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[Mangos Rel21] Changing Realm Name + ID?




Hi All,

Recently decided to jump back into this server hosting and what not, haven't done it since I was a small boy and at that time I was only using repacks.

This time around figured I'd compile a server and learn the hardware, but I'm currently a bit stumped.

When changing the realm ID, this causes it to no longer appear in the realmlist, instead I have to keep it at what I originally made it; 7.

However this breaks again if I change the name, even if I keep the ID.

Further the other problem I run into is that if I keep the original name and change the ID, my client will log into character select/creation but the server will not show in the show realm list.

Figured I'd figure this out before I move onto the external connection issues I'm having. Hope someone can help? in the meantime I will endeavour to come up with a fix.

Also; I'm using Heidi SQL as I found SQL Workbench far too convoluted.



I am changing the details in the mangosd file as well.

2 answers to this question

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Preface: This is Mangos Zero, I hit the wrong option - my bad :(

Appears to be related to the realmzone option in mangosd. If you change this from 1 (Development) it appears to just break everything.

Maybe this has been pointed out elsewhere and my search-fu is bad, but alas I could not find this issue written anywhere.

Hope this helps someone, fixed all my issues.


By coincidence I found this same problem last night - The code in Mangos / Conf and Wiki regarding the accepted values are a load of rubbish :(

We are currently working on a fix to this once we work out what all the values should be.

For now timezone should have a value between 1 and 5


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