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MaNGOS One Changelog

This change log references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done

in recent versions.

0.20 (2015-05-21) - Points of departure

Many Thanks to all the groups and individuals who contributed to this release.

* Some of the dependant file groups have been made into submodules

* i.e. all the dependant libraries (dep folder) and realmd

* Add a configurable delay between when a creature respawns and when is can aggro due to movement [c2469]

* Add ACTION_T_SET_STAND_STATE for EventAI [s2102]

* Add check for session being NULL so that we don't crash from console commands

* Add CMake source groups to target 'shared' [c2056]

* Add core support for spell 29201. (cs2294)

* Add missing trap id for SendGameObjectCustomAnim call [c2135]

* Add new Regen Health / Power flags and rename database fields accordingly [c2128]

* Added Character dbdocs support

* Added clang support

* Added dbdocs for character DB

* Added Email address to pinfo command output

* Added Linux helper script. Thanks The-Great-Sephiroth

* Added missing bounds check in loop.


* Added missing lines in Trainer Menu's to get deleted.

* Added missing loot for benedicts chest

* Added Realmd dbdocs support

* Added script for quest 4021 Counterattack

* Adjusted MapId, MapX and MapY variables to increase movemap extraction performance

* Allow casting a random selected spell (cs2236)

* Allow creating Non-Instance Maps without player (c2574) @kid10


* Allow target 60 to use script target whenever required (c2551)

* Applied missing OutdoorPVP Commit

* Better value to check distance between owner and pet. [c2123] This problem was introduced in [c2094]

* Big rename of creature_template fields. [c2091]

* Blink improved. (cs2260) - Implement generating path

* Clarify weather packet (c2649)

* Cleanup world state sending [c2090]

* Closed memory leaks and compiler warnings.

* Code corrections to scripts (karazhan & stratholme)

* Complete redesign of waypoint system.

* Correct some BG chat message missing target name. Thank to @CamilleMoon for pointing. [s2095]

* Cuergo's Gold quest

* Demon messages cleaned up.

* Enabled SOAP in Windows BuildEverything solutions

* Extractor helper script paths fixed.

* Fix "Unknown player" bug. (cs2293)

* Fix .goname command (cs2247)

* fix .npc factionid command after creature_template change

* Fix BIH::intersectRay crash. Thanks TC

* Fix bug that cause AreaAura reaply because the code doesn't search the correct rank of it. (c2570)

* Fix cmake macros for FreeBSD systems.

* Fix conflicting typedef error in ACE Prevent assert on platforms where we cannot change thread priority [c2107]

* Fix creature flee dont loose target. Also Feared creature will loose correctly target then target will be restored. [c2108]

* Fix Double to Float conversion warnings

* Fix for missing Text in Pet Trainer Menu.

* Fix freeze if opcode.txt file does not exist on .debug send opcode [s2082]

* Fix issue with afk playerin duel logout request from client after 30 mins.

* Fix LANG_ADDON use on Guild Channels and avoid a possible crash. [c2085]

* Fix logic bug in SelectAuraRankForLevel (c2569)

* Fix one warning and suppress a few when using cmake 3.0

* Fix PostgreSQL bindings and add support to build directly with PostgreSQL instead of MySQL. [s2112]

* Fix problem with scaling vmap model. VMap and MMap DO NOT need to be rebuilt. (c2518)

* Fix raid instance reset crash and add a server command to force reset. Also added a new server command to force reset by an admin. (z2538)

* Fix reloading horde controlled capture point [c2468]

* Fix showing skirmish or rated arena queue icon [c2084]

* Fix skinning loot bug. Thanks to @TheTrueAnimal for pointing (c2219)

* Fix some more reserved identifiers

* Fix spell 9712 (c2142)

* Fix TARGET_SELF-TARGET_SCRIPT target combination Also introduce more symmetric behaviour for TARGET_FOCUS_OR_SCRIPTED_GO (cs2248)

* Fix Tauren druid size when shapeshifted. [c2480]

* Fix use of SpellBonusWithCoeffs In case of taken damage/heal calculation the information of the caster must be used (cs2243)

* Fixed architecture name.

