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Visual Studio Express 2010 compile issue

kiwi girl


Thanks Foereaper for your help in the other thread. I have managed to get to the compiling stage. I have performed this in debug mode, as suggested, and two errors have occurred. Out of the following files that I should see:

lua_scripts folder








I only have the folder, ace.dll, and ahbot.conf.dist. I also have the three pdb files. After adding the git path to my Windows environment, this is the first stage at which I am encountering an issue. I don't know what happened with libmysql.dll as I can't find it listed in the Visual Studio output. However, the message says that 1 was skipped (see bottom of this message), so maybe it was that.

The underlying error seems to be the same for the mangosd and realmd. When I try to post the errors, I keep getting a posting error that I have 16 images in my message. I assume it's picking up on a character combination, as I have tried Notepad++ to strip anything underlying from what I am trying to post, with no success. I've attached the build output instead.

new 1.txt

new 1.txt

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7 answers to this question

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Thanks, almost done! I cannot connect to the server. I have assumed I need to run realmd.exe and mangosd.exe before I run WOW.exe so that the environment is set up.

I'm having the following issue with both executables, which seems to be caused by a missing database version:

realm-list.log content:

2015-08-30 15:32:07 21000 [realm-daemon]

2015-08-30 15:32:07 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

2015-08-30 15:32:07 Using configuration file realmd.conf.

2015-08-30 15:32:07 Login Database total connections: 2

2015-08-30 15:32:07 MySQL client library: 5.6.26

2015-08-30 15:32:07 MySQL server ver: 5.6.26-log

2015-08-30 15:32:07 MySQL client library: 5.6.26

2015-08-30 15:32:07 MySQL server ver: 5.6.26-log

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR:SQL: SELECT version, structure, content, description FROM db_version ORDER BY version DESC, structure DESC, content DESC LIMIT 1

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR:query ERROR: Table 'realmd.db_version' doesn't exist

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR:The table `db_version` in your [Realmd] database is missing or corrupt.

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR:

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR: [A] You have database Version: MaNGOS can not verify your database version or its existence!

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR:

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR: You need database Version: 21

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR: Structure: 1

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR: Content: 0

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR: Description: revision_refactor

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR:

2015-08-30 15:32:07 ERROR:Please verify your database location or your database integrity.


2015-08-30 15:17:38 SQL: SELECT version, structure, content, description FROM db_version ORDER BY version DESC, structure DESC, content DESC LIMIT 1

2015-08-30 15:17:38 query ERROR: Unknown column 'structure' in 'field list'

2015-08-30 15:17:38 The table `db_version` in your [World] database is missing or corrupt.

2015-08-30 15:17:38

2015-08-30 15:17:38 [A] You have database Version: MaNGOS can not verify your database version or its existence!

2015-08-30 15:17:38

2015-08-30 15:17:38 You need database Version: 21

2015-08-30 15:17:38 Structure: 1

2015-08-30 15:17:38 Content: 0

2015-08-30 15:17:38 Description: revision_refactor

2015-08-30 15:17:38

2015-08-30 15:17:38 Please verify your database location or your database integrity.

2015-08-30 15:28:03 SQL: SELECT version, structure, content, description FROM db_version ORDER BY version DESC, structure DESC, content DESC LIMIT 1

2015-08-30 15:28:03 query ERROR: Unknown column 'structure' in 'field list'

2015-08-30 15:28:03 The table `db_version` in your [World] database is missing or corrupt.

2015-08-30 15:28:03

2015-08-30 15:28:03 [A] You have database Version: MaNGOS can not verify your database version or its existence!

2015-08-30 15:28:03

2015-08-30 15:28:03 You need database Version: 21

2015-08-30 15:28:03 Structure: 1

2015-08-30 15:28:03 Content: 0

2015-08-30 15:28:03 Description: revision_refactor

2015-08-30 15:28:03

2015-08-30 15:28:03 Please verify your database location or your database integrity.


2015-08-30 15:28:03 21000 [world-daemon]

2015-08-30 15:28:03 <Ctrl-C> to stop.

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2015-08-30 15:28:03 Using configuration file mangosd.conf.

2015-08-30 15:28:03 World Database total connections: 2

2015-08-30 15:28:03 MySQL client library: 5.6.26

2015-08-30 15:28:03 MySQL server ver: 5.6.26-log

2015-08-30 15:28:03 MySQL client library: 5.6.26

2015-08-30 15:28:03 MySQL server ver: 5.6.26-log

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR:SQL: SELECT version, structure, content, description FROM db_version ORDER BY version DESC, structure DESC, content DESC LIMIT 1

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR:query ERROR: Unknown column 'structure' in 'field list'

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR:The table `db_version` in your [World] database is missing or corrupt.

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR:

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR: [A] You have database Version: MaNGOS can not verify your database version or its existence!

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR:

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR: You need database Version: 21

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR: Structure: 1

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR: Content: 0

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR: Description: revision_refactor

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR:

2015-08-30 15:28:03 ERROR:Please verify your database location or your database integrity.

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This means your database is out of date. You need to run the database updates located inside the database folder you cloned previously. We recently switched to a new revisioning system, so the updates you need to run are:


- 21000_18_Update_for_quest_502_and_5203

- 21000_19_Fix_Kobald_Laborers

- 21000_20_dbdocs_update

- 21000_21_script_binding_fixes

- 21000_22_db_version


- 21000_01_warden_action

- 21000_02_db_version


- 20150816_01_db_version

Apply the updates in the specific order.

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Thanks again for your help. I've applied the updates and have now moved onto the next issue, which is missing maps - no vmaps or mmaps files were constructed with ExtractResources.sh, although the other folders constructed fine. I didn't realise at the time that the mmaps and vmaps folders were empty. I have been running movemap-generator.exe in order to population the mmaps folder as neither ExtractResources.sh nor MoveMapGen.sh worked for me.

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