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Auntie Mangos

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Everything posted by Auntie Mangos

  1. Greetings, as of today your forum accounts are your wiki accounts, too. We have combined FluxBB and MediaWiki accounts, and thus you may now log in to both using the same username/password. Less accounts to memorize, and perhaps an opportunity to jump onto the train of Wiki editors?! Give it a try, feedback is welcome (as usual). With kind regards, MasterControlProgram
  2. I will deploy another update within the next few hours to fix known issues, and add some more eye candy. Edit says: Also in this update is the ability to use your forum account to log on the our MediaWiki installation.
  3. Tiny update: I have prepared the updates but will not be able to push the fixes before tomorrow. I'm on a new development job in Cologne, and the first weeks go crazy on my spare time. Things that are to be put back: Report posts usable only once. Thread titles on index for last thread updated. ... plus lots of tiny bug fixes. The sites code and a bug tracker for the code is up on BitBucket in a private repository. If someone is interested in making changes to the site or reporting issues, poke me.
  4. Well, have a try, and if you get stuck again, this is the place to ask questions.
  5. Progress bar was recently renamed to BarGoLink, and this has not been backport to the 400 branch, as you can see in ProgressBar.cpp yourself. MaNGOS Zero and One already have this change merged, so you could simply look there, and do the changes yourself, and submit the port on github. 400 is development only, and not really play anyway
  6. For process monitoring try $ top For monitoring your network usage try out $ vnstat . top is part of the package procps, and vnstat is part of the package vnstat.
  7. That is actually a thing of the past. We have had a full vBulletin license for a long time, almost three years incl. upgrades. FluxBB came, and gone are the forum bills. Now we're down to plain hosting bills.
  8. I would say your best bet is to try it, and increase the compression level and monitor how your machine reacts.
  9. it seems like we did follow the great example of Arch Linux O:)
  10. Will be fixed in the next update this evening. There is a new module that does delete spammers daily BTW. You do not have to ban/delete those any longer.
  11. Can you link a bigger screenshot? I'm probably too old to see the highlighted area properly 8)
  12. That giant list is going to leave soon. FluxBB does not want to take groups as moderators, but only users.
  13. It seems like we are back into business. Upgrades done, tons of fixes added. Phew!
  14. More details, which MaNGOS revision, which SD2 revision
  15. Why not upload the code to github, and create a public repository? I am sure there will be others interested and willing to contribute
  16. The version number in the scriptdev folder just depicts the version from which on the patch file works. Your actual mangos version is to be found in mangos/src/shared/revision_nr.h.
  17. All old revisions can be pulled from github using a git client.
  18. Use case 2) is where gettext may help, to make things more user friendly. But that is really only worth if gettext now has better platform support. Windows always had a hell of a dependency chain involved here. If that has improved, gettext may be worth pursuing. Use case 1) is where gettext and most other localization systems fail anyway, thus it's ruled out for sure.
  19. It depends. It might not be a bad idea to streamline to localization used for console output, or e.g. error messages. It's at least worth a try. It may be helpful for people if they can read output in their native language. As mentioned above, currently there are multiple methods used in MaNGOS used to localize both the system, and the content. If that can be improved by using a localization system like gettext, I'd say take a shot.
  20. lol... made my day Would be a nice addition, provided the Windows support for gettext is better these days.
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