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I'm having troubles running mangoszero on the lastest develop21 release.

When I run realmd, I'm getting:

21000 [realm-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file ../etc/realmd.conf.
Login Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
The table `db_version` indicates that your [Realmd] database does not match the expected version!

 [A] You have database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 0
                   Description: revision_refactor

 [b] You need database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 2
                   Description: dbdocs update

You are missing content updates or you have content updates beyond the expected core version.
It is recommended to run ALL database updates up to the required core version.
These updates are included in the database/Realmd/Updates folder.
Added realm id 1, name 'MaNGOS Zero Server #1'

When I run mangosd, I'm getting:

21000 [world-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.
 __  __      _  _  ___  ___  ___
|  \/  |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __|        We Love
| |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \      Vanilla Wow
|_|  |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/
For help and support please visit:    /_  /___ _ _ ___
     Website: https://getmangos.eu     / // -_) '_/ _ \
Forum / Wiki: https://getmangos.eu    /___\___|_| \___/

Using configuration file ../etc/mangosd.conf.
OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015 (Library: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015)
Using ACE: 6.3.0
World Database total connections: 2
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/mangos
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/mangos
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
The table `db_version` indicates that your [World] database does not match the expected structure!

 [A] You have database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 11
                   Description: Fix last startup errors

 [b] You need database Version: 21
                     Structure: 3
                       Content: 1
                   Description: Fix SoR paladin

You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use MaNGOS with this database.
These updates are included in the database/World/Updates folder.

The server compiled without any troubles, but when I import the SQL I'm getting errors as well.

I'm running lastest Ubuntu x32, I tried the importing scripts, but didn't work, so I dropped the databases, connected remotely via my windows machine and executed "InstallDatabases.bat" from "mangos/database" repo.

How can I fix this?

11 answers to this question

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Hi, it looks like you have applied the character DB update to the Realm DB.

I would go into the RealmDB and open the db_version table

- find the entry 21.2.0 Honor Counting and remove the row.

Then repull the database Repo as the RealmdB was recently updated to pick up the missing SQL update. and apply the realmdb update


You have the latest Core but a older version of the database.

The last import you used was:


You need to import all the additional ones upto:



database/World/Updates/Rel21 at develop21 * mangoszero/database * GitHub

So you need to import:




















You have the latest Core but a older version of the database.

The last import you used was:


You need to import all the additional ones upto:



database/World/Updates/Rel21 at develop21 * mangoszero/database * GitHub

So you need to import:




















Hello. Thanks for the answer. I tried reinstalling the database from scratch and this is the result:

root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/database.git -b develop21 --recursive
Cloning into 'database'...
remote: Counting objects: 1627, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (23/23), done.
remote: Total 1627 (delta 9), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1604
Receiving objects: 100% (1627/1627), 21.52 MiB | 7.22 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (933/933), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Checking out files: 100% (430/430), done.
Submodule 'Realm' (https://github.com/mangos/Realm_DB) registered for path 'Realm'
Cloning into 'Realm'...
remote: Counting objects: 105, done.
remote: Total 105 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 105
Receiving objects: 100% (105/105), 50.19 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (46/46), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Submodule path 'Realm': checked out '934f2b8f2d8f659c906473243e571543755f9471'
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -p < /home/mangos/database/Realm/Setup/realmdCreateDB.sql
Enter password:
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -p realmd < /home/mangos/database/Realm/Setup/realmdLoadDB.sql
Enter password:
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -p < /home/mangos/database/Character/Setup/characterCreateDB.sql
Enter password:
ERROR 1396 (HY000) at line 3: Operation CREATE USER failed for 'mangos'@'localhost'
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# nano /home/mangos/database/Character/Setup/characterCreateDB.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -p < /home/mangos/database/Character/Setup/characterCreateDB.sql
Enter password:
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -p characters < /home/mangos/database/Character/Setup/characterLoadDB.sql
Enter password:
ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -p characters < /home/mangos/database/Character/Setup/characterLoadDB.sql
Enter password:
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -p < /home/mangos/database/World/Setup/mangosdCreateDB.sql
Enter password:
ERROR 1007 (HY000) at line 5: Can't create database 'realmd'; database exists
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# nano  /home/mangos/database/World/Setup/mangosdCreateDB.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -p < /home/mangos/database/World/Setup/mangosdCreateDB.sql
Enter password:
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -p mangos < /home/mangos/database/World/Setup/mangosdLoadDB.sql
Enter password:
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# cat /home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21/*.sql >> /home/mangos/all.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -p mangos < /home/mangos/all.sql
Enter password:
Status  Required Version        Found Version
* UPDATE SKIPPED *      required_20007_18_Deadmines_Mr_Smite_Corrections       NULL
Status  Required Version        Found Version
* UPDATE SKIPPED *      required_21000_01_Release21_initial     NULL
Status  Required Version        Found Version
* UPDATE SKIPPED *      required_21000_02_Waypoint_update       NULL
Status  Required Version        Found Version
* UPDATE SKIPPED *      required_21000_02_Waypoint_update       NULL
Status  Required Version        Found Version
* UPDATE SKIPPED *      required_21000_02_Waypoint_update       NULL
Status  Required Version        Found Version
* UPDATE SKIPPED *      required_21000_05_Script_refactoring    NULL
Status  Required Version        Found Version
* UPDATE SKIPPED *      required_21000_05_Script_refactoring    NULL
ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 6305: Unknown column 'required_21000_05_Script_refactoring' in 'db_version'

