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Everything posted by DaemonCantor

  1. Thank You traponinet it worked like a charm! and compiled too!
  2. I don't understand why people state this last patch works when Skyner is correct and it clearly doesn't, I my self have tried several different ways to patch and always git "**** malformed patch at line 324: {" now as I can see the patch upload was eather bad or the patch is bad from the start considering I've even tried redowmloading it 4 different times as well as commands of patch -p1 < ... , git apply .... with the same results on various commits since as well as with and with out Playerbot, ahbot, dual spec, and totally clean. plus I've even tried to manually clean the patch my self with no success.
  3. Yes, the first error is the one I don't know how to fix but the second error is easy to fix.
  4. Apply v01_vehicle_data.sql, v02_vehicle_seat_data.sql, v03_creature_addon_tables.sql, v10_vehicle_test_data.sql, in this order with Navicat, or what ever you use and the error will go away because 2 tables need to have 2 colums added to them with a fist full of data to boot.
  5. this little patch worked for me I don't have any errors in compile.
  6. traponinet, 9337 patch worked perfectly with no complains from compiler even! Great job! and thank you!....and now you have my Quota of !!!!! for the day....
  7. Use git bash and type 'git pull git://github.com/Naicisum/mangos.git ahbot' and it should merge without incident or complaints....I just finnished rev 9338 and it's alive!...no problems! Naicisum is a Genius!
  8. Ok blueboy I found the starting errors for you from the windows side. PlayerbotAI.cpp ..\\..\\src\\game\\PlayerbotAI.cpp(546) : error C2065: 'MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING' : undeclared identifier ..\\..\\src\\game\\PlayerbotAI.cpp(558) : error C2065: 'MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING' : undeclared identifier Build log was saved at "file://c:\\MangosSRC\\win\\VC90\\game__Win32_Release\\BuildLog.htm" game - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) ------ Build started: Project: realmd, Configuration: Release Win32 ------ this was with 9283, ahbot, that new vehicle patch mentioned earlier, and edu's dualspec repo thats finnaly working. I hope this helps....
  9. Yes your right, it could be a missing config, but I get lost in the config.ac file as well in the larger make file, I remember just a little while ago I was slamming my head agains the wall trying to get SD2 to patch in and work then I realized that in the src/bindings/makefile I needed to put SUBDIRS = ScriptDev2 and then everything worked...and I was happy till....3.2 came around....!
  10. Yes it came with sql's and it works with no errors...GREAT! JOB! traponinet!
  11. Blueboy I don't know if my Spec's helps but I'm running win 7 Ultimate x64 with VS 2008 Pro and as of yesterday morning when I shutdown for a couple hours of sleep finally I had over 130 errors ( not link errors) in just about every src file in the directory....I'm not sure if it was just playerbot at that time because I have Valhalla's vehicle repo in it as well. then this morning I started with a clean slate and tried to compile just Mangos and playerbot and got what you see above. and as of now with a clean slate I have ahbot, vehicles (thanks to a great patch put up this morning) with no compiler errors and now at rev 9283.
  12. Klunk I have the same out put in mine as well, I think it comes from a lot of the new core stuff they put in since 9270, I've got a 9270 up and running with no problems at all which consists of ahbot, dual spec, vehicle, and playerbot, but I can't get a single build after with playerbot. and I haven't tried dual spec in a couple day's since that stupid pastbin got put up that won't patch in for nothing and nobody seens to care there anymore.
  13. with in a couple commits the fix was applied in the core and I had to revers the patch to get it to merge and complile. and my first computer was an IBM system 36, my second computer was a Digital Vax 11/70, my 3rd and last good computer was a Commodore 64! Dammit! Jim, I'm a PROGRAMMEr! not a Scripter!