* Fixed Copy step location

* Fixed Incorrect data structure used

* Fixed Incorrect ID for Cleansed Whipper Root in script

* Fixed up world/local channel chat to comply with tbc

* Fixing Chest Loot Issue

* Fixing Group Loot Issue

* Fixing massive spawns in Fargodeep-Mine + Set latest SQL as required

* Get rid of bounding radius in GetNearPoint[2D] and ObjectPosSelector [c2066]

* Grouped Hunter pets gain full experience.

* Home Bind Update Removed a useless function for Home Bind

* Implement 2 chat channel responses [s2073]

* Implement Battleground scores storage system (c2204)


* Implement new stats system for Health and Mana. Core now suport health and mana from new stats system. [s2093]

* Implement spell effect 42281 (c2141)

* Implement support for Hunter Talent "Ferocious Inspiration"; adds infrastructure to support other, similar talent based effects in the future. (cs2242)


* Improve "NPCs gets stuck in melee animation while casting". [c2110]

* Improve handling of TargetMMGen [c2068]

* Improve readability of the code and avoid visual studio warning c4996, I don't think this can cause problems with gcc [c2475]

* Improve Startup efficency & Allow recursive CanSpawn checks

* Initialize power type and power type values for creatures [s2130]

* Loot Handler fix, last revision

* Map extractor messages have been cleaned up.

* Moved enum to correct position in list

* New condition added (re condition table)

* Ogre brew only in Blade's Edge

* Partially implement movement related fixes found in noted commit

* Polymorph fix

* Pool-System: Allow pooling non-lootable gameobjects (cs2280)

* Prevent creatures from pulling too many nearby monsters, for example during certain scripted events. [s2101]

* Properly use utf8cpp and Mersennetwister.

* Readd GO scale to GO BoundingRadius calculation that was removed accidently recently (cs2257)

* Refactored aura code to make it more readable

* Remove invisibility aura (aura 18) based on attribute (c2553) Passive and negative invisibility auras are not removed on entering combat

* Remove unused argument in CalculateMeleeDamage [c2100]

* Removed an unused/doubled Option in Shaman Trainer Menu.

* Removed Creature_item functions added in error from Zero

* Removed local realmd repo and added universal realmd submodule

* Removed the tr1 namespace references in the CLANG section for the UNORDERED_MAP and UNORDERED_SET defines.

* Rename fields after recent DB changes (c2597/cs2239)

* Rename m_respawnAggroDelay to make it more generic [c2470]

* Renamed table scripted_event_id to scripted_event. [m2434]

* Reorganize code to allow rage rewarded for critter type. [s2104]

* Restore chat whisper and GM chat. [s2088]

* Restructure game folder

* Script files are now merged with the main project

* Simple fix for Stealth is removed on fall damage problem Surely could be done better way... [c2121]

* Small Update to remove unresolved tickets when deleting a character to prevent them from hanging in there when they can't ever be resolved

* SOAP bindings are now optional.

* Some changes to Random chance calculation (c2567)

* Some updates to the GM ticket system, secure one of the inputs coming from the user and mark client closed tickets as solved

* Start dbscripts_on_spell for SPELL_EFFECT_TRIGGER_MISSILE with missing spell id. (cs2284)

* Sync QuestLevel variable Type

* The Unforgiven SD2 script added

* Totally Cueergo Gold's Script updated

* Totem are immune to their own spell workaround fix

* Triage quest now doable but still nerve-racking

* Tuken'kash gong (RFD) scripted

* Update to ticket handling and hopefully a fix to logging

* Updated dbdocs definitions

* Updated HandleMoveTimeSkippedOpcode to use proper definition

* Updated Scripts to revision 2795

* Updated shutdown function to work the same as Zero

* Use shiny new function to play music with the spell (c2208)


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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