Any ideas? This is the latest DB version.

cat /home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21/*.sql >> /home/mangos/all.sql

was not a good idea as you already had a majority of the updates applied and only needed to apply the ones I listed above

was not a good idea as you already had a majority of the updates applied and only needed to apply the ones I listed above

Thanks and sorry for bothering you again, but now I'm getting this error:

root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_1                                                                                                                                                             3_dbdocs_update_item_template.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_1                                                                                                                                                             4_presence_of_mind_proc.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_1                                                                                                                                                             5_improved_sap.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_1                                                                                                                                                             6_improved_trap_radius.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_1                                                                                                                                                             7_shadow_vulnerability_proc.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_1                                                                                                                                                             8_enchanted_moonstalker_cloak.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_1                                                                                                                                                             9_SD3_updates.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_2                                                                                                                                                             0_no_xp.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_2                                                                                                                                                             1_dbdocs_update_custom_texts.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_2                                                                                                                                                             2_dbdocs_updates.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_2                                                                                                                                                             3_more_dbdocs_updates.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_2                                                                                                                                                             4_dbdocs_updates.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_2                                                                                                                                                             5_dbdocs_updates.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_1_2                                                                                                                                                             6_quest_level_fixes.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_2_1                                                                                                                                                             _disables.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_2_2                                                                                                                                                             _npc_10578_gossip_fix.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_2_3                                                                                                                                                             _npc_15213_event_ai_fix.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# cat Rel21_3_1                                                                                                                                                             _fix_sor_paladin.sql >> /home/mangos/out.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/World/Updates/Rel21# mysql -u root                                                                                                                                                              -pwowserv mangos < /home/mangos/out.sql
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information
===== Status =====      ============= Error Message =============
* UPDATE FAILED *       Unable to locate DB Version Information

Also what about the Realmd?


Ok, So I installed everything from World/Setup/FullDB and I could apply the updates you listed:

root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos# mysql -u root -pwowserv mangos < /home/mangos/out.sql
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     clearcasting_proc
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     item_template_dbdocs_update
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     Presence_of_Mind
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     Improved_Sap
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     improved_trap_radius
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     Warlock_Shadow_Vulnerability
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     enchanted_moonstalker
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     SD3_Updates
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     dbdocs update for custom_texts
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     dbdocs updates
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     dbdocs updates
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     dbdocs updates
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     dbdocs updates
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     quest_level_fixes
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     Added disables table
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     NPC 10578 gossip fix
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     NPC 15213 event_ai fix
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     Fix paladin SoR

but output is still:

root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/zero/bin# ./realmd
21000 [realm-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file ../etc/realmd.conf.
Login Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
The table `db_version` indicates that your [Realmd] database does not match the expected version!

 [A] You have database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 0
                   Description: revision_refactor

 [b] You need database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 2
                   Description: dbdocs update

You are missing content updates or you have content updates beyond the expected core version.
It is recommended to run ALL database updates up to the required core version.
These updates are included in the database/Realmd/Updates folder.
No valid realms specified.
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/zero/bin# ./mangosd
21000 [world-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.
 __  __      _  _  ___  ___  ___
|  \/  |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __|        We Love
| |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \      Vanilla Wow
|_|  |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/
For help and support please visit:    /_  /___ _ _ ___
     Website: https://getmangos.eu     / // -_) '_/ _ \
Forum / Wiki: https://getmangos.eu    /___\___|_| \___/

Using configuration file ../etc/mangosd.conf.
OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015 (Library: OpenSSL 1.0.2d 9 Jul 2015)
Using ACE: 6.3.0
World Database total connections: 2
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/mangos
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/mangos
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
Character Database total connections: 2
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/characters
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
Connected to MySQL database [email protected]:3306/characters
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
The table `db_version` indicates that your [Character] database does not match the expected structure!

 [A] You have database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 0
                   Description: revision_refactor

 [b] You need database Version: 21
                     Structure: 3
                       Content: 1
                   Description: Fix SoR paladin

You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use MaNGOS with this database.
These updates are included in the database/Character/Updates folder.


And here is the db version result:

mysql> Select * from `characters`.`db_version`;
| version | structure | content | description       | comment |
|      21 |         1 |       0 | revision_refactor |         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> Select * from `realmd`.`db_version`;
| version | structure | content | description       | comment |
|      21 |         1 |       0 | revision_refactor |         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


Tried installing Character DB updates from Rev21 and result is:

root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21# cat * > /home/mangos/character_all.sql

root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21# mysql -u root -pwowserv characters < /home/mangos/character_all.sql

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

ERROR 1146 (42S02) at line 2: Table 'characters.character_db_version' doesn't exist



Since you have already character DB of 21-1-0, you need to apply only newer updates, namely:


Import it one by one in the listed order.

