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Everything posted by DaemonCantor

  1. Blueboy, here is an update on my problem ... it apperes some of it maybe related to MYSQL itself, being that when I issed a command to change the engine to INNODB it reduced some of the freeze and then I tried to optomize but the tables are not set for the command so it rebuilt them instead and that droped the freeze down to a couple mins instead of an hour...I made a post on the ahbot thread with the command script I made for it if you like. Sometime today I'm going to do a full core w/mods startup and see what I get and hopefully I can get everything working again.
  2. I've found something that seems to help I issued these commands on the item_instance, auctionhousebot, auctionhouse, characters tables and I don't have the freeze as bad anymore ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE = InnoDB; OPTIMIZE TABLE table_name; it should look like this: ALTER TABLE auctionhouse ENGINE = InnoDB; OPTIMIZE TABLE auctionhouse; ALTER TABLE auctionhousebot ENGINE = InnoDB; OPTIMIZE TABLE auctionhousebot; ALTER TABLE characters ENGINE = InnoDB; OPTIMIZE TABLE characters; ALTER TABLE item_instance ENGINE = InnoDB; OPTIMIZE TABLE item_instance; You can add more tables if you like or run on your other databases like tables in your mangos/world db's also with INNODB you might wanna issue a DISABLE KEYS command but I'm still researching this as to what it really is and how it might help, maybe somebody else out there with more knowledge might advise on this it would be most appreciated.
  3. Wojta, it's working good on 9611 the workbench machine has been up 2 days now and no problems, Thank you for your hard work. (pulled from your Valhalla repo vehicle branch)
  4. Blueboy, Thank you for updating the repo, I have a runningserver on my workbench with all of my favorite core mods except ahbot because of that issue and it's running on my testbed as well right now, I don't have your 2 new patches installed but what ever you have in your repo and it's working perfictly with core 9611, Dual-Spec, Wojta's vehicles, and a patch I found here on Item Duration, Just as soon as I get brave enough to shut down the test bed I'll try a fully modded core with ahbot as well and see if I have an issue.
  5. I tried it again today and I got pretty much the same thig again but I remembered about the frozen thread thingy and I let it just sit and waited about an hour later all of a sudden it started working again, I don't know what changed or how but it updated my screen finnaly and all of the AH Auctioneers poped back in and it just started working....but the configs are right and the sql's are set for 10 items min and 50 items max but nothing in any AH. Now I'm afaid to shut it down to try and figgure out what next because the game is running again.
  6. Between 30sec to 45sec after the first Person logs in.
  7. UnkleNuke... Thank You for then info on the server's anti-freeze routine, I had no idea that there was a function for this, but as far as the Database is concerned here a week ago I had me a major crash with the server(MS's garbage) and ended up reformatting and starting over with fresh due to Microsofts error which was in SMTP service and all of the updates and changes that I had done over the last year. So as far as the DB's are concerned even MySQL is new vers. 5.1.45, Plus a new version SQLYog and Navicat. So as you can see when I stated the DB's were fresh I meen they are fresh the whole thing right down to the bottom. As for the cores every time I run into errors or problems I always set up 2 or more git repos with the mangos cores on identical revisions and start appling comits one at a time and testing each with it's different configs one at a time till I find the offending merge or patch. as for the full core this is what I have right now: 1) rev 9611 ahbot (pulled from Naicisum with correction in the config file) 2) rev 9611 Vehicle, Dual Spec Patch, Item Duration Patch, Playerbot 3) rev 9611 ahbot, Dual Spec Patch, Item Duration Patch, Vehicle, Playerbot ( this is my prefered configuation ) Workbench: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 with VS 2008 Pro( fully updated), Navicat 8.2.9, SQLYog 7.02 Testbed: Windows Server 2008 RC2 x64 (It only comes out in 64bit), MySQL 5.1.45, PHP for Windows Server, and Various Roles like SMTP, FTP, Web Server. Also as to item's in the ahbot sql, as I stated on my first post to this problem it doesn't matter if they are set to 0 (zero) or what ever to my ceiling was 30,000 it does it every time and yes even if all three are set to even 2 items in each. I hope that is enough to go on because I even tried 3 times today to get a stupid crash report and nothing....not even in the server logs.
  8. This is a new database Pulled direct from UDB thier .12 realease as well as a fresh compile of YTDB and in both instances same thing again, but as you proposed UnkleNuke...it could very well be VS2008 pro because for several months now I keep getting warnings from the ace compiles as VS compiles the core but I've yet to see someone say something about that.
