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Everything posted by DaemonCantor

  1. In the past you had to change the ahbot sql to show min items and max items, but here recently when I get it set up or from a previous setup that did work I can't log in it get stuck at connecting until I disable the ahbot in the mangos.config....I haven't a clue as to whats causing it. Edit: with the latest pull from Naicisum's repo this morning and the rev 9020 core it is now working I just verified all three Main AH's are up and running with no problems. I'm Running rev 9020 UDB Acid Kaxias's Dual Spec The latest pull fron Tasssadar's Vehicle Branch and ahbot from Naicisum Side note I still haven't got vehicles working yet but everything else is up with no problems
  2. is there any newer sql's to make all of this work, because I just tried the branch and I got nothing not even a green arrow for any vehicle.
  3. The problem started at rev 9004 and was fixed at rev 9006 and thats where I recompiled.
  4. the character creating problem, sorry if I wasn't clear.
  5. That give me the explanation why on a recent build I couldn't create a character thank you, and as to my thought was the information that was avalible here in the last couple of post is all I had to go on with plus the fact I'm not versed in C++ but do know Assymber well is the only reason I could follow what was posted. I hope that gives you an idea of where I got it. now with your explanation combined with what I can see in source I think the math they us to figgure out the client could be off and thats why the error. but it was fixed with in a couple rev's. Thank You Vladmir for the fix on that.
  6. I could be totally off base but it looks like when the function changes abruptly from eather a user command or system command it puts out this error due to the data not getting processed in time and there is some data that is and or will be lost because of it. :eek:
  7. Thank you Mordaunt for your help sorry I didn't say thank you earlier I had my mind on something else when I posted.
  8. I just pulled again today and yes it's there, Now new problem as you all know from the help I've posted in the past with the SQL's I do know how this thing works, BUT now with the latest cores when I enable ahbot I can't log in on any account, and when I disable in main config I can once again. Naicisum can you go over the login problem and please tell me what the heck I'm doing wrong now or if it's a core change that has me messed up. Thank you in advance.
  9. Unfortunately your wrong...sorry to break this to you but I did include all of that and as to the regen patch when I tried to apply I got hunk 1 line truncated : Failed, Hunk 2 patch doesn't apply: Failed so no regen patch and still get error, and yes my original pull was from Tasssadar's repo. :eek: and Anti thank you again, Iknow your doing great work here I just wish this part was finnished and in the core so you could get things like multi clients logging in so that when I get a freind with only BC logging in they don't have to go out and buy Wrath just to play on me server.
  10. Anti, over the last 2 days I keep getting this error on compile and don't know how to fix maybe you do, Creating library .\\mangosd__Win32_Release\\mangosd.lib and object .\\mangosd__Win32_Release\\mangosd.exp game.lib(SpellEffects.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall GameObject::DealSiegeDamage(unsigned int)" (?DealSiegeDamage@GameObject@@QAEXI@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall Spell::EffectDamageBuilding(unsigned int)" (?EffectDamageBuilding@Spell@@QAEXI@Z) ..\\..\\bin\\Win32_Release\\mangosd.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals Build log was saved at "file://c:\\MangosSRC\\win\\VC90\\mangosd__Win32_Release\\BuildLog.htm" mangosd - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) ------ Build started: Project: script, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ Compiling... sc_default.cpp system.cpp ScriptMgr.cpp Generating Code... Linking... Creating library .\\script__Win32_Release/mangosscript.lib and object .\\script__Win32_Release/mangosscript.exp Embedding manifest... Build log was saved at "file://c:\\MangosSRC\\win\\VC90\\script__Win32_Release\\BuildLog.htm" script - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s) ========== Build: 12 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== Thank you for the news in advance
  11. Thank you darkstalker for me with 5 people it works pretty good.
  12. Yes...and the graveyard is up a cliff from the main battle ground so dirt would keep you from having line of sight :eek: also if you can't see them to click on them then you don't have line of sight.....
  13. Uh...sorry for this but your own link to wowwiki states it there maybe I read it wrong but I don't think so LOS or Line of sight is a direct line to your enemy with out obsrtuctions IE: if the ground is in the way you don't have line of sight....so terrain is part of line of sight just as much as that bolder your hiding behind or the tree your girlfriend is targeting you from....:eek:
  14. I have had no problem with ahbot like what has been reported. maybe your ahbot_table isn't configured? there are 3 different rows that control the ahbot for listings in AH, the default has no listings I've changed these to show 50,000 items in each at first and then modified from there for system performance. it doesn't really matter what percentages you have till you get it up and go thru and tune it then. as for the main config file I have account 2 and character 1 as ahbot and you do have to log onto the toon for the first time to instantiate it for the first time in the Database. :eek:
  15. Sorry for taking so long to post my views ,but what I've found and if you do the same you'll see the error, I don't know where to start at to fix and don't have enough programming skills to do it. First off failed hunk in Object.h, second problem is 48 depreciated code warnings in VS 2008pro with only the vehicle patch in place. My expriance has been if a warning pops up it means that it is broken but how to fix? I haven't a clue and it won't matter what sql's you have in place if the data isn't flowing because of a bad line it won't work. :rolleyes: Thats is what I've found and why I think vehicles are not working....So whats to be done to get it to compile correctly? that's the question next. :eek:
  16. If this makes my Warrior Nerf kill correctly I'll be a verry happy Propellerhead!
  17. I'm guessing you folks are still on the RC version of 7?...I'm using 7 full retail x64 with none of these problems anymore, I would suggest to update the windows to a RTM or full retail or bumping up to x64 a lot less problems and yest I have msysGit-fullinstall-1.6.4-preview20090729.exe installed and typing this in Firefox version 3.5.5 right now.
  18. 8877 is working good for me no crash yet but also no new vehicle support eather, I wish NetSky would release those new sql's atleast :cool: as of 8896 something has happened again to the branch, I did my normal pull and updated mangos then compiled got a mess of warnings, so I made a new Repo and added the vehicle_mangos_8877.patch to it only and got pa couple patch errors, fixed them and then got the same 24 warnings in the compiler. Can somebody please verify if I made a mistake or not. Thank You
  19. Thank you I can understand that....ok so we're using an sql DB to augment whats missing that make sence, and also answers the question of why Blizzard seems to use so many scripts when I look at info on wowhead and other sites simular.
  20. The last time I talked with one of the real live people who work in Blizz Development, they let slip that everything needed to run the game except a server core was in the Client's copies and all they ran was a DB parser with a few scripts. I can believe this due to the fact that I had to extract the database they were talking about just to fire up the server in the first place. Now you can understand my confusion and don't get me wrong I do think what has been made is far more than I ever could imagine or do on my own...
  21. Thank you I'm giving it a try Update It patched in perfict, and compiled with out complaint....now to go and play with my new toys!
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