Since you have already character DB of 21-1-0, you need to apply only newer updates, namely:


Import it one by one in the listed order.

Great, that fixed the Character DB.

Now only the realmd remaining:

root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Setup# mysql -u root -pwowserv characters < *Load*
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Setup# dir
characterCreateDB.sql  characterLoadDB.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Setup# cd ..
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character# dir
Setup  Updates
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character# cd Updates
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates# dir
Rel19  Rel20  Rel21
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates# cd Rel21
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21# dir
21000_00_Release_021_Initial.sql  21000_01_warden_action.sql  21000_02_db_version.sql  Rel21_2_0_honor_flush.sql  Rel21_2_1_dbdocs_update.sql  Rel21_3_1_fix_sor_paladin.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21# /home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21
-bash: /home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21: Is a directory
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21# cd /home/mangos/zero/bin
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/zero/bin# ./realmd
21000 [realm-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file ../etc/realmd.conf.
Login Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
The table `db_version` indicates that your [Realmd] database does not match the expected structure!

 [A] You have database Version: 21
                     Structure: 2
                       Content: 0
                   Description: Honor Counting

 [b] You need database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 2
                   Description: dbdocs update

You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use MaNGOS with this database.
These updates are included in the database/Realmd/Updates folder.
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/zero/bin# cd /home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21# dir
21000_00_Release_021_Initial.sql  21000_01_warden_action.sql  21000_02_db_version.sql  Rel21_2_0_honor_flush.sql  Rel21_2_1_dbdocs_update.sql  Rel21_3_1_fix_sor_paladin.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21# mysql -u root -pwowserv characters < Rel21_2_0_honor_flush.sql
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     Honor Counting
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21# mysql -u root -pwowserv characters < Rel21_2_1_dbdocs_update.sql
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     Characters dbdocs update
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21# mysql -u root -pwowserv characters < Rel21_3_1_fix_sor_paladin.sql
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     Fix SoR paladin
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Character/Updates/Rel21# cd /home/mangos/zero/bin
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/zero/bin# ./realmd
21000 [realm-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file ../etc/realmd.conf.
Login Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
The table `db_version` indicates that your [Realmd] database does not match the expected structure!

 [A] You have database Version: 21
                     Structure: 2
                       Content: 0
                   Description: Honor Counting

 [b] You need database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 2
                   Description: dbdocs update

You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use MaNGOS with this database.
These updates are included in the database/Realmd/Updates folder.
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/zero/bin# cd /home/mangos/database/Realm
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Realm# cd Updates
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Realm/Updates# dir
Rel18  Rel19  Rel20  Rel21
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Realm/Updates# cd Rel21
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Realm/Updates/Rel21# dir
20150409_Playerbot_and_Warden.sql  20150412_02_auth_realmlist.sql  20150722_01_realmcharacters_remove_constraint.sql  Rel21_1_1_dbdocs_updates.sql
20150412_01_warden_db_log.sql      20150420_03_warden_db_log.sql   20150816_01_db_version.sql                         Rel21_1_2_dbdocs_updates.sql
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Realm/Updates/Rel21# mysql -u root -pwowserv characters < Rel21_1_1_dbdocs_updates.sql
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
* UPDATE SKIPPED *      revision_refactor       Fix SoR paladin
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Realm/Updates/Rel21# mysql -u root -pwowserv characters < 20150816_01_db_version.sql
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Realm/Updates/Rel21# mysql -u root -pwowserv characters < Rel21_1_1_dbdocs_updates.sql
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     dbdocs update
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Realm/Updates/Rel21# mysql -u root -pwowserv characters < Rel21_1_2_dbdocs_updates.sql
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
* UPDATE COMPLETE *     dbdocs update
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/database/Realm/Updates/Rel21# cd /home/mangos/zero/bin
root@ubuntu-1gb-fra1-01:/home/mangos/zero/bin# ./realmd
21000 [realm-daemon]
<Ctrl-C> to stop.

Using configuration file ../etc/realmd.conf.
Login Database total connections: 2
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
MySQL client library: 5.6.28
MySQL server ver: 5.6.28-0ubuntu0.15.10.1
The table `db_version` indicates that your [Realmd] database does not match the expected structure!

 [A] You have database Version: 21
                     Structure: 2
                       Content: 0
                   Description: Honor Counting

 [b] You need database Version: 21
                     Structure: 1
                       Content: 2
                   Description: dbdocs update

You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use MaNGOS with this database.
These updates are included in the database/Realmd/Updates folder.

What do I need to install? How do you know which updates to apply only?


It means that you've applied the character DB update to the realm DB, namely this file:


Well, no one is able to trace your hand movements.. as well as getting out of such situations may be complicated. Reinstall the whole realm DB.


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