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New 0.21 install questions and observations




I'm just now getting back into Mangos after a long hiatus. Had a private family server going before on a Windows machine for the kids and I to play on but after a while for various reasons I let it lapse and we just played on one of the excellent private servers available. Now I'd like to build a Vanilla version for my family to play on again. This time I thought I'd make it more complicated by using a Ubuntu server. J/K. I have a PowerEdge 1800 server that I got from work but didn't have any supporting software with it so after many failed attempts to loading Server 2003 I decided to try Ubuntu server and that installed flawlessly. To make it more complicated I started my install on a laptop first with Ubuntu desktop so I could work on it across high speed network at work. (I'm an IT ) My familiarity with *nix is limited to basically one college class 10 years ago (Red Hat at the time). We are pretty much a Windows shop at work so I didn't pursue it much further. All that background just to set up what I'm dealing with.

As for the install: I followed the MangosWiki Linux install instructions posted on github. The first part went pretty well. There are some parts that could use clarifying or maybe it's clear to full time Linux users. Mostly when the instructions changed from one directory to another I wasn't certain if we were talking about a sub-directory in the current directory or a different directory at a different level but I think I got all that figured out.

The main problem I ran into was with the compiling the extracting tools. It seems now you use ccmake which I had to edit to use find_package (BZip2). I also had to copy config.h file into scripts folder. After that the cmake ran and gave me 100% Built target mangosscript.

My questions: What do I do now? The directions mention moving four binarys into my client folder. I can't find any of those files mentioned (ad,stormlib,vmap_extractor,vmap_assembler) even though the compile worked. Also, once I get this all working on the laptop, is there any easy way to move this all to the PowerEdge? I suppose I could export the SQL database and import on the PowerEdge. Could I also simply copy the Mangos folder as well or does it need to be all done again on the server?

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25 answers to this question

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/opt/mangos-server/bin$ ./realmd
MaNGOS Zero/ (* * Revision 2518 - *) for Linux_x64 (little-endian) [realm-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file /opt/mangos-server/etc/realmd.conf.
Login Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 5.5.38
MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 
MySQL client library: 5.5.38
MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 
SQL: SELECT required_20140607_Realm_Resync FROM realmd_db_version LIMIT 1
query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_20140607_Realm_Resync' in 'field list'
The table `realmd_db_version` in your [REALMD] database indicates that this database is out of date!

 [A] You have: --> `z2426_01_realmd_relations.sql`

 [b] You need: --> `20140607_Realm_Resync.sql`

You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use mangos with this database.
These updates are included in the sql/updates folder.
Please read the included [README] in sql/updates for instructions on updating.
*** Error in `./realmd': malloc(): memory corruption: 0x00007f0447be17c7 ***
Aborted (core dumped)

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Ran the update in Realmd and that is working now but Mangosd returned a similar error but it seems that I have version 20 and they expect 19. Am I right?

/opt/mangos-server/bin$ ./mangosd
MaNGOS Zero/ (* * Revision 2518 - *) for Linux_x64 (little-endian) [world-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.
 __  __      _  _  ___  ___  ___                         
|  \/  |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __|        We Love      
| |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \      Vanilla Wow    
|_|  |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/                    
For help and support please visit:    /_  /___ _ _ ___   
Website: https://getmangos.eu          / // -_) '_/ _ \ 
   Wiki: http://github.com/mangoswiki /___\___|_| \___/

Using configuration file /opt/mangos-server/etc/mangosd.conf.
OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014 (Library: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014)
Using ACE: 5.8.3
World Database total connections: 2
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/mangos
MySQL client library: 5.5.38
MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/mangos
MySQL client library: 5.5.38
MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 
SQL: SELECT required_19003_02_mangos_command FROM db_version LIMIT 1
query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_19003_02_mangos_command' in 'field list'
The table `db_version` in your [WORLD] database indicates that this database is out of date!

 [A] You have: --> `20003_03_mangos_spell_bonus_data.sql`

 [b] You need: --> `19003_02_mangos_command.sql`

You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use mangos with this database.
These updates are included in the sql/updates folder.
Please read the included [README] in sql/updates for instructions on updating.
*** Error in `./mangosd': malloc(): memory corruption: 0x00007f89d66eb7c7 ***
Aborted (core dumped)

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ahh ok... you have patched beyond the current release version (19) and onto the development version(20)

Possibly not a bad thing tbh, since there are a lot of updates in Rel20 to massively improve stability and functionality !!

Since the changes are quite substantial from Rel19 i would advise a clean clone and rebuild of 20, the db can stay as it is ;)

git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/server.git --recursive -b Rel20

The build process has been improved too.

Hope this helps

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Thanks everyone. I just renamed my server folder and dumped the /opt/mangos-server folder and started again now that I have a more clear picture of what I'm doing. I downloaded the Rev20 version and patched the sql and everything seems to be working, almost, I'm very close to getting this up and operational. The only hitch now seems to be that the maps folder in my WoW client is still empty even though the ./map-extractor runs.