  9. Yes it's from ahbot I have most of the same patches and I'm getting freeze up at ahbot try turning the buyer and seller off and you should be fine....I think we've narrowed the ahbot down to Windows and between 9606 and 9611 comits but I haven't heard anymore yet, I've also tried skinlayers repo and get the same thing.
  10. Sorry skinlayers, it's still doing it, I guess it must be a windows thing now and no ahbot for us anymore
  11. Blueboy I just pulled your updated repo finnaly(I've been lazy) and with the patch from skinlayers I'm compiling right now and going to test. Thank You for all of the hard work and the explanation once again....
  12. skinlayers I just pulled ahbot from your repo and it merged perfictly!, now I'm going to be compiling and testing, Thank You in advance.
  13. Well your running Linux and that might be another addition to the problem at hand because it's affecting Windows users and considering I'm getting the problem on Windows Server 2008 RC2 x64 might narrow it down a little plus as I stated above I didn't have it prior to 9606 and 9606 was the last comit that ahbot worked on for me and yes I have the core compiled in both x64 and x32 with the same results.
  14. Thank you Wojta, it pulled correctly and next I'm going to compile and test but it looks great sofar and Tank You again.
  15. I'm not good with C++ yet eather, I'm still learning from C, but I figure it has to be a comit between 9607 to 9611 because thats where it broke for me, and who knows this might help to pin it down even more. I hope so.
  16. Blueboy how about useing the guild repiar icon for reapir bots stuff too?
  17. UnkleNuke, Thank you, and yes I'll wait but as for a crash dump, I'm sorry it won't generate one for me thats is how bad the freeze is I have to reset the Machine and the crash dump from Server 2008 is about as useless as it gets considering it's only a partial and all it list is a bad pageframe at regiser x, from mangossd.exe...A lot of help! thank you Microsoft and thier debug Team....Now if I could figgure out how the heck to use Linux command line I might change over to Suse Linux but I'm too dam lazy to go to all that work....
  18. It merged and compiled correctly, thats not the problem, the problem is when I start ahbot with as little as no items all the way up to 50,000 it stalls the server untill I shut off ahbot, it doesn't matter if I use 1 house or all three nor doesn't matter if I have items, it just crashes when on and runs fine when off?????I have just merged the lates commit and I'll try again in the morning.
  19. Wojta's repo is updated! I just pulled from there with no merge errors and compiling now with no errors sofar.
  20. I guess the fact that I've been using Naicisum repo for almost a year and when I turn on ahbot the server slows down to the point that it crashes with in 30 sec. and when I turn off ahbot it runs perfictly plus the fact I'm the one that told everyone how to configure the sql's to get it to work doesn't matter.....hmmmmI guess it could be DUAL_SPEC????....not!
  21. I used Naicisum's repo and no patches for ahbot but now I do finnaly have a problem with the latest core rev, ahbot is crashing the server...the Developers have finnaly figgured out how to break it.
  22. Thank you Blueboy, for the explanation that I can understand ( a first for me), now that I understand what you are doing in that case I will review what I see and try to understand more plus this helps to understand what I'm reading in a book called understanding C++ for C programmers.
  23. Thank you blueboy, I'm still trying to comprehind C++ vers. good old ancheint C, or Assymbler, but I'm trying...as to overloaded functions, I've yet to get an explanation on that since we don't have that in C or Assymblyand in the languges I know an overloaded function causes a crash....
  24. Blueboy, I just noticed something in the PlayerbotAI.cpp that might be mrelfire's problem, bool PlayerbotAI::HasAura(uint32 spellId, const Unit& player) const { for (Unit::AuraMap::const_iterator iter = player.GetAuras().begin(); iter != player.GetAuras().end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second->GetId() == spellId) return true; } return false; } bool PlayerbotAI::HasAura(const char* spellName) const { return HasAura(spellName, *m_bot); } bool PlayerbotAI::HasAura(const char* spellName, const Unit& player) const { uint32 spellId = getSpellId(spellName); return (spellId) ? HasAura(spellId, player) : false; <=== on my Win7 x64 in VS Pro I get a signed/unsigned variable error/warning here and it looks like it's tring to force a HasAura at false. I could be wrong but maybe take a look at the flow and see.
  25. traponinet, I kinda see Wojta's point but the patches your suppling wouldn't need a personal repository because like you stated your helping Wojta keep people happy by giving out his Repo updated...and to me this is a good thing otherwise with all Wojta has to do in reallife we wouldn't get an update to his repo very often and the brance would fail.
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