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Map error for mangostwo.
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hi i just extracted the map files but then i start the server it says this:
i know the dc is right and i extracted the maps by myself and i also tryed downlod one.
2015-02-03 16:18:28 20000 [world-daemon]
2015-02-03 16:18:28 <Ctrl-C> to stop.
__ __ _ _ ___ ___ ___
| \/ |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __| Wrath of the
| |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \ Lich King
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2015-02-03 16:18:28 Using configuration file mangosd.conf.
2015-02-03 16:18:28 World Database total connections: 2
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL client library: 5.5.37
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL server ver: 5.6.22-log
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL client library: 5.5.37
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL server ver: 5.6.22-log
2015-02-03 16:18:29 Character Database total connections: 2
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL client library: 5.5.37
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL server ver: 5.6.22-log
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL client library: 5.5.37
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL server ver: 5.6.22-log
2015-02-03 16:18:29 Login Database total connections: 2
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL client library: 5.5.37
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL server ver: 5.6.22-log
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL client library: 5.5.37
2015-02-03 16:18:29 MySQL server ver: 5.6.22-log
2015-02-03 16:18:29 Realm running as realm ID 3
2015-02-03 16:18:29 Using World DB: UDB 0.12.2 (407) for CMaNGOS 12735 with SD2 SQL for rev. 3041
2015-02-03 16:18:29 Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.3.5a (Wrath of the Lich King) for CMaNGOS-WOTLK (3.3.5a Client)
2015-02-03 16:18:29 Using DataDir ./maps/
2015-02-03 16:18:29 WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:1, getHeight:1, indoorCheck:1
2015-02-03 16:18:29 WORLD: VMap data directory is: ./maps/vmaps
2015-02-03 16:18:29 WORLD: mmap pathfinding enabled
2015-02-03 16:18:29 ERROR:VMap file './maps/vmaps/000.vmtree' is missing or point to wrong version vmap file, redo vmaps with latest vmap_assembler.exe program
2015-02-03 16:18:29 ERROR:Correct *.map files not found in path './maps/maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in './maps/vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.
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