  14. KiriX, I'm at 9272 with Playerbot, vehicles, your Dual Spec, and Ahbot running with YTDB (IcecrownCitidel +3.3.0 support) with no problems, I even have Ulduar Vehicles running as well, the YTDB is base line with the 31 update in place only. Later when I've done my next MaNGOS pull and update I'll let you know if I have a problem. Ok I just finished trying to get 9280 working and all I have is a perfect merge and compiler errors all over the place over 130 errors from just about every file in the dang source folder....I've been up all night trying to fix and giving up for now.
  15. The only servers I know of that doesn't have a level 100 cap seems to be Ascent servers but whenever I talk to one of the people who run them they say there buggy as all hell and thier always crashing and having problems other than a broken Barber Chair or a bad Stat window.
  16. Blueboy, I don't know if this is your's or if it's one of the new updates but heres a trouble spot I found and thought you should know, it comes from: Mangos rev: 9261 with (all pulls as of today 20 mins ago) Playerbot, Ahbot, Dual Spec patch for 9260,Valhalla's Vehicle repo, and this is the error location and what I did to get out of it. - case ITEM_MOD_FERAL_ATTACK_POWER: - ApplyFeralAPBonus(int32(val), apply); - break; + // case ITEM_MOD_FERAL_ATTACK_POWER: + // ApplyFeralAPBonus(int32(val), apply); + // break; The errors in the compliler was 1) Undeclaered Identifier, and 2) inconsistent case. If you can plaese eather let me know if your errorr and how to fix or who's error it is so I can tell them and leran how to fix, Thank you for all the work. Edit: I found it and it's one of tomrus88's commits and heres the pastbin link for the patch which is just like what I did but better formatted. http://pastebin.com/m1dbcf999
  17. I got it to work only on a clean repo, and with ... git apply (your patch name.patch)
  18. Blueboy, I do wanna thank you for the hard work , I've just gotten done testing the monster I told you about and it's working as expected, I just whish I knew the command list better but in time that will happen. Next we need better DB's more Scripting and I wann'em now...but I guess I'll just have to wait for them....oh well... PS... Just for kick and giggles... I got the monster to run on a little Celeron 2.0 gighz, with 512megs of ram, 10 gig HD, and a WHOPPING 16megs of integrated Intel video chip...(an old HP Pavillion system) and it's handleing a HUGE Population of 50 people!
  19. The only problem I can see really for all of the modifications is only 2 of them (Playerbot and ahbot) should be in the core already since client 3.0.3, especially Dual Spec but seeing that there not I've gotta do it this way, also the less I've got in my core of stuff I don't use the better as I see it. Thats one of the reasons I don't use repacks as well.
  20. last night I got Valhalla to compile and play nicely with, ahbot, Dual_Spec, and Playerbot, and was amazed that it all worked and compliled finnaly, then this morning I did a pull from MaNGOS and got 9218 to 9225 with only a small cleanup in SpellMNGR.cpp( yes delete <<<< Head, =======, and comit #) and it compiled almost perfictly( still get 48 warnings about depreciated commands). So wojta whats next? and how do I get the mounts fully working with UDB and not just YTDB?....I only have 2 or 3 mounts that work in UDB but just about all of the mounts you have in sql work just fine on YTDB.....
  21. Well Blueboy, I'm still not quite sure that it was totally a problem just in Valhalla because prior to MaNGOS 9200 area I was have a lot of trouble getting Valhalla to even merge to a clean repo then around 9214 it started to clear up, and as of last night everything started to go smother and smother to the point that this morning I did a usual pull on mangos and got 9218 all the way to 9225 with only a minor cleanup in SpellMNGR.cpp then it all compliled normal with the usual warnings about this or that command has been depreciated use bla bla instead...which I think is linked to the ability to compile on other platforms than just my Windows 7...lol.... I'm now checking things out but the other problem I'm having is with the DB's, under UDB only 2 to 3 of the mounts work at all but under YTDB almost all of the mounts work. This is an area that i'm not too sure of since I'm still learning a great deal about the DB's and how they are put together.
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