~/wow$ ./map-extractor -o ~/wow/maps
mangos-zero DBC & map (version z1.3) extractor

Opening ./Data/dbc.MPQ
Opening ./Data/terrain.MPQ
Opening ./Data/patch.MPQ
Opening ./Data/patch-2.MPQ
Extracting client database files...
Extracted 158 client database files

Extracting maps...
Reading maps from Map.dbc... Success! 44 maps loaded.
Read areas from AreaTable.dbc ...Success! 1081 areas loaded.
Reading liquid types from LiquidType.dbc...Success! 5 liquid types loaded.
Converting map files
Extract Azeroth (1/44)                  
Extract Kalimdor (2/44)                  
Extract test (3/44)                  %
Extract ScottTest (4/44)                  
Extract Test (5/44)                  %
Extract PVPZone01 (6/44)                  
Extract Shadowfang (7/44)                  
Extract StormwindJail (8/44)                  
Extract StormwindPrison (9/44)                  
Extract DeadminesInstance (10/44)                  
Extract PVPZone02 (11/44)                  
Extract Collin (12/44)                  
Extract WailingCaverns (13/44)                  
Extract Monastery (14/44)                  
Extract RazorfenKraulInstance (15/44)                  
Extract Blackfathom (16/44)                  
Extract Uldaman (17/44)                  
Extract GnomeragonInstance (18/44)                  
Extract SunkenTemple (19/44)                  
Extract RazorfenDowns (20/44)                  
Extract EmeraldDream (21/44)                  
Extract MonasteryInstances (22/44)                  
Extract TanarisInstance (23/44)                  
Extract BlackRockSpire (24/44)                  
Extract BlackrockDepths (25/44)                  
Extract OnyxiaLairInstance (26/44)                  
Extract CavernsOfTime (27/44)                  
Extract SchoolofNecromancy (28/44)                  
Extract Zul'gurub (29/44)                  
Extract Stratholme (30/44)                  
Extract Mauradon (31/44)                  
Extract DeeprunTram (32/44)                  
Extract OrgrimmarInstance (33/44)                  
Extract MoltenCore (34/44)                  
Extract DireMaul (35/44)                  
Extract AlliancePVPBarracks (36/44)                  
Extract HordePVPBarracks (37/44)                  
Extract development (38/44)                  
Extract BlackwingLair (39/44)                  
Extract PVPZone03 (40/44)                  
Extract AhnQiraj (41/44)                  
Extract PVPZone04 (42/44)                  
Extract AhnQirajTemple (43/44)                  
Extract Stratholme Raid (44/44)                  
name@UbuntuLAPTOP:~/wow$ ........100%

/opt/mangos-server/bin$ ./mangosd
MaNGOS Zero/ (* * Revision 20003 - *) for Linux_x64 (little-endian) [world-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.
 __  __      _  _  ___  ___  ___                         
|  \/  |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __|        We Love      
| |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \      Vanilla Wow    
|_|  |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/                    
For help and support please visit:    /_  /___ _ _ ___   
Website: https://getmangos.eu          / // -_) '_/ _ \ 
   Wiki: http://github.com/mangoswiki /___\___|_| \___/

Using configuration file /opt/mangos-server/etc/mangosd.conf.
OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014 (Library: OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014)
Using ACE: 5.8.3
World Database total connections: 2
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/mangos
MySQL client library: 5.5.38
MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/mangos
MySQL client library: 5.5.38
MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 
Character Database total connections: 2
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/characters
MySQL client library: 5.5.38
MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/characters
MySQL client library: 5.5.38
MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 
Login Database total connections: 2
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/realmd
MySQL client library: 5.5.38
MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/realmd
MySQL client library: 5.5.38
MySQL server ver: 5.5.38-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 
Realm running as realm ID 1
Using World DB: ZeroDatabase 2.0.10 for MaNGOSZero / ScriptDev 20003+
Using creature EventAI: MaNGOSZero Artificial Creature Intelligence Database
Using DataDir /opt/mangos-server/data/
WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1
WORLD: VMap data directory is: /opt/mangos-server/data/vmaps
WORLD: mmap pathfinding enabled
Check existing of map file '/opt/mangos-server/data/maps/0004331.map': not exist!
Correct *.map files not found in path '/opt/mangos-server/data/maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in '/opt/mangos-server/data/vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.

Is there a step I'm missing? The README.TXT doesn't shed any light on this.

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Nevermind, I forgot to re-compile my libmpq after creating the new server folder. It's working now except for a few errors that seem to be SQL database related to CreatureEventAI Scripts which I'll look into to see if I missed a SQL update patch. For the most part I've got it going now though. Thanks again for all the input. Would it be helpful for me to list my steps now as I have worked them out?

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Nevermind, I forgot to re-compile my libmpq after creating the new server folder. It's working now except for a few errors that seem to be SQL database related to CreatureEventAI Scripts which I'll look into to see if I missed a SQL update patch. For the most part I've got it going now though. Thanks again for all the input. Would it be helpful for me to list my steps now as I have worked them out?

