.4? and after that about what pandas you speak?

Wehn we have not devs than we can not work, I myself have work last months on 2.4.3 but all subproject switch to cmangos and we now have to go it alone.

I think we need to agree on a thing and only make these the version does not matter 1.12.1 2.4.3 335 434 510 it is fun but we do want not a war and see how I really try to do something but this alone is difficult


We do 434, but from you the help isn't present.

И о каких вы нахер пандах имеете стыд говорить после этого? Кто вас будет поддерживать?


You in general promised UDB cataclysm by Christmas (to you to give references to your posts? ) and where it?

Guys before this turns into a full blown flame war... Come on, get a grip

Mangos is a hobby project and it is supposed to be fun.

Inactivity and Ego's have almost destroyed the Mangos community (just look at the mess the trinity split caused and the resulting lack of progress on both projects). If we still only had one project rather than loads, wolk and cata would be almost complete and MOP would be well on its way.

As it stands we have the following:-

Versions prior to WOLK are mostly complete have a tiny bit of development activity going on

WOLK has some developement activity - but it's split over 5-6 different groups competing against each other.

CATA has a small bit of developement activity, again split over several groups - and missed the boat in not having a working version before it was obsolete.

MOP has just had it's first major patch, this is a chance for all groups to pull together to get something out there to get peoples attention again.

I wish I had the power to get the 'warring' parties into the same room so that they could realise just how self defeating the in-fighting is.

- We are all effectively working on the same project regardless of whether if vanilla or MOP, Trinity CMangos MangosR2 etc.

Some bits are broken in all versions, getting more Devs on board could provide the answer in MOP and then gets backported to the others - this has the result that we all win.

Guys, we have to try and work together for the greater good of Mangos - otherwise Blizz will be laughing at all of us as the Mangos community self destructs without them having to do anything.


Y, i see here only anger. Why? people, idea of open source is make love not warcraft:) Most of people wanna see MoP and maybe when all dev's who talk here just shake hande and try this we can get new beginning.

i have long not more work on cata no dev etc than i have work on mangos-one only i see not the problem this is hobby project not real job

This my hobby, but your relation kills увсе development. "NULL" - commits is for you norm!

What fool after that will do you MOP after such relation?

You anybody, also call you in any way!

ВЫ никто, и зовут вас никак, а махание веером перед своем ЕГО ... это мы уже проходили не раз.

А работать кто будет? а не только разговоры разговаривать, проект мерт, комитов нет.

i have long not more work on cata no dev etc than i have work on mangos-one only i see not the problem this is hobby project not real job

This my hobby, but your relation kills увсе development. "NULL" - commits is for you norm!

What fool after that will do you MOP after such relation?

You anybody, also call you in any way!

ВЫ никто, и зовут вас никак, а махание веером перед своем ЕГО ... это мы уже проходили не раз,

sorry but i see not your problem or im not understand what is your problem


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