I'd say yes to that. It will no doubt help someone out there :D I know similar posts have always helped me :)

And gratz on getting it up and running! /cheer :D

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I'll work up a bullet point outline later. My notes are at home now. I will say, once you figure out all the steps its rather simple. A clear guide would go a long way for helping others. As you said Chucksta, there's a bit of info here and there on all the How To guides but not one had everything I needed and some info was only found here on this thread. Popped in the game last night and everything looks good so far. Great job. I forgot how different Vanilla was. Although I haven't forgotten all the running. Oh, how I hated the running. Is there a way to easily populate the AH with just some various items? Since it's only going to be me and the kids it would be great if the AHBot put items in there. I saw the AHBot config file and, to be honest, only gave it a cursory look. I'll google the subject and see what I can find.

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ahbot in it's default state is very easy to enable

basically open ahbot.conf and change the ahbot.enable=0 to 1

and ahbot.buyer=0 to 1

I don't have the config file in front of me, but that should be enough for you to work it out ;)

As for the guides, I wouldn't put too much effort in just yet

- There are some *BIG* changes coming in on the new branch, once we've nailed the last troublesome bugs - this will replace the Rel20 branch

This is also why we've held off updating the guides.

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The updated Rel20 release (Not yet in the Rel20 Branch) is something else. I'm excited as from a project point of view it is a massive change.

* The project files have been tidied up and sorted out

* A new cmake system for Windows and Linux power users

* BuildEverything helper scripts for beginners

* SD2 / Eluna are now modules built into the server (selectable), rather than separate dll's

* All DB related files have been moved to the db repo, so users will no longer have to work through two lots of update folders.

* DB Setup / Loading helper scripts for Windows (and soon for Linux)

As a result of these changes, The build time has reduced

- On Windows 8 for me, the build time dropped from 5.07 Mins to 2.05 Mins - which is a nice bonus

Obviously, with all these changes.... It all needs testing, which is what we've been doing atm.

Exciting times :D

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Okay, I can't hang here for long, so here's some quick guidance:

try this guide:


re compiling:

the /opt/mangos-server I changed to my home directory $HOME/mangos/mangos-server

the game files I extracted on windows 7, then copied them to the Ubuntu machine - $HOME/mangos/data

The extraction tools are under server/src/tools/Extractor_Binaries

--- These are the binaries you copy into the game client folder !!! ---

Also, use/install ccache

It results in the compilation of only the files that have been changed

12.04 - How do I set up ccache? - Ask Ubuntu

askubuntu.com rocks!

I cannot help you with the database query, I'm afraid :(

Oh, and yeah, those guides are a real mish mash/hotchpotch. I ended up taking a bit from each, and managed to get a running server, lol

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Ok, I know I said I'd use the Windows client to extract but I did a second git of the mangoszero and there was files in the Extractor_Binaries folder (actually, I think I accidently moved the files out of the original) The files are:







So I do some digging and under ~/mangos/server/src/tools is the directories vmap-assembler, vmap-extractor, Movemap-generator, map-extractor, and genrevision, (as well as Extractor_Binaries) so I figured I needed to change directory to each of these sub directories and run cmake. I start getting errors with it not being able to find libraries. It would seem cmake is meant to run at a higher directory because it's repeating directories. ie.

In file included from /home/name/mangos/server/src/tools/src/game/vmap/BIH.cpp:25:0:
/home/name/mangos/server/src/tools/src/game/vmap/BIH.h:28:25: fatal error: G3D/Vector3.h: No such file or directory
#include <G3D/Vector3.h>

and on and on it goes looking for everything in all the wrong locations. I started, at first to just move copies to where it was thinking things were because the CMakeLists.txt looked all right and I thought it was just one library but, no, it kept looking for the next library in the wrong place and I didn't want to totally screw up the folder structure. *sigh* Running CMake at the /tools level threw all kinds of errors.

FYI, I'm also getting a CMake warning that the CMakeLists.txt doesn't have a cmake_minimum_required command. I don't know if this is an intentional oversight or not.

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cmake for windows does not work in Rel19/20 branches. This is being addressed in a Dev branch Rel20_Newbuild.

The main build cmake files have an option to build the tools for you. Alternatively, on windows there is a 'helper' solution in the src/tools folder called 'BuildTools' which will build all the tools for you.

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Thanks antz but I haven't resorted to a windows install yet. This is all inside Ubuntu.

Edit:I reread your post antz and thought; Maybe he's saying run the make in the tools folder. I tried and BOOM they all were there. Thanks! Now one other problem I had was trying to run an empty server last night I got a sql version error saying it was expecting a different version of database and I needed to update. Strange, this is a new install of full database. Hmm, maybe there is a partial update in the SQL folder. I look and the version it is looking for is under the Rev19 folder?

Edit2:I also don't see the ad program to extract the dbcs. Is there something else that takes its place?

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